Michigan Compiled Laws
236-1961-60 - Chapter 60 Enforcement of Judgments (600.6001...600.6098)
Section 600.6075 - Civil Arrest; Grounds.

Sec. 6075.
Except as otherwise provided by law, no person is liable to arrest or imprisonment on any civil process unless:
(1) In a proceeding for contempt of court; or
(2) On an action to recover a fine or penalty; or
(3) After a judgment against such person, the judgment creditor provides satisfactory evidence showing 1 or more of the following circumstances:
(a) The judgment debtor has property which he fraudulently conceals or which he unjustly refuses to apply to the judgment against him, and such judgment belongs to such judgment creditor; or
(b) The judgment debtor is about to remove his property out of the jurisdiction of the court in which suit was brought, with the intent to defraud his creditor; or
(c) The judgment debtor has, or is about to dispose of some or all of his property with intent to defraud his creditor.
History: 1961, Act 236, Eff. Jan. 1, 1963

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 600 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961

Act 236 of 1961 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961 (600.101 - 600.9948)

236-1961-60 - Chapter 60 Enforcement of Judgments (600.6001...600.6098)

Section 600.6001 - Persons to Whom Execution Issued.

Section 600.6002 - Execution; Indorsement; Date; Return; Death or Incapacity of Officer Serving Execution; Certificate; Jurisdiction as to Joint or Joint and Several Obligors.

Section 600.6003 - Execution on Transcript of Judgment by District, Municipal, or Common Pleas Court.

Section 600.6004 - Execution Against Realty; Contents.

Section 600.6005 - Successive or Alias Executions; Several Executions.

Section 600.6006 - Execution; New.

Section 600.6007 - Execution; Precedence.

Section 600.6008 - Execution; Set-Off; Balance on Appeal.

Section 600.6009 - Execution; Officer's Security; Recovery of Expense.

Section 600.6010 - Execution; Return; Misconduct of Officer; Civil Liability.

Section 600.6011 - Effect of Order to Stay Proceedings on Execution.

Section 600.6012 - Execution; Property Bound From Time of Levy.

Section 600.6013 - Interest on Money Judgment.

Section 600.6017 - Execution; Personalty.

Section 600.6018 - Execution; Realty.

Section 600.6021 - Judgments; Nonissuance of Execution.

Section 600.6022 - Persons Whose Property Is Exempt.

Section 600.6023 - Property Exempt From Levy and Sale Under Execution; Lien Excluded From Exemption; Homestead Exemption; Rents and Profits.

Section 600.6023a - Property Held Jointly by Husband and Wife; Exemption Under Judgment Entered Against 1 Spouse.

Section 600.6024 - Exemptions From Sale on Execution; Taxation; Exception; Purchase Money Mortgage Sale; Effect of Sale of Property.

Section 600.6025 - Execution; Exemptions; Inventory; Appraisal; Expenses.

Section 600.6026 - Selection From Inventory; Selection of Homestead; Survey; Sale of Property Levied Upon; Deed.

Section 600.6027 - Homestead Valued at More Than $3,500; Procedure.

Section 600.6031 - Execution Sale; Notice.

Section 600.6032 - Execution Sale; Personalty.

Section 600.6033 - Execution; Property Partially Exempt; Bond.

Section 600.6034 - Execution; Property Subject to Chattel Mortgage.

Section 600.6035 - Levy on Perishable Property; Sale; Order of Court; Notice.

Section 600.6036 - Execution; Growing Grain or Unharvested Crops.

Section 600.6037 - Execution; Corporate Shares; Seizure by Officer; Furnishing Certificates of Shares Held by Defendant; Writ; Record of Transfer; Restraint on Transfer; Dividends After Levy.

Section 600.6038 - Execution; Franchise of Corporation Authorized to Receive Toll; Notice; Adjournment; Person Deemed Highest Bidder; Rights of Purchaser; Transfer; Injury to Franchise; Recovery of Penalties; Powers, Duties, and Liabilities; Redempti...

Section 600.6041 - Execution; Fees and Charges of Sale.

Section 600.6042 - Postponement of Sale; Public Declaration; Notice.

Section 600.6043 - Execution; Where More Than One Levy.

Section 600.6044 - Execution; Surplus; Disposition.

Section 600.6045 - Execution; Refusal of Highest Bidder to Take Property; Effect.

Section 600.6046 - Execution; Officer Not to Purchase or Be Interested.

Section 600.6047 - Payment by Debtor of Judgment Debtor.

Section 600.6051 - Execution Against Real Estate; Effect; Notice; Invalid After 5 Years.

Section 600.6052 - Notice of Time and Place of Sale.

Section 600.6053 - Execution; Time, Place, Adjournment.

Section 600.6054 - Execution; Irregular Sale; Taking Down or Defacement of Notice; Liability; Irregularities Not to Invalidate.

Section 600.6055 - Execution; Certificates, Contents; Filing; Disposition; Recording; Use as Evidence.

Section 600.6056 - Separate Exposure of Lots, Tracts, or Parcels for Sale; Sale of Undivided Interest.

Section 600.6057 - Execution; Leasehold Interest; Rights of Purchaser; Conveyance; Deposit; Recording; Filing Notice of Levy; Effect; Payment of Rent.

Section 600.6058 - Repealed. 2004, Act 538, Eff. Mar. 30, 2005.

Section 600.6059 - Execution; Homestead; Sale in Case Surplus Not Paid.

Section 600.6060 - Execution; Not Made on Equity of Redemption on Certain Judgment; Endorsement on Execution; Direction to Officer.

Section 600.6061 - Execution; Rights of Purchaser.

Section 600.6062 - Redemption of Real Estate; Time; Persons Entitled to Make; Effect on Sale and Certificate; Amount Stated in Recorded Affidavit.

Section 600.6063 - Acquisition by Creditor of Interest Vested in Original Purchaser by Sale; Terms.

Section 600.6064 - Acquisition by Creditor of Interest Vested in Original Purchaser by Sale; Purchase by Other Creditors; Acquisition by Original Purchaser, Execution Plaintiff, or Mortgagee.

Section 600.6065 - Acquisition of Interest of Original Purchaser; Evidence of Right of Creditor to Purchase.

Section 600.6066 - Acquisition of Interest of Original Purchaser; Transfer of Title; Automation Fund.

Section 600.6067 - Right to Deed; Assignments.

Section 600.6068 - Vesting of Title; Action for Injury to Realty by Grantee in Deed; Action for Waste, Injury, or Removal of Realty or Fixtures for Benefit of Person Acquiring Rights.

Section 600.6069 - Conveyance of Premises; Time; Effect; Executor, Administrator, or Person Equitably Entitled; Real Estate Held in Trust.

Section 600.6070 - Redemption; Discharge of Levy, Judgment, or Mortgage; Fee.

Section 600.6071 - Contribution Among Several Judgment Debtors; Order of Contribution; Enforcement; Lien of Original Judgment; Affidavit; Recording.

Section 600.6072 - Eviction of Purchaser; Recovery of Purchase Price; Further Execution for Benefit of Purchaser; Validity of Original Judgment.

Section 600.6075 - Civil Arrest; Grounds.

Section 600.6076 - Civil Arrest; Prerequisite.

Section 600.6077 - Warrant to Arrest Judgment Debtor.

Section 600.6078 - Hearing; Detention of Judgment Debtor.

Section 600.6079 - Civil Arrest; Discharge.

Section 600.6080 - Civil Arrest; Bail.

Section 600.6081 - Civil Arrest; Bail; Bond; Forfeiture; Release.

Section 600.6082 - Imprisonment; Segregation From Criminals; Payment of Board.

Section 600.6083 - Imprisonment; Sheriff's Liability for Escape.

Section 600.6084 - Imprisonment; Discharge; Effect.

Section 600.6085 - Removal or Concealment of Property to Avoid Execution; Misdemeanor.

Section 600.6086 - Transfer of Property by Judgment Debtor After Commitment; Validity.

Section 600.6091 - Sale of Real Estate Pursuant to Judgment; Notice; Procedure; Fees.

Section 600.6092 - Judgment Against Absent, Concealed, or Nonresident Defendant; Sequestration of Realty or Personalty; Delivery of Possession of Property; Satisfaction Out of Estate and Effects Sequestered.

Section 600.6093 - Recovery of Judgment Against Township, Village, City, or County.

Section 600.6094 - Recovery of Judgment for Damages Against School District or Intermediate School District.

Section 600.6094a - Judgment Under MCL 600.6093 or 600.6094; Limitation.

Section 600.6095 - Collection of Judgment; Against State Institution.

Section 600.6096 - Judgment or Claim Against Department; Payment From Unencumbered Appropriation; Identifying Information; Application of Amount to Certain Liabilities; Order of Priority; Disclosure; Definitions.

Section 600.6097 - Judgment Against Municipality; Issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness or Bonds to Pay Judgment; Amount; Interest; Sale; Duration; Bonds Not Subject to MCL 117.5; “Municipality” Defined.

Section 600.6098 - Review of Verdict in Action Alleging Medical Malpractice or Personal Injury Action; Duties of Judge; Reinstatement of Original Verdict; Affirming Orders and Judgments Granting Additur or Remittitur.