Subdivision 1. On-sale licenses. No on-sale intoxicating liquor license may be issued in any city except as provided in this section in excess of the following limits:
(1) in cities of the first class, one license for every 1,500 population, up to 200 licenses;
(2) in cities of the second class, not more than 18 licenses plus one for every 2,500 population over 45,000;
(3) in cities of the third class, not more than 12 licenses;
(4) in cities of the fourth class, including cities whose acts of incorporation were repealed by Laws 1973, chapter 123, article V, section 5, not more than seven licenses;
(5) in statutory cities of 5,000 to 10,000 population, not more than six licenses;
(6) in statutory cities of 2,500 to 5,000 population, not more than five licenses;
(7) in statutory cities of 500 to 2,500 population, not more than four licenses; and
(8) in statutory cities under 500 population, not more than three licenses.
Subd. 2. Additional on-sale licenses permitted for cities in St. Louis County. For cities in St. Louis County no on-sale liquor license may be issued in excess of the following limits, without the approval of the commissioner:
(1) in cities of the third class, not more than 15 licenses;
(2) in cities of the fourth class, not more than nine licenses; and
(3) in statutory cities of 2,500 to 5,000 population, not more than six licenses.
Subd. 3. Referendum for additional on-sale licenses. (a) The governing body of a city may issue on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses over the number permitted under subdivision 1 when authorized by the voters of the city at a general or special election.
(b) The governing body may direct that either of the following questions be placed on the ballot:
(1) "Shall the city council be allowed to issue 'on-sale' licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number permitted by law?
(2) "Shall the city council be allowed to issue (a number to be determined by the governing body) 'on-sale' licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number now permitted by law?
(c) If a majority of voters voting on the question in clause (1) vote yes, the governing body may issue an unlimited number of on-sale licenses. If a majority of voters voting on the question in clause (2) vote yes, the governing body may issue additional on-sale licenses in the number stated in the question.
Subd. 4. Exclusions from license limits. On-sale intoxicating liquor licenses may be issued to the following entities by a city, in addition to the number authorized by this section:
(1) clubs, or congressionally chartered veterans organizations;
(2) restaurants;
(3) establishments that are issued licenses to sell wine under section 340A.404, subdivision 5;
(4) theaters that are issued licenses under section 340A.404;
(5) hotels; and
(6) bowling centers.
Subd. 5. Off-sale licenses. No off-sale intoxicating liquor license may be issued in any city, except as provided in this section, in excess of the following limits:
(1) in cities of the first class, not more than one off-sale license for each 5,000 population; and
(2) in all other cities the limit shall be determined by the governing body of the city.
Subd. 6. Area that has been annexed or consolidated. A license validly issued within the number prescribed in this section is not rendered invalid or illegal by reason of the consolidation or annexation of territory to a city and may continue to remain in effect and be renewed, except that the limitations as to ownership under section 340A.412, subdivision 2.
1985 c 305 art 6 s 13; 1987 c 152 art 1 s 1; 1990 c 554 s 13; 1991 c 249 s 16; 1996 c 418 s 9; 2003 c 126 s 9
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 324 - 341 — Trade Regulations, Consumer Protection
Section 340A.101 — Definitions.
Section 340A.201 — Liquor Control Authority.
Section 340A.22 — Microdistilleries; Distilled Spirit Manufacturers.
Section 340A.26 — Brewer Taprooms.
Section 340A.28 — Small Brewer Off-sale.
Section 340A.29 — Off-sale Packaging Requirements For Certain Small Brewers.
Section 340A.301 — Manufacturers, Brewers, And Wholesalers Licenses.
Section 340A.3021 — Importation Restrictions.
Section 340A.304 — License Suspension And Revocation.
Section 340A.305 — Warehousing.
Section 340A.3055 — Manufacturer's Warehouse Permit.
Section 340A.306 — Fraudulent Shipments.
Section 340A.307 — Unlawful Discrimination.
Section 340A.308 — Prohibited Transactions.
Section 340A.309 — Exclusive Contracts.
Section 340A.310 — Sales By Wholesalers.
Section 340A.311 — Brand Registration.
Section 340A.312 — Joint Purchases; Volume Prices.
Section 340A.314 — Suggested Retail Prices.
Section 340A.315 — Farm Winery License.
Section 340A.316 — Sacramental Wine.
Section 340A.317 — Licensing Of Brokers.
Section 340A.318 — Credit Extensions Restricted.
Section 340A.319 — Reports By Brewers.
Section 340A.33 — Brew On Premises Store.
Section 340A.34 — Winemaking On Premises Store.
Section 340A.401 — License Required.
Section 340A.4011 — Bed And Breakfast Facilities; When License Not Required.
Section 340A.402 — Persons Eligible.
Section 340A.403 — 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor Licenses.
Section 340A.404 — Intoxicating Liquor; On-sale Licenses.
Section 340A.4041 — Culinary Classes; On-sale License.
Section 340A.4042 — Wine Or Malt Liquor Educator; On-sale License.
Section 340A.405 — Intoxicating Liquor; Off-sale Licenses.
Section 340A.4055 — Licenses In Indian Country.
Section 340A.406 — Intoxicating Liquor; Combination Licenses.
Section 340A.407 — Common Carriers.
Section 340A.408 — Retail License Fees.
Section 340A.409 — Liability Insurance.
Section 340A.410 — License Restrictions; General.
Section 340A.411 — License Restrictions; 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor Licenses.
Section 340A.412 — License Restrictions; Intoxicating Liquor Licenses.
Section 340A.413 — Restrictions On Number Of Intoxicating Liquor Licenses That May Be Issued.
Section 340A.414 — Consumption And Display Permits.
Section 340A.415 — License Revocation Or Suspension; Civil Penalty.
Section 340A.416 — Local Option Election.
Section 340A.417 — Shipments Into Minnesota.
Section 340A.4175 — Wine Festival.
Section 340A.418 — Alcoholic Beverage Tastings.
Section 340A.419 — Tastings Conducted By Exclusive Liquor Store.
Section 340A.425 — Service At Capitol.
Section 340A.501 — Responsibility Of Licensee.
Section 340A.502 — Sales To Obviously Intoxicated Persons.
Section 340A.503 — Persons Under 21; Illegal Acts.
Section 340A.504 — Hours And Days Of Sale.
Section 340A.5041 — Airport Commission; Extended Hours.
Section 340A.505 — Licensee May Not Sell For Resale.
Section 340A.506 — Sales Of Ethyl Alcohol And Neutral Spirits Prohibited.
Section 340A.507 — Regulation Of Advertising.
Section 340A.5071 — Coupons Prohibited.
Section 340A.508 — Tampering Or Refilling Bottles.
Section 340A.509 — Local Restrictions.
Section 340A.511 — Certain Sizes May Be Sold.
Section 340A.512 — Containers Brought Into Premises.
Section 340A.513 — Sale Of Beer Kegs.
Section 340A.601 — Establishment Of Municipal Liquor Stores.
Section 340A.602 — Continuation.
Section 340A.603 — Financial Responsibility.
Section 340A.604 — Suspension Of Operation.
Section 340A.702 — Gross Misdemeanors.
Section 340A.703 — Misdemeanors.
Section 340A.7035 — Consumer Importation; Illegal Acts.
Section 340A.704 — Search Warrants.
Section 340A.705 — Prima Facie Evidence.
Section 340A.706 — Alcohol Without Liquid Devices Prohibited.
Section 340A.707 — Auction Or Raffle For Charitable Purposes.
Section 340A.801 — Civil Actions.
Section 340A.802 — Notice Of Injury; Discovery Before Actions.
Section 340A.90 — Civil Action; Intoxication Of Person Under Age 21.
Section 340A.902 — Drunkenness Not A Crime.
Section 340A.904 — Seized Liquor.
Section 340A.905 — Notice Of Violation.
Section 340A.906 — Nonapplicability.
Section 340A.907 — Inspection.
Section 340A.908 — Liqueur-filled Candy.
Section 340A.909 — Sale Of Minnesota Beer At Public Facilities.