Michigan Compiled Laws
236-1961-60 - Chapter 60 Enforcement of Judgments (600.6001...600.6098)
Section 600.6023 - Property Exempt From Levy and Sale Under Execution; Lien Excluded From Exemption; Homestead Exemption; Rents and Profits.

Sec. 6023.
(1) The following property of a judgment debtor and the judgment debtor's dependents is exempt from levy and sale under an execution:
(a) All family pictures, all arms and accouterments required by law to be kept by any person, all wearing apparel of every person and his or her family, and provisions and fuel for comfortable subsistence of each householder and his or her family for 6 months.
(b) All household goods, furniture, utensils, books, and appliances, not exceeding in value $1,000.00.
(c) A seat, pew, or slip occupied by the judgment debtor or the judgment debtor's family in a house or place of public worship, and all cemeteries, tombs, and rights of burial while in use as repositories of the dead of the judgment debtor's family or kept for burial of the judgment debtor.
(d) To each householder, 10 sheep, 2 cows, 5 swine, 100 hens, 5 roosters, and a sufficient quantity of hay and grain, growing or otherwise, for properly keeping the animals and poultry for 6 months.
(e) The tools, implements, materials, stock, apparatus, team, vehicle, motor vehicle, horses, harness, or other things to enable a person to carry on the profession, trade, occupation, or business in which the person is principally engaged, not exceeding in value $1,000.00.
(f) Any money or other benefits paid, provided, or allowed to be paid, provided, or allowed, by any stock or mutual life or health or casualty insurance company, on account of the disability due to injury or sickness of the insured person, whether the debt or liability of such insured person or beneficiary was incurred before or after the accrual of benefits under the insurance policy or contract, except that the exemption under this subdivision does not apply to actions to recover for necessities contracted for after the accrual of the benefits.
(g) A homestead of not more than 40 acres of land and the dwelling house and appurtenances on that homestead that is not included in a recorded plat, city, or village, or, at the option of the owner, a quantity of land that consists of not more than 1 lot that is within a recorded town plat, city, or village, and the dwelling house and appurtenances on that land, owned and occupied by any resident of this state, not exceeding in value $3,500.00. This exemption applies to any house that is owned, occupied, and claimed as a homestead by a person but that is on land not owned by the person. However, this exemption does not apply to a mortgage on the homestead that is lawfully obtained. A mortgage is not valid for purposes of this subdivision without the signature of a married judgment debtor's spouse unless either of the following occurs:
(i) The mortgage is given to secure the payment of the purchase money or a portion of the purchase money.
(ii) The mortgage is recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which the property is located, for a period of 25 years, and no notice of a claim of invalidity is filed in that office during the 25 years following the recording of the mortgage.
(h) An equity of redemption as described in section 6060.
(i) The homestead of a family, after the death of the owner of the homestead, from the payment of his or her debts in all cases during the minority of his or her children.
(j) An individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity as defined in section 408 or 408a of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 408 and 408a, and the payments or distributions from the account or annuity. This exemption applies to the operation of the federal bankruptcy code as permitted by section 522(b)(2) of the bankruptcy code, 11 USC 522. This exemption does not apply to any amounts contributed to the individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity if the contribution occurs within 120 days before the debtor files for bankruptcy. This exemption does not apply to an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity to the extent that any of the following occur:
(i) The individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity is subject to an order of a court pursuant to a judgment of divorce or separate maintenance.
(ii) The individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity is subject to an order of a court concerning child support.
(iii) Contributions to the individual retirement account or premiums on the individual retirement annuity, including the earnings or benefits from those contributions or premiums, exceed, in the tax year made or paid, the deductible amount allowed under section 408 of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 408. This limitation on contributions does not apply to a rollover of a pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus, or other plan that is qualified under section 401 of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 401, or an annuity contract under section 403(b) of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 403.
(k) The right or interest of a person in a pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus, or other plan that is qualified under section 401 of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 401, or an annuity contract under section 403(b) of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 403, if the plan or annuity is subject to the employee retirement income security act of 1974, Public Law 93-406, 88 Stat. 829. This exemption applies to the operation of the federal bankruptcy code, as permitted by section 522(b)(2) of the bankruptcy code, 11 USC 522. This exemption does not apply to any amount contributed to a pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus, or other qualified plan or a 403(b) annuity if the contribution occurs within 120 days before the debtor files for bankruptcy. This exemption does not apply to the right or interest of a person in a pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus, or other qualified plan or a 403(b) annuity to the extent that the right or interest in the plan or annuity is subject to either of the following:
(i) An order of a court pursuant to a judgment of divorce or separate maintenance.
(ii) An order of a court concerning child support.
(l) Any interest in the following:
(i) A trust, fund, or advance tuition payment contract established under the Michigan education trust act, 1986 PA 316, MCL 390.1421 to 390.1442.
(ii) An account established under the Michigan education savings program act, 2000 PA 161, MCL 390.1471 to 390.1486.
(iii) An account in a qualified tuition program or educational savings trust under section 529 or 530 of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 529 and 530.
(2) The exemptions provided in this section do not extend to any lien on the exempt property that is excluded from exemption by law.
(3) If the owner of a homestead dies, leaving a surviving spouse but no children, the homestead is exempt, and the rents and profits of the homestead shall accrue to the benefit of the surviving spouse before his or her remarriage, unless the surviving spouse is the owner of a homestead in his or her own right.
History: 1961, Act 236, Eff. Jan. 1, 1963 ;-- Am. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 40, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963 ;-- Am. 1964, Act 73, Imd. Eff. May 12, 1964 ;-- Am. 1984, Act 83, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1984 ;-- Am. 1989, Act 5, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1989 ;-- Am. 1998, Act 61, Imd. Eff. Apr. 20, 1998 ;-- Am. 2012, Act 553, Imd. Eff. Jan. 2, 2013

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 600 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961

Act 236 of 1961 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961 (600.101 - 600.9948)

236-1961-60 - Chapter 60 Enforcement of Judgments (600.6001...600.6098)

Section 600.6001 - Persons to Whom Execution Issued.

Section 600.6002 - Execution; Indorsement; Date; Return; Death or Incapacity of Officer Serving Execution; Certificate; Jurisdiction as to Joint or Joint and Several Obligors.

Section 600.6003 - Execution on Transcript of Judgment by District, Municipal, or Common Pleas Court.

Section 600.6004 - Execution Against Realty; Contents.

Section 600.6005 - Successive or Alias Executions; Several Executions.

Section 600.6006 - Execution; New.

Section 600.6007 - Execution; Precedence.

Section 600.6008 - Execution; Set-Off; Balance on Appeal.

Section 600.6009 - Execution; Officer's Security; Recovery of Expense.

Section 600.6010 - Execution; Return; Misconduct of Officer; Civil Liability.

Section 600.6011 - Effect of Order to Stay Proceedings on Execution.

Section 600.6012 - Execution; Property Bound From Time of Levy.

Section 600.6013 - Interest on Money Judgment.

Section 600.6017 - Execution; Personalty.

Section 600.6018 - Execution; Realty.

Section 600.6021 - Judgments; Nonissuance of Execution.

Section 600.6022 - Persons Whose Property Is Exempt.

Section 600.6023 - Property Exempt From Levy and Sale Under Execution; Lien Excluded From Exemption; Homestead Exemption; Rents and Profits.

Section 600.6023a - Property Held Jointly by Husband and Wife; Exemption Under Judgment Entered Against 1 Spouse.

Section 600.6024 - Exemptions From Sale on Execution; Taxation; Exception; Purchase Money Mortgage Sale; Effect of Sale of Property.

Section 600.6025 - Execution; Exemptions; Inventory; Appraisal; Expenses.

Section 600.6026 - Selection From Inventory; Selection of Homestead; Survey; Sale of Property Levied Upon; Deed.

Section 600.6027 - Homestead Valued at More Than $3,500; Procedure.

Section 600.6031 - Execution Sale; Notice.

Section 600.6032 - Execution Sale; Personalty.

Section 600.6033 - Execution; Property Partially Exempt; Bond.

Section 600.6034 - Execution; Property Subject to Chattel Mortgage.

Section 600.6035 - Levy on Perishable Property; Sale; Order of Court; Notice.

Section 600.6036 - Execution; Growing Grain or Unharvested Crops.

Section 600.6037 - Execution; Corporate Shares; Seizure by Officer; Furnishing Certificates of Shares Held by Defendant; Writ; Record of Transfer; Restraint on Transfer; Dividends After Levy.

Section 600.6038 - Execution; Franchise of Corporation Authorized to Receive Toll; Notice; Adjournment; Person Deemed Highest Bidder; Rights of Purchaser; Transfer; Injury to Franchise; Recovery of Penalties; Powers, Duties, and Liabilities; Redempti...

Section 600.6041 - Execution; Fees and Charges of Sale.

Section 600.6042 - Postponement of Sale; Public Declaration; Notice.

Section 600.6043 - Execution; Where More Than One Levy.

Section 600.6044 - Execution; Surplus; Disposition.

Section 600.6045 - Execution; Refusal of Highest Bidder to Take Property; Effect.

Section 600.6046 - Execution; Officer Not to Purchase or Be Interested.

Section 600.6047 - Payment by Debtor of Judgment Debtor.

Section 600.6051 - Execution Against Real Estate; Effect; Notice; Invalid After 5 Years.

Section 600.6052 - Notice of Time and Place of Sale.

Section 600.6053 - Execution; Time, Place, Adjournment.

Section 600.6054 - Execution; Irregular Sale; Taking Down or Defacement of Notice; Liability; Irregularities Not to Invalidate.

Section 600.6055 - Execution; Certificates, Contents; Filing; Disposition; Recording; Use as Evidence.

Section 600.6056 - Separate Exposure of Lots, Tracts, or Parcels for Sale; Sale of Undivided Interest.

Section 600.6057 - Execution; Leasehold Interest; Rights of Purchaser; Conveyance; Deposit; Recording; Filing Notice of Levy; Effect; Payment of Rent.

Section 600.6058 - Repealed. 2004, Act 538, Eff. Mar. 30, 2005.

Section 600.6059 - Execution; Homestead; Sale in Case Surplus Not Paid.

Section 600.6060 - Execution; Not Made on Equity of Redemption on Certain Judgment; Endorsement on Execution; Direction to Officer.

Section 600.6061 - Execution; Rights of Purchaser.

Section 600.6062 - Redemption of Real Estate; Time; Persons Entitled to Make; Effect on Sale and Certificate; Amount Stated in Recorded Affidavit.

Section 600.6063 - Acquisition by Creditor of Interest Vested in Original Purchaser by Sale; Terms.

Section 600.6064 - Acquisition by Creditor of Interest Vested in Original Purchaser by Sale; Purchase by Other Creditors; Acquisition by Original Purchaser, Execution Plaintiff, or Mortgagee.

Section 600.6065 - Acquisition of Interest of Original Purchaser; Evidence of Right of Creditor to Purchase.

Section 600.6066 - Acquisition of Interest of Original Purchaser; Transfer of Title; Automation Fund.

Section 600.6067 - Right to Deed; Assignments.

Section 600.6068 - Vesting of Title; Action for Injury to Realty by Grantee in Deed; Action for Waste, Injury, or Removal of Realty or Fixtures for Benefit of Person Acquiring Rights.

Section 600.6069 - Conveyance of Premises; Time; Effect; Executor, Administrator, or Person Equitably Entitled; Real Estate Held in Trust.

Section 600.6070 - Redemption; Discharge of Levy, Judgment, or Mortgage; Fee.

Section 600.6071 - Contribution Among Several Judgment Debtors; Order of Contribution; Enforcement; Lien of Original Judgment; Affidavit; Recording.

Section 600.6072 - Eviction of Purchaser; Recovery of Purchase Price; Further Execution for Benefit of Purchaser; Validity of Original Judgment.

Section 600.6075 - Civil Arrest; Grounds.

Section 600.6076 - Civil Arrest; Prerequisite.

Section 600.6077 - Warrant to Arrest Judgment Debtor.

Section 600.6078 - Hearing; Detention of Judgment Debtor.

Section 600.6079 - Civil Arrest; Discharge.

Section 600.6080 - Civil Arrest; Bail.

Section 600.6081 - Civil Arrest; Bail; Bond; Forfeiture; Release.

Section 600.6082 - Imprisonment; Segregation From Criminals; Payment of Board.

Section 600.6083 - Imprisonment; Sheriff's Liability for Escape.

Section 600.6084 - Imprisonment; Discharge; Effect.

Section 600.6085 - Removal or Concealment of Property to Avoid Execution; Misdemeanor.

Section 600.6086 - Transfer of Property by Judgment Debtor After Commitment; Validity.

Section 600.6091 - Sale of Real Estate Pursuant to Judgment; Notice; Procedure; Fees.

Section 600.6092 - Judgment Against Absent, Concealed, or Nonresident Defendant; Sequestration of Realty or Personalty; Delivery of Possession of Property; Satisfaction Out of Estate and Effects Sequestered.

Section 600.6093 - Recovery of Judgment Against Township, Village, City, or County.

Section 600.6094 - Recovery of Judgment for Damages Against School District or Intermediate School District.

Section 600.6094a - Judgment Under MCL 600.6093 or 600.6094; Limitation.

Section 600.6095 - Collection of Judgment; Against State Institution.

Section 600.6096 - Judgment or Claim Against Department; Payment From Unencumbered Appropriation; Identifying Information; Application of Amount to Certain Liabilities; Order of Priority; Disclosure; Definitions.

Section 600.6097 - Judgment Against Municipality; Issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness or Bonds to Pay Judgment; Amount; Interest; Sale; Duration; Bonds Not Subject to MCL 117.5; “Municipality” Defined.

Section 600.6098 - Review of Verdict in Action Alleging Medical Malpractice or Personal Injury Action; Duties of Judge; Reinstatement of Original Verdict; Affirming Orders and Judgments Granting Additur or Remittitur.