Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 357 — Fees
Section 357.22 — Witnesses.

The fees to be paid to witnesses shall be as follows:
(1) for attending in any action or proceeding in any court or before any officer, person, or board authorized to take the examination of witnesses, $20 for each day;
(2) for travel to and from the place of attendance, to be estimated from the witness's residence, if within the state, or from the boundary line of the state where the witness crossed it, if without the state, 28 cents per mile.
No person is obliged to attend as a witness in any civil case unless one day's attendance and travel fees are paid or tendered the witness in advance.
(7006) RL s 2709; 1961 c 561 s 12; 1974 c 515 s 1; 1983 c 13 s 1; 1983 c 359 s 42; 1986 c 444; 1994 c 636 art 8 s 4

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 357 - 359 — Court And Filing Fees; Attestations

Chapter 357 — Fees

Section 357.01 — Allowance.

Section 357.021 — Court Administrator Of District Court; Fees.

Section 357.022 — Conciliation Court Fee.

Section 357.03 — Extra Fees Of Court Administrator Of District Court.

Section 357.08 — Paid By Appellant In Appeal.

Section 357.09 — Sheriffs.

Section 357.11 — Coroners.

Section 357.13 — Police Officers, Fees In State Cases; Advance Payment Of Fees To Public Officials By State Or County.

Section 357.16 — Commissioners To Take Testimony.

Section 357.17 — Notaries Public.

Section 357.18 — County Recorder.

Section 357.182 — County Fees And Recording Standards For Recording Of Real Estate Documents.

Section 357.20 — Fees Of Referees; Agreement By Parties.

Section 357.21 — Services Under Legal Process; Appraisers.

Section 357.22 — Witnesses.

Section 357.23 — Witness Fees Of Officers Of Municipalities.

Section 357.24 — Criminal Cases.

Section 357.241 — Juvenile Court Witnesses.

Section 357.242 — Parents Of Juveniles.

Section 357.25 — Expert Witnesses.

Section 357.27 — Coroner Jurors.

Section 357.28 — Court Commissioner.

Section 357.29 — Services Not Rendered; Illegal Fees.

Section 357.30 — Taxation For Services Not Rendered; Prospective Costs; Attorney As Witness.

Section 357.31 — Copies; Itemized List; Fees Uniform.

Section 357.315 — Cost Of Exhibits And Medical Records.

Section 357.32 — Witness; When And How Paid.

Section 357.33 — Put In County Treasury.

Section 357.39 — Clerks, Cities Of First Class.

Section 357.40 — Collections Credited To General Fund.

Section 357.41 — Clerks, Cities Of First Class In Counties Of 300,000.

Section 357.42 — Treatment Court Fees.