Subdivision 1. Asbestos-related work certification. Before an individual performs asbestos-related work, the individual shall first obtain a certificate from the commissioner certifying that the individual is qualified to perform the work. No certificate shall be issued unless the individual has shown evidence of training or experience in the general commercial construction trades, has taken a course of training in asbestos control and removal, passed an examination in those subjects, and demonstrated to the commissioner the ability to perform asbestos-related work safely in accordance with the current state-of-the-art technology. The commissioner shall specify the course of training necessary. The certificate issued by the commissioner shall be in writing, be dated when issued, contain an expiration date, be signed by the commissioner, and contain the name and address of the individual to whom it is issued. The certificate shall be carried by the individual and be readily available for inspection by the commissioner, other public officials charged with the health, safety, and welfare of the state's citizens, and the contracting entity.
Subd. 2. Asbestos inspector certification. Before an individual performs an asbestos inspection, the individual shall first obtain a certificate from the commissioner. The commissioner shall issue an asbestos inspector certificate to an individual who has shown evidence of completion of training on asbestos inspection specified by the commissioner in rule, passed an examination in that subject, and has shown evidence of experience as required by rule. The certificate issued by the commissioner shall be in writing, be dated when issued, contain an expiration date, be signed by the commissioner, and contain the name and address of the individual to whom it is issued.
Subd. 3. Asbestos management planner certification. Before an individual develops an asbestos management plan, the individual shall first obtain a certificate from the commissioner. The commissioner shall issue an asbestos management planner certificate to an individual who has shown evidence of completion of training on asbestos management plan development specified by the commissioner in rule, passed an examination in that subject, and has shown evidence of experience as required by rule. The certificate issued by the commissioner shall be in writing, be dated when issued, contain an expiration date, be signed by the commissioner, and contain the name and address of the individual to whom it is issued.
Subd. 4. Asbestos project designer certification. Before an individual designs an asbestos-related work project, the individual shall first obtain a certificate from the commissioner. The commissioner shall issue an asbestos project designer certificate to an individual who has shown evidence of completion of training on asbestos project design specified by the commissioner in rule, passed an examination in that subject, and has shown evidence of experience as required by rule. The certificate issued by the commissioner shall be in writing, be dated when issued, contain an expiration date, be signed by the commissioner, and contain the name and address of the individual to whom it is issued.
1987 c 303 s 4; 1988 c 689 art 2 s 233; 1993 c 303 s 11
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 324 - 341 — Trade Regulations, Consumer Protection
Chapter 326 — Employments Licensed By State
Section 326.02 — Licensure Or Certification.
Section 326.03 — License Or Certificate Required.
Section 326.031 — Specifications For Public Facilities, Use Of Brand Names.
Section 326.04 — Board Established.
Section 326.05 — Qualifications Of Board Members.
Section 326.06 — General Powers And Duties Of Board.
Section 326.07 — Board, Meetings, Officers, Quorum.
Section 326.09 — Records Of Board.
Section 326.10 — Licensure And Certification.
Section 326.106 — Definitions.
Section 326.107 — Continuing Education.
Section 326.11 — License And Certificate Regulation.
Section 326.111 — Unauthorized Practice; Disciplinary Action.
Section 326.12 — License Or Certificate As Evidence; Seal.
Section 326.13 — Practice Exempt.
Section 326.14 — Corporations And Partnerships Authorized.
Section 326.15 — False Impersonation.
Section 326.30 — [Unnecessary]
Section 326.33 — Board Of Private Detective And Protective Agent Services.
Section 326.3311 — Powers And Duties.
Section 326.3331 — Rulemaking.
Section 326.3341 — Exemptions.
Section 326.336 — Employees Of License Holders.
Section 326.338 — Persons Engaged As Private Detectives Or Protective Agents.
Section 326.3382 — Application For License.
Section 326.3383 — License Reissuance.
Section 326.3384 — Prohibited Acts.
Section 326.3385 — Conditions Of Licensing.
Section 326.3387 — Disciplinary Action.
Section 326.3388 — Administrative Penalties.
Section 326.3389 — Licenses Nontransferable.
Section 326.339 — Violations; Penalty.
Section 326.523 — License Provisions; Distribution; Cancellation.
Section 326.524 — Licenses May Not Contain Certain Restrictions.
Section 326.525 — Licenses, When Void.
Section 326.526 — Application Of Sections 326.523 To 326.526.
Section 326.53 — Violations; Penalty Provisions.
Section 326.55 — Nonpayment Of License Fees.
Section 326.56 — Licenses, Certificates Of Registration; Renewals.
Section 326.72 — Asbestos License.
Section 326.73 — Asbestos Certifications.
Section 326.74 — Reporting Asbestos Work.
Section 326.76 — Duties Of Contracting Entities.
Section 326.77 — Indoor Air Standard.
Section 326.78 — Duties Of Commissioner.