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Section 340A.101 — Definitions. - Subdivision 1. Terms. For purposes of this chapter the following...
Section 340A.201 — Liquor Control Authority. - Subdivision 1. 1976 successor. The commissioner of public safety is...
Section 340A.22 — Microdistilleries; Distilled Spirit Manufacturers. - Subdivision 1. Activities. (a) A microdistillery licensed under this chapter...
Section 340A.24 — Brew Pubs. - Subdivision 1. On-sale license. A brew pub may be issued...
Section 340A.26 — Brewer Taprooms. - Subdivision 1. Brewer taproom license. (a) A municipality, including a...
Section 340A.28 — Small Brewer Off-sale. - Subdivision 1. License; limitations. A brewer licensed under section 340A.301,...
Section 340A.285 — Growlers. - (a) Malt liquor authorized for off-sale pursuant to section 340A.24...
Section 340A.29 — Off-sale Packaging Requirements For Certain Small Brewers. - Subdivision 1. Certain off-sale authorized. Notwithstanding any law to the...
Section 340A.301 — Manufacturers, Brewers, And Wholesalers Licenses. - Subdivision 1. Licenses required. No person may directly or indirectly...
Section 340A.302 — Importers. - Subdivision 1. Licenses required. Except as provided in sections 297G.07,...
Section 340A.3021 — Importation Restrictions. - Subdivision 1. Delivery to wholesaler only. (a) No person may...
Section 340A.303 — Transfers. - A license under section 340A.301 or 340A.302 may be transferred...
Section 340A.304 — License Suspension And Revocation. - The commissioner shall revoke, or suspend for up to 60...
Section 340A.305 — Warehousing. - Subdivision 1. Facilities. All licensed wholesalers must own or lease...
Section 340A.3055 — Manufacturer's Warehouse Permit. - Subdivision 1. Permit required. No brewer, malt liquor manufacturer, or...
Section 340A.306 — Fraudulent Shipments. - (a) It is unlawful for: (1) any person to knowingly...
Section 340A.307 — Unlawful Discrimination. - Subdivision 1. Nondiscriminatory sales. All licensed importers and manufacturers must...
Section 340A.308 — Prohibited Transactions. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in section 340A.301, no brewer...
Section 340A.309 — Exclusive Contracts. - A manufacturer, brewer, or wholesaler may not directly or indirectly...
Section 340A.310 — Sales By Wholesalers. - A wholesaler may sell intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt...
Section 340A.311 — Brand Registration. - (a) A brand of intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt...
Section 340A.312 — Joint Purchases; Volume Prices. - Subdivision 1. Joint purchases. The joint purchase by two or...
Section 340A.314 — Suggested Retail Prices. - No wholesaler or other person may communicate in any manner...
Section 340A.315 — Farm Winery License. - Subdivision 1. Licenses. The commissioner may issue a farm winery...
Section 340A.316 — Sacramental Wine. - The commissioner may issue a license to a bona fide...
Section 340A.317 — Licensing Of Brokers. - Subdivision 1. Definition. "Broker" means a person who represents a...
Section 340A.318 — Credit Extensions Restricted. - Subdivision 1. Restriction. Except as provided in this section, no...
Section 340A.319 — Reports By Brewers. - The commissioner may require a brewer that manufactures 25,000 or...
Section 340A.33 — Brew On Premises Store. - Notwithstanding anything in this chapter, the owner of a brew...
Section 340A.34 — Winemaking On Premises Store. - A commercial establishment in which individuals make wine on the...
Section 340A.401 — License Required. - Except as provided in this chapter, no person may directly...
Section 340A.4011 — Bed And Breakfast Facilities; When License Not Required. - Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, "bed and...
Section 340A.402 — Persons Eligible. - Subdivision 1. Disqualifiers. No retail license may be issued to:...
Section 340A.403 — 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor Licenses. - Subdivision 1. Issuance by county or city. The governing body...
Section 340A.404 — Intoxicating Liquor; On-sale Licenses. - Subdivision 1. Cities. (a) A city may issue an on-sale...
Section 340A.4041 — Culinary Classes; On-sale License. - Subdivision 1. License authorized. A city or county may issue...
Section 340A.4042 — Wine Or Malt Liquor Educator; On-sale License. - Subdivision 1. Wine educator license. The commissioner may issue an...
Section 340A.405 — Intoxicating Liquor; Off-sale Licenses. - Subdivision 1. Cities. (a) A city other than a city...
Section 340A.4055 — Licenses In Indian Country. - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, on-sale or off-sale licenses...
Section 340A.406 — Intoxicating Liquor; Combination Licenses. - A city of the fourth class or a statutory city...
Section 340A.407 — Common Carriers. - The commissioner may issue an on-sale license to a person...
Section 340A.408 — Retail License Fees. - Subdivision 1. 3.2 percent malt liquor. (a) The license fee...
Section 340A.409 — Liability Insurance. - Subdivision 1. Insurance required. (a) No retail license may be...
Section 340A.410 — License Restrictions; General. - Subdivision 1. Counties; town consent. A county may not issue...
Section 340A.411 — License Restrictions; 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor Licenses. - Subdivision 1. On-sale licenses. On-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses...
Section 340A.412 — License Restrictions; Intoxicating Liquor Licenses. - Subdivision 1. [Repealed, 1989 c 49 s 8] Subd. 2....
Section 340A.413 — Restrictions On Number Of Intoxicating Liquor Licenses That May Be Issued. - Subdivision 1. On-sale licenses. No on-sale intoxicating liquor license may...
Section 340A.414 — Consumption And Display Permits. - Subdivision 1. Permit required. No business establishment or club which...
Section 340A.415 — License Revocation Or Suspension; Civil Penalty. - On a finding that the license or permit holder has...
Section 340A.416 — Local Option Election. - Subdivision 1. Petition. Upon receipt of a petition signed by...
Section 340A.417 — Shipments Into Minnesota. - (a) Notwithstanding section 297G.07, subdivision 2, or any provision of...
Section 340A.4175 — Wine Festival. - A municipality with the approval of the commissioner may issue...
Section 340A.418 — Alcoholic Beverage Tastings. - Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, an "alcoholic...
Section 340A.419 — Tastings Conducted By Exclusive Liquor Store. - Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, a "tasting"...
Section 340A.425 — Service At Capitol. - Notwithstanding section 340A.412, subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (2), the...
Section 340A.501 — Responsibility Of Licensee. - Every licensee is responsible for the conduct in the licensed...
Section 340A.502 — Sales To Obviously Intoxicated Persons. - No person may sell, give, furnish, or in any way...
Section 340A.503 — Persons Under 21; Illegal Acts. - Subdivision 1. Consumption. (a) It is unlawful for any: (1)...
Section 340A.504 — Hours And Days Of Sale. - Subdivision 1. 3.2 percent malt liquor. No sale of 3.2...
Section 340A.5041 — Airport Commission; Extended Hours. - Notwithstanding any law, rule, or ordinance to the contrary, the...
Section 340A.505 — Licensee May Not Sell For Resale. - A retail licensee may not sell alcoholic beverages to any...
Section 340A.506 — Sales Of Ethyl Alcohol And Neutral Spirits Prohibited. - Subdivision 1. Ethyl alcohol; neutral spirits. No person may sell...
Section 340A.507 — Regulation Of Advertising. - Subdivision 1. Rules. The commissioner may by rule regulate the...
Section 340A.5071 — Coupons Prohibited. - A retailer of alcoholic beverages may not accept as full...
Section 340A.508 — Tampering Or Refilling Bottles. - Subdivision 1. Refilling bottles. It is unlawful for a person...
Section 340A.509 — Local Restrictions. - A local authority may impose further restrictions and regulations on...
Section 340A.510 — Samples. - Subdivision 1. Samples for other than malt liquor authorized. On-...
Section 340A.511 — Certain Sizes May Be Sold. - (a) An off-sale retailer of intoxicating liquor may sell distilled...
Section 340A.512 — Containers Brought Into Premises. - A licensed retailer of alcoholic beverages may prohibit any person...
Section 340A.513 — Sale Of Beer Kegs. - Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section: (a) "Beer...
Section 340A.601 — Establishment Of Municipal Liquor Stores. - Subdivision 1. Authority. A city having a population of not...
Section 340A.602 — Continuation. - In any city in which the report of the operations...
Section 340A.603 — Financial Responsibility. - Every municipal liquor store must demonstrate proof of financial responsibility...
Section 340A.604 — Suspension Of Operation. - A court shall notify the commissioner in writing within ten...
Section 340A.701 — Felonies. - Subdivision 1. Unlawful acts. It is a felony: (1) to...
Section 340A.702 — Gross Misdemeanors. - It is a gross misdemeanor: (1) to sell an alcoholic...
Section 340A.703 — Misdemeanors. - Where no other penalty is specified a violation of any...
Section 340A.7035 — Consumer Importation; Illegal Acts. - A person who enters Minnesota from another state and who...
Section 340A.704 — Search Warrants. - Search warrants may be issued in connection with violation of...
Section 340A.705 — Prima Facie Evidence. - The finding of an unauthorized still is prima facie evidence...
Section 340A.706 — Alcohol Without Liquid Devices Prohibited. - Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, an "alcohol...
Section 340A.707 — Auction Or Raffle For Charitable Purposes. - Notwithstanding sections 340A.401, 340A.414, and 340A.505, a nonprofit organization conducting...
Section 340A.801 — Civil Actions. - Subdivision 1. Right of action. A spouse, child, parent, guardian,...
Section 340A.802 — Notice Of Injury; Discovery Before Actions. - Subdivision 1. Notice of injury. A person who claims damages...
Section 340A.90 — Civil Action; Intoxication Of Person Under Age 21. - Subdivision 1. Right of action. (a) A spouse, child, parent,...
Section 340A.901 — Citation. - This chapter may be cited as the "Liquor Act." 1985...
Section 340A.902 — Drunkenness Not A Crime. - No person may be charged with or convicted of the...
Section 340A.904 — Seized Liquor. - Subdivision 1. Disposal alternatives. Contingent on the final determination of...
Section 340A.905 — Notice Of Violation. - When any municipal liquor store or licensed dealer in alcoholic...
Section 340A.906 — Nonapplicability. - This chapter does not apply to: (1) medicines intended for...
Section 340A.907 — Inspection. - The commissioner of public safety or any duly authorized employee...
Section 340A.908 — Liqueur-filled Candy. - Liqueur-filled candy may only be sold in an exclusive liquor...
Section 340A.909 — Sale Of Minnesota Beer At Public Facilities. - Subdivision 1. Minnesota-produced beer; required availability. At any permanent or...
Section 340A.910 — Severability. - In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction holds...