Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 260C — Juvenile Safety And Placement
Section 260C.121 — Venue.

Subdivision 1. Venue. When it is alleged that a child is in need of protection or services, venue may be in the county where the child is found, in the county of residence, or in the county where the alleged conditions causing the child's need for protection or services occurred.
Subd. 2. Transfer. The judge of the juvenile court may transfer any proceedings brought under section 260C.101, except adoptions, to the juvenile court of a county having venue as provided in subdivision 1, at any stage of the proceedings and in the following manner. When it appears that the best interests of the child, society, or the convenience of proceedings will be served by a transfer, the court may transfer the case to the juvenile court of the county of the child's residence. With the consent of the receiving court, the court may also transfer the case to the juvenile court of the county where the child is found. The court transfers the case by ordering a continuance and by forwarding to the court administrator of the appropriate juvenile court a certified copy of all papers filed, together with an order of transfer. The judge of the receiving court may accept the findings of the transferring court or may direct the filing of a new petition or notice under section 260C.143 and hear the case anew.
Subd. 3. Resident of another state. If it appears at any stage of the proceeding that a child before the court is a resident of another state, the court may invoke the provisions of the interstate compact on juveniles or, if it is in the best interests of the child or the public to do so, the court may place the child in the custody of the child's parent, guardian, or custodian, if the parent, guardian, or custodian agrees to accept custody of the child and return the child to their state.
1999 c 139 art 3 s 5

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 245 - 267 — Public Welfare And Related Activities

Chapter 260C — Juvenile Safety And Placement

Section 260C.001 — Title, Intent, And Construction.

Section 260C.007 — Definitions.

Section 260C.008 — Foster Care Sibling Bill Of Rights.

Section 260C.050 — Expert Assistance.

Section 260C.101 — Jurisdiction.

Section 260C.121 — Venue.

Section 260C.125 — Case Transfer Process.

Section 260C.139 — Give Life A Chance; Safe Place For Newborns.

Section 260C.141 — Petition.

Section 260C.143 — Procedure; Habitual Truants, Runaways, Offenders.

Section 260C.148 — Procedure; Domestic Child Abuse.

Section 260C.150 — Diligent Efforts To Identify Parents Of A Child; Procedures For Review; Reasonable Efforts.

Section 260C.151 — Summons; Notice.

Section 260C.152 — Service Of Summons, Notice.

Section 260C.154 — Failure To Obey Summons Or Subpoena; Contempt, Arrest.

Section 260C.157 — Investigation; Physical And Mental Examination.

Section 260C.163 — Hearing.

Section 260C.165 — Certain Out-of-court Statements Admissible.

Section 260C.168 — Compliance With Indian Child Welfare Act And Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act.

Section 260C.171 — Records.

Section 260C.175 — Taking Child Into Custody.

Section 260C.176 — Release Or Detention.

Section 260C.177 — Parental And Law Enforcement Notification.

Section 260C.178 — Emergency Removal Hearing.

Section 260C.181 — Place Of Temporary Custody; Shelter Care Facility.

Section 260C.188 — Children In Custody; Responsibility For Medical Care.

Section 260C.190 — Family-focused Residential Placement.

Section 260C.193 — Dispositions; General Provisions.

Section 260C.201 — Dispositions; Children In Need Of Protection Or Services Or Neglected And In Foster Care.

Section 260C.202 — Court Review Of Foster Care.

Section 260C.203 — Administrative Or Court Review Of Placements.

Section 260C.204 — Permanency Progress Review For Children In Foster Care For Six Months.

Section 260C.208 — Information For Child Placement.

Section 260C.209 — Background Checks.

Section 260C.212 — Children In Placement.

Section 260C.215 — Welfare Of Children.

Section 260C.219 — Agency Responsibilities For Parents And Children In Placement.

Section 260C.221 — Relative Search And Engagement; Placement Consideration.

Section 260C.223 — Concurrent Permanency Planning.

Section 260C.225 — County Responsibility For Transitional Services Plans.

Section 260C.227 — Voluntary Foster Care; Required Court Review.

Section 260C.228 — Voluntary Foster Care; Child Is Colocated With Parent In Treatment Program.

Section 260C.229 — Voluntary Foster Care For Children Over Age 18; Required Court Review.

Section 260C.301 — Termination Of Parental Rights.

Section 260C.303 — Venue.

Section 260C.307 — Procedures In Terminating Parental Rights.

Section 260C.312 — Disposition; Parental Rights Not Terminated.

Section 260C.317 — Termination Of Parental Rights; Effect.

Section 260C.325 — Guardian.

Section 260C.328 — Change Of Guardian; Termination Of Guardianship.

Section 260C.329 — Reestablishment Of The Legal Parent And Child Relationship.

Section 260C.331 — Costs Of Care.

Section 260C.335 — Civil Jurisdiction Over Persons Contributing To Need For Protection Or Services; Court Orders.

Section 260C.405 — Violation Of An Order For Protection.

Section 260C.411 — New Evidence.

Section 260C.415 — Appeal.

Section 260C.421 — Contempt.

Section 260C.425 — Criminal Jurisdiction For Contributing To Need For Protection Or Services.

Section 260C.4411 — Pre-northstar Care For Children Foster Care Program.

Section 260C.4412 — Payment For Residential Placements.

Section 260C.4413 — Initial Clothing Allowance.

Section 260C.446 — Distribution Of Funds Recovered For Assistance Furnished.

Section 260C.451 — Foster Care Benefits Past Age 18.

Section 260C.452 — Successful Transition To Adulthood.

Section 260C.503 — Permanency Proceedings.

Section 260C.505 — Petition.

Section 260C.507 — Admit-deny Hearing.

Section 260C.509 — Trial.

Section 260C.511 — Best Interests Of The Child.

Section 260C.513 — Permanency Dispositions When Child Cannot Return Home.

Section 260C.515 — Permanency Disposition Orders.

Section 260C.517 — Findings And Content Of Order For Permanency Disposition.

Section 260C.519 — Further Court Hearings.

Section 260C.521 — Court Reviews After Permanency Disposition Order.

Section 260C.601 — Adoption Of Children Under Guardianship Of Commissioner.

Section 260C.603 — Definitions.

Section 260C.605 — Reasonable Efforts To Finalize An Adoption.

Section 260C.607 — Review Of Progress Toward Adoption.

Section 260C.609 — Social And Medical History.

Section 260C.611 — Adoption Study Required.

Section 260C.613 — Social Services Agency As Commissioner's Agent.

Section 260C.615 — Duties Of Commissioner.

Section 260C.617 — Sibling Placement.

Section 260C.619 — Communication And Contact Agreements.

Section 260C.621 — Jurisdiction And Venue.

Section 260C.623 — Adoption Petition.

Section 260C.625 — Documents Filed By Social Services Agency.

Section 260C.627 — Notice Of Adoption Proceedings.

Section 260C.629 — Finalization Hearing.

Section 260C.631 — Judgment And Decree.

Section 260C.633 — Adoption Denied.

Section 260C.635 — Effect Of Adoption.

Section 260C.637 — Access To Original Birth Record Information.

Section 260C.70 — Citation.

Section 260C.702 — Requirements For Placements In Qualified Residential Treatment Programs.

Section 260C.704 — Requirements For The Qualified Individual's Assessment Of The Child For Placement In A Qualified Residential Treatment Program.

Section 260C.706 — Family And Permanency Team Requirements.

Section 260C.708 — Out-of-home Placement Plan For Qualified Residential Treatment Program Placements.

Section 260C.71 — Court Approval Requirements.

Section 260C.712 — Ongoing Reviews And Permanency Hearing Requirements.

Section 260C.714 — Review Of Extended Qualified Residential Treatment Program Placements.

Section 260C.80 — Office Of The Foster Youth Ombudsperson; Board.

Section 260C.81 — Organization Of The Office Of The Foster Youth Ombudsperson.

Section 260C.82 — Powers Of Foster Youth Ombudsperson; Investigation; Action On Complaints; Recommendations.

Section 260C.83 — Recommendations And Reports To Governor.