Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 357 — Fees
Section 357.33 — Put In County Treasury.

Unless otherwise provided by law, every county official receiving a stated salary shall receive the same in full compensation for all services and expenses whatsoever, and shall, on the first Monday of each month, file with the county auditor a correct statement of all fees received, and turn the same into the county treasury.
(7018) RL s 2721; 1986 c 444

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 357 - 359 — Court And Filing Fees; Attestations

Chapter 357 — Fees

Section 357.01 — Allowance.

Section 357.021 — Court Administrator Of District Court; Fees.

Section 357.022 — Conciliation Court Fee.

Section 357.03 — Extra Fees Of Court Administrator Of District Court.

Section 357.08 — Paid By Appellant In Appeal.

Section 357.09 — Sheriffs.

Section 357.11 — Coroners.

Section 357.13 — Police Officers, Fees In State Cases; Advance Payment Of Fees To Public Officials By State Or County.

Section 357.16 — Commissioners To Take Testimony.

Section 357.17 — Notaries Public.

Section 357.18 — County Recorder.

Section 357.182 — County Fees And Recording Standards For Recording Of Real Estate Documents.

Section 357.20 — Fees Of Referees; Agreement By Parties.

Section 357.21 — Services Under Legal Process; Appraisers.

Section 357.22 — Witnesses.

Section 357.23 — Witness Fees Of Officers Of Municipalities.

Section 357.24 — Criminal Cases.

Section 357.241 — Juvenile Court Witnesses.

Section 357.242 — Parents Of Juveniles.

Section 357.25 — Expert Witnesses.

Section 357.27 — Coroner Jurors.

Section 357.28 — Court Commissioner.

Section 357.29 — Services Not Rendered; Illegal Fees.

Section 357.30 — Taxation For Services Not Rendered; Prospective Costs; Attorney As Witness.

Section 357.31 — Copies; Itemized List; Fees Uniform.

Section 357.315 — Cost Of Exhibits And Medical Records.

Section 357.32 — Witness; When And How Paid.

Section 357.33 — Put In County Treasury.

Section 357.39 — Clerks, Cities Of First Class.

Section 357.40 — Collections Credited To General Fund.

Section 357.41 — Clerks, Cities Of First Class In Counties Of 300,000.

Section 357.42 — Treatment Court Fees.