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Section 360.011 — Declaration Of Purpose. - It is hereby declared that the purpose of sections 360.011...
Section 360.012 — Sovereignty; Liability; Effect Of Other Law. - Subdivision 1. State. Sovereignty in the space above the lands...
Section 360.013 — Definitions. - Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purposes of laws of this...
Section 360.015 — Commissioner; Powers And Duties. - Subdivision 1. General supervision. The commissioner shall have general supervision...
Section 360.0151 — Air Service Marketing Program. - Subdivision 1. Program established. The commissioner of transportation shall establish...
Section 360.016 — Federal Aid. - Subdivision 1. Cooperation with federal government. The commissioner is authorized...
Section 360.0161 — Application For Federal Aid; Commissioner As Agent. - Subdivision 1. "Municipality" defined. As used in this section, the...
Section 360.017 — State Airports Fund. - Subdivision 1. Creation; authorized disbursements. (a) There is hereby created...
Section 360.018 — Regulating Aircraft, Airmen, Airports, Instructors. - Subdivision 1. Aircraft registration; operating license; fees and rules. The...
Section 360.019 — Order Of Commissioner; Review. - Subdivision 1. Certificate, license, or permit refusal or modification order....
Section 360.021 — State Airport. - Subdivision 1. Authority to establish. The commissioner is authorized and...
Section 360.0215 — Service Of Process; Long-arm Statute; Fee. - The use and operation of an aircraft by a nonresident...
Section 360.0216 — Aircraft Operator Deemed Owner's Agent. - When an aircraft is operated within the airspace above this...
Section 360.022 — Misdemeanor. - Any person violating any of the provisions of section 360.018,...
Section 360.023 — Transfer Of Air Navigation Facility. - The commissioner of transportation of the state of Minnesota, with...
Section 360.024 — Air Transportation Service Charge. - Subdivision 1. Charges. (a) The commissioner must charge users of...
Section 360.031 — Definition Of Municipality. - For the purposes of sections 360.031 to 360.045, (except section...
Section 360.032 — Municipality May Acquire Airport. - Subdivision 1. Acquisition. Every municipality is hereby authorized, through its...
Section 360.033 — Sovereign Rights. - Subdivision 1. Public necessity. The acquisition of any lands for...
Section 360.034 — Prior Acquisition Of Property Validated. - Any acquisition of property within or without the limits of...
Section 360.035 — Exemption From Taxation. - Any properties, real or personal, acquired, owned, leased, controlled, used,...
Section 360.036 — Financing Airport And Improvements. - Subdivision 1. Proportion; "cost" includes awards and rentals. The cost...
Section 360.037 — General Power To Tax; Revenue Priorities. - Subdivision 1. Local authority to appropriate money. The governing bodies...
Section 360.038 — Specific Powers Of Municipality. - Subdivision 1. Acquisition of property. In addition to the general...
Section 360.039 — Federal Aid. - Subdivision 1. Acceptance by municipality. Every municipality is authorized, subject...
Section 360.041 — Airport On Water And Reclaimed Land. - Subdivision 1. Acquisition. The powers herein granted to a municipality...
Section 360.042 — Joint Operation; Joint Powers Board. - Subdivision 1. Municipalities may act jointly. All powers, rights, and...
Section 360.0425 — General Powers Of Authority. - An airport authority created under section 360.0426 has all the...
Section 360.0426 — Creation Of An Airport Authority; Dissolution. - Subdivision 1. Members; definition. A city together with another city,...
Section 360.0427 — Tax Levy May Be Certified By Airport Authority. - Imposition of a property tax levy under sections 275.065 to...
Section 360.043 — Assistance To Other Municipality. - Whenever the governing body of any municipality determines that the...
Section 360.044 — County Authority. - Subdivision 1. Public purpose. The purposes of sections 360.011 to...
Section 360.045 — Jurisdiction Exclusive. - Every airport and other air navigation facility controlled and operated...
Section 360.046 — Requirements For Closure Of Municipal Airport. - Subdivision 1. Definition of municipal airport. For the purposes of...
Section 360.061 — Definitions. - Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purposes of sections 360.061 to...
Section 360.062 — Airport Hazard Prevention; Protecting Existing Land Uses. - (a) It is hereby found that an airport hazard endangers...
Section 360.063 — Airport Zoning; Authority, Procedure. - Subdivision 1. Enforcement under police power. (a) In order to...
Section 360.064 — Airport Zoning; Comprehensive Ordinance, Conflict. - Subdivision 1. Comprehensive regulations. In the event that a municipality...
Section 360.065 — Airport Zoning; Adoption And Approval Of Proposed Regulations. - Subdivision 1. Notice of proposed zoning regulations, hearing. (a) No...
Section 360.0655 — Airport Zoning Regulations Based On Commissioner's Standards; Submission Process. - Subdivision 1. Submission to commissioner; review. (a) Except as provided...
Section 360.0656 — Custom Airport Zoning Standards. - Subdivision 1. Custom airport zoning standards; factors. (a) Notwithstanding section...
Section 360.066 — Airport Zoning; Minimum Standards, Land Uses. - Subdivision 1. Reasonableness. Zoning standards defining airport hazard areas and...
Section 360.067 — Airport Zoning Permit, Variance; Administrative Agent. - Subdivision 1. Permits. (a) Airport zoning regulations adopted under sections...
Section 360.068 — Appeal Of Airport Zoning Decision. - Subdivision 1. When granted. Any person aggrieved, or taxpayer affected,...
Section 360.069 — Airport Zoning Administration. - All airport zoning regulations adopted under sections 360.011 to 360.076...
Section 360.071 — Board Of Adjustment. - Subdivision 1. Powers. All airport zoning regulations adopted under sections...
Section 360.072 — Judicial Review. - Subdivision 1. Appeal. Any person aggrieved, or taxpayer affected, by...
Section 360.073 — Violations, Penalties, And Remedies. - Every person who shall construct, establish, substantially change, or substantially...
Section 360.074 — Acquisition Of Air Rights. - In any case in which (1) it is desired to...
Section 360.075 — Violations, Penalties. - Subdivision 1. Misdemeanor. Every person who: (1) operates an aircraft...
Section 360.0752 — Aircraft Operator Under Influence Of Alcohol, Controlled Substance, Or Intoxicating Substance. - Subdivision 1. Definitions. As used in this section and section...
Section 360.0753 — Testing Procedures. - Subdivision 1. Peace officer defined. For purposes of this section,...
Section 360.076 — Citation, Aeronautics Code. - Sections 360.011 to 360.076 may be cited as the "Aeronautics...
Section 360.201 — Acquisition By Municipality In Adjoining State. - The governing body of any county, city, town, or other...
Section 360.202 — Rights Same As Minnesota Municipality. - Such municipality or other political subdivision of an adjoining state...
Section 360.203 — Reciprocal Provisions. - Sections 360.201 to 360.203 shall not apply unless the laws...
Section 360.305 — Expenditures For Airports And Navigation. - Subdivision 1. Limitations. The money appropriated to the commissioner of...
Section 360.511 — Definitions. - Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purposes of sections 360.521 to...
Section 360.521 — Aircraft Tax Limitation And Election. - (a) None of the provisions of sections 360.531 to 360.67...
Section 360.531 — Taxation. - Subdivision 1. In lieu tax. All aircraft using the air...
Section 360.532 — Nonresident Commercial Operation Subject To Tax. - Any aircraft of which a nonresident has the right to...
Section 360.54 — Presumption That Aircraft Subject To Tax. - Every aircraft shall be presumed to be one using the...
Section 360.55 — Exemptions. - Subdivision 1. Nonresident, noncommercial operator. Subject to the exceptions set...
Section 360.57 — Filing Sworn Statement By Manufacturer. - Every manufacturer of an aircraft sold or offered for sale...
Section 360.58 — Operation Without Registration Or Payment. - Except as exempted by sections 360.54 and 360.55, a person...
Section 360.59 — Aircraft Registration And Listing For Taxation. - Subdivision 1. Date of listing and application; form. Every owner...
Section 360.595 — Taxes Paid Before Registration And Licensing; Rules. - Subdivision 1. Sales and use tax. No aircraft shall be...
Section 360.60 — Registration Required; Exemption; Misdemeanor. - Subdivision 1. Registration required; exemption; perjury. Every aircraft not exempted...
Section 360.61 — Due Date Of Tax; Penalties And Fees. - Subdivision 1. First registration. The tax required under sections 360.54...
Section 360.62 — Tax Refund. - (a) Except as provided herein the tax upon any aircraft...
Section 360.63 — Dealer's License. - Subdivision 1. Qualifications. Any person engaged in the business of...
Section 360.64 — Aircraft Tax Lien; Remedies, Prosecution. - All taxes imposed under the provisions of this act shall...
Section 360.651 — Manufacturer, Listing Of Aircraft. - Subdivision 1. [Expired] Subd. 2. Information required. (a) On the...
Section 360.653 — Aircraft Registration And Tax Exemptions. - The following aircraft, under the conditions specified, shall be exempt...
Section 360.654 — Aircraft Dealer's Commercial Use Permit. - Upon written application by a dealer licensed in accordance with...
Section 360.66 — State Airports Fund. - Subdivision 1. Tax credited to fund. The proceeds of the...
Section 360.67 — Violations And Penalties. - Subdivision 1. Tax evasion. Any person who, with intent to...
Section 360.675 — Aviation Tax Report. - On or before June 30, 2016, and every four years...
Section 360.68 — Airport Jointly Owned; Revenue Certificates. - Any city of the second, third, or fourth class, statutory...
Section 360.69 — Insurance. - Any hangar, shop, or other building constructed or purchased with...
Section 360.70 — Rentals And Earnings. - All rentals received for the use of such hangar, shop,...
Section 360.71 — Revenue Certificate Terms. - Such revenue certificates shall bear such date, mature at such...
Section 360.72 — Refund Certificate. - After such revenue certificates are issued, the governing body shall...
Section 360.73 — Authority Supersedes Contrary Law. - No provision of any existing law or special or home...
Section 360.81 — Purpose: Safe Flight. - The safety, welfare, and protection of persons and property in...
Section 360.82 — Definitions. - As used in sections 360.81 to 360.91, unless the context...
Section 360.83 — Permit, Necessity. - Subdivision 1. Building height. Until a permit therefor has been...
Section 360.84 — Height Limitations; Exceptions. - No permit shall be issued to erect, or add to...
Section 360.85 — Interest Of Applicant For Permit. - It is not necessary that ownership of, option for, or...
Section 360.86 — Visual Or Aural Identification. - Every permit granted shall also specify what, if any, obstruction...
Section 360.87 — Investigation, Determination, Notice, And Hearing. - Upon receiving an application for a permit the commissioner shall...
Section 360.88 — Failure To File For Permit; Commissioner's Action. - In any instance of learning or having reasonable grounds to...
Section 360.89 — Enforcement. - In addition to any other remedy, the commissioner may institute...
Section 360.90 — Structure Height Rules; Forms. - The commissioner shall adopt and promulgate, and may from time...
Section 360.91 — Misdemeanor. - Whoever violates or fails to comply with the provisions of...
Section 360.915 — Meteorological Towers. - Subdivision 1. Definition. (a) For purposes of this section, "stand-alone...
Section 360.92 — Liability Insurance Required; Misdemeanor. - It is a misdemeanor for an owner to operate or...
Section 360.93 — Minimal Insurance Coverage Required; Misdemeanor. - Any person engaged in commercial operations as defined by section...