Michigan Compiled Laws
236-1961-1-JUDICIAL-SYSTEM - Judicial System (600.151...600.185)
Section 600.181 - Justice System Fund; Creation; Use; Disposition; Investment; Distributions.

Sec. 181.
(1) The justice system fund is created in the state treasury. The money in the fund must be used as provided in this section.
(2) The state treasurer shall credit to the justice system fund deposits of proceeds from the collection of revenue from court assessments and costs designated by law for deposit in the fund and shall credit all income from investment credited to the fund by the state treasurer. The state treasurer may invest money in the fund in any manner authorized by law for the investment of state money. However, an investment must not interfere with any apportionment, allocation, or payment of money as required by this section. The unencumbered balance remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year must remain in the fund and must not revert to the general fund.
(3) Each fiscal year, the state treasurer shall distribute the proceeds of the fund monthly as follows:
(a) To the Michigan justice training fund created in 1982 PA 302, MCL 18.421 to 18.430, an amount equal to $10.00 multiplied by the number of civil infraction actions on which assessments are collected each month under section 629e or 907 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.629e and 257.907.
(b) The balance of the fund remaining after the allocation in subdivision (a) shall be distributed as follows:
(i) To the highway safety fund created in section 629e of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.629e, 23.66% of the fund balance.
(ii) To the jail reimbursement program fund created in section 629e of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.629e, 11.84% of the fund balance.
(iii) To the Michigan justice training fund created in 1982 PA 302, MCL 18.421 to 18.430, 11.84% of the fund balance.
(iv) To the secretary of the legislative retirement system for deposit with the state treasurer in the retirement fund created in the Michigan legislative retirement system act, 1957 PA 261, MCL 38.1001 to 38.1080, 1.10% of the fund balance.
(v) To the drug treatment court fund created in section 185, 2.73% of the fund balance.
(vi) To the state forensic laboratory fund created in section 3 of the forensic laboratory funding act, 1994 PA 35, MCL 12.203, 5.35% of the fund balance.
(vii) To the state court fund created in section 151a, 12.69% of the fund balance.
(viii) To the court equity fund created in section 151b, 24.33% of the fund balance.
(ix) To the state treasurer for monitoring of collection and distribution of fund receipts, 0.98% of the fund balance.
(x) To the state court administrative office for management assistance and audit of trial court collections, 0.98% of the fund balance.
(xi) To the sexual assault victims' medical forensic intervention and treatment fund created in section 3 of the sexual assault victims' medical forensic intervention and treatment act, 2008 PA 546, MCL 400.1533, 2.65% of the fund balance.
(xii) To the children's advocacy center fund created in section 3 of the children's advocacy center act, 2008 PA 544, MCL 722.1043, 1.85% of the fund balance.
History: Add. 2003, Act 97, Eff. Oct. 1, 2003 ;-- Am. 2008, Act 545, Eff. Apr. 1, 2009 ;-- Am. 2016, Act 292, Eff. Jan. 2, 2017 ;-- Am. 2022, Act 189, Imd. Eff. Sept. 27, 2022

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 600 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961

Act 236 of 1961 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961 (600.101 - 600.9948)

236-1961-1 - Chapter 1 Short Title and Construction (600.101...600.185)

236-1961-1-JUDICIAL-SYSTEM - Judicial System (600.151...600.185)

Section 600.151 - Judicial Power of State; Vesting in Courts.

Section 600.151a - State Court Fund; Creation; Use; Crediting Deposits and Income From Investments; Unencumbered Balance Remaining in Fund; Distribution of Proceeds.

Section 600.151b - Court Equity Fund; Creation; Duties of State Court Administrative Office; Hold Harmless Fund; Payments; Reduced Shares; Retention of Balance in Work Project Account; Formula; Distributions; Definitions.

Section 600.151c - Local Court Management Council; Creation; Resolution; Delivery of Court Services.

Section 600.151d - Juror Compensation Reimbursement Fund; Creation; Use; Deposits; Investments; Disposition of Unencumbered Balance; Transfer to General Fund; Transfer to Court Equity Fund.

Section 600.151e - Juror Compensation Reimbursement Fund; Distribution; Allocation of Funds for Contract With Software Vendor and Position Within State Court Administrator Office That Provides Technical Support; Report; Conditions for Reimbursement;...

Section 600.152 - Chief Justice; Head of Judicial System.

Section 600.171 - Civil Filing Fee Fund; Creation; Use; Deposits; Investment; Distribution of Proceeds.

Section 600.175 - Judicial Technology Improvement Fund; Creation; Use; Disposition; Investment; Transfer of Balance to General Fund; Administration; Expenditure; Reimbursement to State Court Administrative Office.

Section 600.176 - Judicial Electronic Filing Fund; Creation; Use; Credit; Unencumbered Balance Remaining in Fund; Administration; Expenditure; Development of Statewide Electronic Filing System; Reimbursement to State Court Administrative Office for C...

Section 600.181 - Justice System Fund; Creation; Use; Disposition; Investment; Distributions.

Section 600.185 - Drug Treatment Court Fund; Creation; Use; Disposition; Investment; Administration; Eligibility Conditions; Reimbursement to State Court Administrative Office.