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Section 750.215 - False Representation as Peace Officer or Medical Examiner; Violation; Penalty; “Peace Officer” Defined. - Sec. 215. (1) An individual who is not a peace...
Section 750.216 - Badge or Uniform of State Police; Unauthorized Wearing, Exhibition, Display, or Use as Misdemeanor; Exception. - Sec. 216. A person who wears, exhibits, displays, or uses,...
Section 750.216a - Badge, Patch, or Uniform of Law Enforcement Agency or Facsimile; Selling, Furnishing, Possessing, Wearing, Exhibiting, Displaying, or Using; Violation as Misdemeanor; "Facsimile" Defined; Exception. - Sec. 216a. (1) A person shall not sell, furnish, possess,...
Section 750.216b - Emblem, Insignia, Logo, Service Mark, or Other Identification of Law Enforcement Agency or Facsimile; Violation as Misdemeanor; "Law Enforcement Identification" Defined; Exception. - Sec. 216b. (1) A person, other than a peace officer,...
Section 750.217 - Disguising With Intent to Intimidate. - Sec. 217. Any person who in any manner disguises himself...
Section 750.217a - Solicitation of Information as to Employment, Residence, Assets or Earnings by False Personation; Penalty. - Sec. 217a. Any individual who on his own behalf, or...
Section 750.217b - Representation as Public Utility Employee; Felony; “Public Utility” Defined. - Sec. 217b. (1) An individual who is not employed by...
Section 750.217c - Legal Process; Impersonation, False Representation, or Action as Public Officer or Employee; Definitions. - Sec. 217c. (1) A person shall not impersonate, falsely represent...
Section 750.217d - False Representation as Registered or Licensed Health Professional; Intent; Violation as Felony; Penalty. - Sec. 217d. An individual who is not a health professional...
Section 750.217e - False Identification as Employee of Family Independence Agency; Violation; Penalty. - Sec. 217e. (1) An individual who is not employed by...
Section 750.217f - Unlawful Representation as Firefighter or Emergency Medical Service Personnel; Definitions; Violation as Felony; Penalty; Consecutive Sentences. - Sec. 217f. (1) An individual who is not employed as...
Section 750.217g - Badge, Patch, or Uniform of Fire Department, Life Support Agency, or Medical First Response Service; Selling, Furnishing, Possessing, Wearing, Exhibiting, or Displaying Prohibited; Exceptions; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Def... - Sec. 217g. (1) A person shall not sell, furnish, possess,...
Section 750.217h - Emblem, Insignia, Logo, Service Mark, or Other Identification; Wearing or Displaying Prohibited; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Definitions. - Sec. 217h. (1) A person, other than a member of...