Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 328 of 1931 - The Michigan Penal Code (750.1 - 750.568)
Section 750.2 - Rule of Construction.

Sec. 2.
Rule of construction—The rule that a penal statute is to be strictly construed shall not apply to this act or any of the provisions thereof. All provisions of this act shall be construed according to the fair import of their terms, to promote justice and to effect the objects of the law.
History: 1931, Act 328, Eff. Sept. 18, 1931 ;-- CL 1948, 750.2

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 750 - Michigan Penal Code

Act 328 of 1931 - The Michigan Penal Code (750.1 - 750.568)

Section 750.1 - Michigan Penal Code; Short Title.

Section 750.2 - Rule of Construction.

Section 750.3 - Civil Rights or Remedies Not Affected.

Section 750.4 - Civil Remedies Preserved.

328-1931-I - Chapter I Definitions (750.5...750.10a)

328-1931-II - Chapter II Abduction (750.11...750.13)

328-1931-III - Chapter III Abortion (750.14...750.15)

328-1931-IV - Chapter IV Adulterating and Misbranding (750.16...750.28)

328-1931-V - Chapter V Adultery (750.29...750.32)

328-1931-VI - Chapter VI Advertising (750.33...750.42b)

328-1931-VII - Chapter VII Aircraft and Aeronautics (750.43...750.45a)

328-1931-VIII - Chapter VIII Anarchy and Criminal Syndicalism (750.46...750.48)

328-1931-IX - Chapter IX Animals (750.49...750.70a)

328-1931-X - Chapter X Arson and Burning (750.71...750.80)

328-1931-XI - Chapter XI Assaults (750.81...750.90h)

328-1931-XII - Chapter XII Attempts (750.91...750.92)

328-1931-XIII - Chapter XIII Bank, Deposit and Trust Companies (750.93...750.101)

328-1931-XIV - Chapter XIV Blasphemy (750.102...750.103)

328-1931-XV - Chapter XV Boats and Navigation (750.104...750.109a)

328-1931-XVI - Chapter XVI Breaking and Entering (750.110...750.116)

328-1931-XVII - Chapter XVII Bribery and Corruption (750.117...750.125)

328-1931-XVIII - Chapter XVIII Bucket Shops (750.126...750.130)

328-1931-XIX - Chapter XIX Checks Without Sufficient Funds (750.131...750.134)

328-1931-XX - Chapter XX Children (750.135...750.145g)

328-1931-XXA - Chapter Xxa Vulnerable Adults (750.145m...750.145r)

328-1931-XXI - Chapter XXI Civil Rights (750.146...750.148)

328-1931-XXII - Chapter XXII Compounding Offenses (750.149...750.149)

328-1931-XXIII - Chapter XXIII Concealing Death of Infant Child (750.150...750.150)

328-1931-XXIV - Chapter XXIV Conspiracy (750.151...750.157c)

328-1931-XXIVA - Chapter Xxiva Credit Cards (750.157m...750.157w)

328-1931-XXV - Chapter XXV Crime Against Nature or Sodomy (750.158...750.159)

328-1931-XXVA - Chapter Xxva Criminal Enterprises (750.159f...750.159x)

328-1931-XXVI - Chapter XXVI Dead Human Bodies (750.160...750.160c)

328-1931-XXVII - Chapter XXVII Desertion and Non-Support (750.161...750.166)

328-1931-XXVIII - Chapter XXVIII Disorderly Persons (750.167...750.168)

328-1931-XXIX - Chapter XXIX Disturbing Meetings (750.169...750.170)

328-1931-XXX - Chapter XXX Duelling (750.171...750.173a)

328-1931-XXXI - Chapter XXXI Embezzlement (750.174...750.182a)

328-1931-XXXII - Chapter XXXII Escapes, Rescues, Jail and Prison Breaking (750.183...750.199a)

328-1931-XXXIII - Chapter XXXIII Explosives and Bombs, and Harmful Devices (750.200...750.212a)

328-1931-XXXIV - Chapter XXXIV Extortion (750.213...750.214)

328-1931-XXXV - Chapter XXXV False Personation (750.215...750.217h)

328-1931-XXXVI - Chapter XXXVI False Pretenses and False Representation (750.218...750.221)

328-1931-XXXVII - Chapter XXXVII Firearms (750.222...750.239a)

328-1931-XXXVIII - Chapter XXXVIII Fires (750.240...750.242)

328-1931-XXXIX - Chapter XXXIX Fireworks (750.243...750.243e)

328-1931-XL - Chapter XL Flag and Coat-of-Arms (750.244...750.247)

328-1931-XLI - Chapter XLI Forgery and Counterfeiting (750.248...750.266)

328-1931-XLII - Chapter XLII Fortune Telling (750.267...750.270)

328-1931-XLIII - Chapter XLIII Frauds and Cheats (750.271...750.300a)

328-1931-XLIV - Chapter XLIV Gambling (750.301...750.315a)

328-1931-XLV - Chapter XLV Homicide (750.316...750.329a)

328-1931-XLVI - Chapter XLVI Horse Racing (750.330...750.332)

328-1931-XLVII - Chapter XLVII Incest (750.333...750.334)

328-1931-XLVIII - Chapter XLVIII Indecency and Immorality (750.335...750.347)

328-1931-XLIX - Chapter XLIX Indians (750.348...750.348)

328-1931-L - Chapter L Kidnaping (750.349...750.350a)

328-1931-LI - Chapter LI Laborers, Mechanics, Employees and Workers (750.351...750.355a)

328-1931-LII - Chapter LII Larceny (750.356...750.367c)

328-1931-LIII - Chapter LIII Legal Process (750.368...750.369)

328-1931-LIV - Chapter LIV Libel and Slander (750.370...750.371)

328-1931-LV - Chapter LV Lotteries (750.372...750.376a)

328-1931-LVI - Chapter LVI Malicious and Wilful Mischief and Destruction (750.377...750.395)

328-1931-LVII - Chapter LVII Masks and Disguises (750.396...750.396)

328-1931-LVIII - Chapter LVIII Mayhem (750.397...750.397a)

328-1931-LIX - Chapter LIX Military (750.398...750.408)

328-1931-LX - Chapter LX Miscellaneous (750.409...750.411x)

328-1931-LXI - Chapter LXI Motor Vehicles (750.412...750.421e)

328-1931-LXII - Chapter LXII Perjury (750.422...750.427)

328-1931-LXIII - Chapter LXIII Physicians and Surgeons (750.428...750.430a)

328-1931-LXIV - Chapter LXIV Poisons (750.431...750.438)

328-1931-LXV - Chapter LXV Polygamy (750.439...750.441)

328-1931-LXVI - Chapter LXVI Prize Fights (750.442...750.447)

328-1931-LXVII - Chapter LXVII Prostitution (750.448...750.462)

328-1931-LXVIIA - Chapter Lxviia Human Trafficking (750.462a...750.462j)

328-1931-LXVIII - Chapter LXVIII Public Exhibitions and Entertainment (750.463...750.465a)

328-1931-LXIX - Chapter LXIX Public Health (750.466...750.477a)

328-1931-LXX - Chapter LXX Public Offices and Officers (750.478...750.490a)

328-1931-LXXI - Chapter LXXI Public Records (750.491...750.492a)

328-1931-LXXII - Chapter LXXII Public Safety (750.493...750.502d)

328-1931-LXXIII - Chapter LXXIII Punishments (750.503...750.506a)

328-1931-LXXIV - Chapter LXXIV Radio Broadcasting (750.507...750.510)

328-1931-LXXV - Chapter LXXV Railroads (750.511...750.519)

328-1931-LXXVI - Chapter LXXVI Rape (750.520...750.520o)

328-1931-LXXVII - Chapter LXXVII Riots and Unlawful Assemblies (750.521...750.528a)

328-1931-LXXVIII - Chapter LXXVIII Robbery (750.529...750.531)

328-1931-LXXIX - Chapter LXXIX Seduction (750.532...750.532)

328-1931-LXXX - Chapter LXXX Slaughter Houses (750.533...750.534)

328-1931-LXXXI - Chapter LXXXI Stolen, Embezzled or Converted Property (750.535...750.538)

328-1931-LXXXII - Chapter LXXXII Telegraph and Telephone (750.539...750.540h)

328-1931-LXXXIII - Chapter LXXXIII the Star Spangled Banner (750.541...750.543)

328-1931-LXXXIII-A - Chapter Lxxxiii-a (750.543a...750.543z)

328-1931-LXXXIV - Chapter LXXXIV Treason and Subversion (750.544...750.545d)

328-1931-LXXXV - Chapter LXXXV Trespass (750.546...750.552c)

328-1931-LXXXVI - Chapter LXXXVI Unfair Discrimination, Restraint of Trade and Trusts (750.553...750.560)

328-1931-LXXXVII - Chapter LXXXVII Weights and Measures (750.561...750.566)

328-1931-LXXXVIII - Chapter LXXXVIII Repeals and Saving Section (750.568...750.568)