Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 326 — Employments Licensed By State
Section 326.78 — Duties Of Commissioner.

Subdivision 1. Rulemaking. The commissioner shall adopt and begin enforcement of rules necessary to implement sections 326.70 to 326.81. The rules adopted shall not be duplicative of rules adopted by the commissioner of the Department of Labor and Industry. The rules shall include rules in the following areas:
(1) application, enclosure, removal, and encapsulation procedures;
(2) license and certificate qualification requirements;
(3) examinations for obtaining a license and certificate;
(4) training necessary for individual certification;
(5) qualifications for managers of asbestos-related work projects;
(6) asbestos-related work and asbestos management activity specifications;
(7) any contractor bonding and insurance requirements deemed necessary by the commissioner;
(8) license and certificate issuance and revocation procedures;
(9) suspension or revocation of licenses or certificates;
(10) license and certificate suspension and revocation criteria;
(11) cleanup standards;
(12) continuing education requirements; and
(13) other rules necessary to implement sections 326.70 to 326.81.
Subd. 2. Issuance of licenses and certificates. The commissioner may issue licenses to persons and certificates to individuals who meet the criteria in sections 326.70 to 326.81 and the commissioner's rules. Licenses shall be valid for 12 months. Certificates shall be valid for 12 months after the completion date on the approved training course diploma.
Subd. 3. Delegation. The commissioner may, in writing, delegate the inspection and enforcement authority granted in sections 326.70 to 326.81 to other state agencies regulating asbestos.
Subd. 4. [Repealed, 1993 c 206 s 25]
Subd. 5. Subpoenas. In matters under investigation by or pending before the commissioner under sections 326.70 to 326.81, the commissioner may issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, books, records, documents, and other relevant evidentiary material. A person failing or refusing to comply with the subpoena or order may, upon application by the commissioner to the district court in any district, be ordered by the court to comply with the order or subpoena. The commissioner may also administer oaths and affirmations to witnesses. Depositions may be taken within or without the state in the manner provided by law for the taking of depositions in civil actions. A subpoena or other process or paper may be served upon any person anywhere within the state by an officer authorized to serve subpoenas in civil actions, with the same fees and mileage costs paid, and in the manner as prescribed by law, for process of the state district courts. Fees and mileage and other costs of persons subpoenaed by the commissioner shall be paid in the manner prescribed for proceedings in district court.
Subd. 6. [Repealed, 1993 c 206 s 25]
Subd. 7. [Repealed, 1993 c 206 s 25]
Subd. 8. [Repealed, 1993 c 206 s 25]
Subd. 9. Penalties. A person who violates any of the requirements of sections 326.70 to 326.81 or any requirement, rule, or order issued under those sections is subject to a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 per day of violation. Penalties may be recovered in a civil action in the name of the state brought by the attorney general.
1987 c 303 s 9; 1989 c 282 art 2 s 183; 1990 c 594 art 3 s 16; 1993 c 303 s 15; 1994 c 465 art 3 s 70; 1995 c 165 s 14,15; 1995 c 186 s 119; 1997 c 205 s 37

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 324 - 341 — Trade Regulations, Consumer Protection

Chapter 326 — Employments Licensed By State

Section 326.01 — Definitions.

Section 326.02 — Licensure Or Certification.

Section 326.03 — License Or Certificate Required.

Section 326.031 — Specifications For Public Facilities, Use Of Brand Names.

Section 326.04 — Board Established.

Section 326.05 — Qualifications Of Board Members.

Section 326.06 — General Powers And Duties Of Board.

Section 326.07 — Board, Meetings, Officers, Quorum.

Section 326.09 — Records Of Board.

Section 326.10 — Licensure And Certification.

Section 326.105 — Fees.

Section 326.106 — Definitions.

Section 326.107 — Continuing Education.

Section 326.11 — License And Certificate Regulation.

Section 326.111 — Unauthorized Practice; Disciplinary Action.

Section 326.12 — License Or Certificate As Evidence; Seal.

Section 326.13 — Practice Exempt.

Section 326.14 — Corporations And Partnerships Authorized.

Section 326.15 — False Impersonation.

Section 326.30 — [Unnecessary]

Section 326.32 — Definitions.

Section 326.33 — Board Of Private Detective And Protective Agent Services.

Section 326.3311 — Powers And Duties.

Section 326.3321 — Employees.

Section 326.3331 — Rulemaking.

Section 326.3341 — Exemptions.

Section 326.336 — Employees Of License Holders.

Section 326.3361 — Training.

Section 326.338 — Persons Engaged As Private Detectives Or Protective Agents.

Section 326.3381 — Licenses.

Section 326.3382 — Application For License.

Section 326.3383 — License Reissuance.

Section 326.3384 — Prohibited Acts.

Section 326.3385 — Conditions Of Licensing.

Section 326.3386 — Fees.

Section 326.3387 — Disciplinary Action.

Section 326.3388 — Administrative Penalties.

Section 326.3389 — Licenses Nontransferable.

Section 326.339 — Violations; Penalty.

Section 326.523 — License Provisions; Distribution; Cancellation.

Section 326.524 — Licenses May Not Contain Certain Restrictions.

Section 326.525 — Licenses, When Void.

Section 326.526 — Application Of Sections 326.523 To 326.526.

Section 326.53 — Violations; Penalty Provisions.

Section 326.55 — Nonpayment Of License Fees.

Section 326.56 — Licenses, Certificates Of Registration; Renewals.

Section 326.70 — Title.

Section 326.71 — Definitions.

Section 326.72 — Asbestos License.

Section 326.73 — Asbestos Certifications.

Section 326.74 — Reporting Asbestos Work.

Section 326.75 — Fees.

Section 326.76 — Duties Of Contracting Entities.

Section 326.77 — Indoor Air Standard.

Section 326.78 — Duties Of Commissioner.

Section 326.785 — Asbestos Containment Barriers.

Section 326.81 — Discrimination; Sanctions.