Michigan Compiled Laws
236-1961-1-JUDICIAL-SYSTEM - Judicial System (600.151...600.185)
Section 600.151c - Local Court Management Council; Creation; Resolution; Delivery of Court Services.

Sec. 151c.
A county or a group of counties may by resolution create a local court management council pursuant to Act No. 8 of the Public Acts of the Extra Session of 1967, being sections 124.531 to 124.536 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. A council created under this section may be given the responsibility for coordinating the delivery of court services within that county or those counties.
History: Add. 1996, Act 374, Eff. Oct. 1, 1996

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 600 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961

Act 236 of 1961 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961 (600.101 - 600.9948)

236-1961-1 - Chapter 1 Short Title and Construction (600.101...600.185)

236-1961-1-JUDICIAL-SYSTEM - Judicial System (600.151...600.185)

Section 600.151 - Judicial Power of State; Vesting in Courts.

Section 600.151a - State Court Fund; Creation; Use; Crediting Deposits and Income From Investments; Unencumbered Balance Remaining in Fund; Distribution of Proceeds.

Section 600.151b - Court Equity Fund; Creation; Duties of State Court Administrative Office; Hold Harmless Fund; Payments; Reduced Shares; Retention of Balance in Work Project Account; Formula; Distributions; Definitions.

Section 600.151c - Local Court Management Council; Creation; Resolution; Delivery of Court Services.

Section 600.151d - Juror Compensation Reimbursement Fund; Creation; Use; Deposits; Investments; Disposition of Unencumbered Balance; Transfer to General Fund; Transfer to Court Equity Fund.

Section 600.151e - Juror Compensation Reimbursement Fund; Distribution; Allocation of Funds for Contract With Software Vendor and Position Within State Court Administrator Office That Provides Technical Support; Report; Conditions for Reimbursement;...

Section 600.152 - Chief Justice; Head of Judicial System.

Section 600.171 - Civil Filing Fee Fund; Creation; Use; Deposits; Investment; Distribution of Proceeds.

Section 600.175 - Judicial Technology Improvement Fund; Creation; Use; Disposition; Investment; Transfer of Balance to General Fund; Administration; Expenditure; Reimbursement to State Court Administrative Office.

Section 600.176 - Judicial Electronic Filing Fund; Creation; Use; Credit; Unencumbered Balance Remaining in Fund; Administration; Expenditure; Development of Statewide Electronic Filing System; Reimbursement to State Court Administrative Office for C...

Section 600.181 - Justice System Fund; Creation; Use; Disposition; Investment; Distributions.

Section 600.185 - Drug Treatment Court Fund; Creation; Use; Disposition; Investment; Administration; Eligibility Conditions; Reimbursement to State Court Administrative Office.