Michigan Compiled Laws
328-1931-LXX - Chapter LXX Public Offices and Officers (750.478...750.490a)
Section 750.490 - Safe Keeping of Public Moneys.

Sec. 490.
Safe keeping of public moneys—All moneys which shall come into the hands of any officer of the state, or of any officer of any county, or of any township, school district, highway district, city or village, or of any other municipal or public corporation within this state, pursuant to any provision of law authorizing such officer to receive the same, shall be denominated public moneys within the meaning of this section.
It shall be the duty of every officer charged with the receiving, keeping or disbursing of public moneys to keep the same separate and apart from his own money, and he shall not commingle the same with his own money, nor with the money of any other person, firm, or corporation.
No such officer shall, under any pretext, use, or allow to be used, any such moneys for any purpose other than in accordance with the provisions of law; nor shall he use the same for his own private use, nor loan the same to any person, firm or corporation without legal authority so to do.
In all cases where public moneys are authorized to be deposited in any bank, or to be loaned to any individual, firm or corporation, for interest, the interest accruing upon such public moneys shall belong to and constitute a general fund of the state, county or other public or municipal corporation, as the case may be.
In no case shall any such officer, directly or indirectly, receive any pecuniary or valuable consideration as an inducement for the deposit of any public moneys with any particular bank, person, firm or corporation.
The provisions of this section shall apply to all deputies of such officer or officers, and to all clerks, agents and servants of such officer or officers.
Any officer who shall wilfully or corruptly draw or issue any warrant, order or certificate for the payment of money in excess of the amount authorized by law, or for a purpose not authorized by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable as provided in this section.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not more than 2 years or by a fine of not more than 1,000 dollars: Provided, That nothing in this section contained shall prevent a prosecution for embezzlement in cases where the facts warrant the same.
History: 1931, Act 328, Eff. Sept. 18, 1931 ;-- CL 1948, 750.490 Former Law: See sections 1 to 8 of Act 131 of 1875, being How., §§ 423 to 430; CL 1897, §§ 1197 to 1204; CL 1915, §§ 298 to 305; and CL 1929, §§ 358 to 365.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 750 - Michigan Penal Code

Act 328 of 1931 - The Michigan Penal Code (750.1 - 750.568)

328-1931-LXX - Chapter LXX Public Offices and Officers (750.478...750.490a)

Section 750.478 - Willful Neglect of Duty; Public Officer or Person Holding Public Trust or Employment; Penalty.

Section 750.478a - Legal Process; Intimidation, Hindering, or Obstruction of Public Officer or Employee.

Section 750.479 - Resisting or Obstructing Officer in Discharge of Duty; Penalty; Definitions.

Section 750.479a - Failure to Obey Direction of Police or Conservation Officer to Stop Motor Vehicle or Vessel; Violation of Subsection (1); Fleeing and Eluding as Felony; Penalty; Suspension of License; Revocation; Conviction and Sentence Under Othe...

Section 750.479b - Taking of Firearm or Other Weapon From Peace Officer or Corrections Officer; Penalty; Commission of Other Violation; Consecutive Terms of Imprisonment; Definitions.

Section 750.479c - Person Informed of Criminal Investigation by Peace Officer; Prohibited Conduct; Violation; Penalty; Exception; Definitions.

Section 750.480 - Refusing to Deliver Records and Money to Successor in Office.

Section 750.481 - Neglecting or Refusing to Execute Process; Penalty.

Section 750.482 - Neglecting or Refusing to Pay Over Moneys Collected; Penalty.

Section 750.483 - Neglecting or Refusing to Aid Sheriff, Coroner or Constable; Misdemeanor.

Section 750.483a - Prohibited Acts; Penalties; “Retaliate,”“official Proceeding,” and “Threaten or Intimidate” Defined.

Section 750.484 - Repealed. 1991, Act 145, Imd. Eff. Nov. 25, 1991.

Section 750.485 - Accounting for County Money; County and Municipal Officers.

Section 750.486 - Repealed. 2002, Act 264, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.

Section 750.487 - Defense of Accused by Law Partner of Prosecutor.

Section 750.488 - Retention of Fees by State Officers and Employees on Salary.

Section 750.489 - False Statement of Public Finances and Transfer of Same.

Section 750.490 - Safe Keeping of Public Moneys.

Section 750.490a - Purchase by Employee Upon Public Credit for Private Use.