Michigan Compiled Laws
218-1956-8 - Chapter 8 Assets and Liabilities (500.808...500.842)
Section 500.835a - Individual Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts Purchased After December 31, 2014; Annuities and Pure Endowments Purchased After December 31, 2014 Under Group Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts; Valuation; Tables and Interest Rat...

Sec. 835a.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in section 836, the minimum standard for the valuation of all individual annuity and pure endowment contracts issued after December 31, 2014 and for all annuities and pure endowments purchased after December 31, 2014 under group annuity and pure endowment contracts must be the Commissioner's Reserve Valuation Method described in section 834(2) and (3), and the following tables and interest rates:
(a) For individual single premium immediate annuity contracts, excluding any disability and accidental death benefits in these contracts, the standard must be the 2012 IAR Table or any individual annuity mortality table adopted after 2015 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners that is approved by a rule promulgated by the director for use in determining the minimum standard of valuation for such contracts, or a modification of these tables approved by the director, and an interest rate as determined by the methodology described in section 836.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (d), for individual annuity and pure endowment contracts, other than single premium immediate annuity contracts, excluding any disability and accidental death benefits in the contracts, the standard must be the 2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Table or any individual annuity mortality table adopted after 2017 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners that is approved by a rule promulgated by the director for use in determining the minimum standard of valuation for such contracts, or a modification of these tables approved by the director, and an interest rate as determined by the methodology described in section 836 for single premium deferred annuity and pure endowment contracts, and an interest rate as determined by the methodology described in section 836 for all other such individual annuity and pure endowment contracts.
(c) For all annuities and pure endowments purchased under group annuity and pure endowment contracts, excluding any disability and accidental death benefits purchased under these contracts, the standard must be the 1994 GAR Table, or any group annuity mortality table adopted after 2017 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners that is approved by a rule promulgated by the director for use in determining the minimum standard of valuation for such annuities and pure endowments, or a modification of these tables approved by the director, and an interest rate as determined by the methodology described in section 836.
(d) For individual annuity and pure endowment contracts, the standard must be the 1983 Table a without projection only if the contract is based on life contingencies and is issued to fund periodic benefits arising from either of the following:
(i) Settlements of various forms of claims pertaining to court settlements, out of court settlements from tort actions, or settlements involving similar actions such as worker's compensation claims.
(ii) Settlement of long-term disability claims if a temporary or life annuity has been used instead of continuing disability payments.
(2) As used in this section:
(a) "Annuity 2000 Table" means the mortality table developed by the Society of Actuaries Committee on Life Insurance Research and shown on page 240 of volume XLVII of the Transactions of the Society of Actuaries.
(b) "Generational Mortality Table" means a mortality table containing a set of mortality rates that decrease for a given age from 1 year to the next based on a combination of a period table and a projection scale containing rates of mortality improvement.
(c) "Period table" means a table of mortality rates applicable to a given calendar year.
(d) "Projection Scale G2" means the table of annual rates, G2X, of mortality improvement by age for projecting future mortality rates beyond calendar year 2012 developed by the Society of Actuaries Committee on Life Insurance Research.
(e) "1983 GAM Table" means that mortality table developed by the Society of Actuaries Committee on Annuities and adopted as a recognized mortality table for annuities in December 1983 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
(f) "1983 Table a" means the mortality table developed by the Society of Actuaries Committee to recommend a new mortality basis for individual annuity valuation and adopted as a recognized mortality table for annuities in June 1982 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
(g) "1994 GAR Table" means the mortality table developed by the Society of Actuaries group annuity valuation table task force and published on pages 866-867 of volume XLVII of the Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, where the mortality rate for an individual of age x in year 1994+n, QX1994+N, is determined as follows:

(h) "2012 IAM Period Table" means the period table developed by the Society of Actuaries Committee on Life Insurance Research that contains loaded mortality rates for calendar year 2012.
(i) "2012 IAR Table" means the generational mortality table developed by the Society of Actuaries Committee on Life Insurance Research that contains rates derived from a combination of the 2012 IAM Period Table and Projection Scale G2, where mortality rates for an individual of age x in year 2012+n, QX2012+N, are determined as follows, and the results rounded to the nearest one-thousandth:

History: Add. 2016, Act 558, Eff. Apr. 10, 2017 ;-- Am. 2017, Act 67, Imd. Eff. June 30, 2017 Popular Name: Act 218

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 500 - Insurance Code of 1956

Act 218 of 1956 - The Insurance Code of 1956 (500.100 - 500.8302)

218-1956-8 - Chapter 8 Assets and Liabilities (500.808...500.842)

Section 500.808 - Stock or Mutual Insurers; Unearned Premium Reserves, Pro Rata Basis, Computation.

Section 500.810 - Reserves; Computation; Additional Reserves; Plan to Restore Compliance; Effect of Noncompliance; Examination of Reserve Practices and Investment Incomes.

Section 500.811 - Repealed. 1994, Act 148, Imd. Eff. June 7, 1994.

Section 500.812 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970.

Section 500.813 - Repealed. 1992, Act 182, Imd. Eff. Oct. 1, 1992.

Section 500.814 - Certification of Loss Reserves.

Section 500.814a - Statement of Actuarial Opinion; Filing Requirements; Confidentiality; Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility Not Property and Casualty Insurer.

Section 500.815 - Computation of Unearned Premium Reserve on Mortgage Guaranty Insurance.

Section 500.815a - Establishment of Contingency Reserve by Mortgage Guaranty Insurer.

Section 500.816 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970.

Section 500.817 - Repealed. 1966, Act 221, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1966.

Section 500.818, 500.822 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970.

Section 500.830 - Life Insurance Policies and Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts; Life Insurance Contracts, Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts, Accident and Health Contracts, and Deposit-Type Contracts; Annual Valuation of Reserves; Limitation; V...

Section 500.830a - Life Insurance; Actuarial Opinion; Form; Submission to Director; Liability of Actuary; “Qualified Actuary” Defined; Limitation; Public Hearing; Company With Outstanding Life Insurance Contracts, Accident and Health Insurance Contra...

Section 500.831 - Domestic Insurer's Business in Foreign Country; Variance of Mortality Standard.

Section 500.832 - Valuation of Life Insurance Policies and Contracts Issued Before Operative Date of Standard Nonforfeiture Law.

Section 500.834 - Valuation of Life Insurance Policies and Contracts Issued on and After Operative Date of Standard Nonforfeiture Law; Minimum Standard; Reserves; Definitions.

Section 500.835 - Valuation of Individual Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts; Minimum Standard; Notice of Election to Invoke Section; Failure to Make Election; Definitions.

Section 500.835a - Individual Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts Purchased After December 31, 2014; Annuities and Pure Endowments Purchased After December 31, 2014 Under Group Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts; Valuation; Tables and Interest Rat...

Section 500.836 - Calendar Year Statutory Valuation Interest Rates; Use; Determination; Weighting Factors; “Reference Interest Rate” Defined; Alternative Method for Determination of Reference Interest Rate; Changes to Policy or Contract Forms; Comput...

Section 500.836a - Valuation of Disability Plans and Contracts Issued Before Date of Valuation Manual; Regulations; Accidental and Health Insurance Contracts; Definitions.

Section 500.836b - Valuation Manual; Establishment of Reserves Using Principle-Based Valuation; Duties of Company; Confidential Information; Definitions.

Section 500.837 - Definitions; Valuation Requirements for Universal Life Insurance Policies.

Section 500.838 - Definitions; Use of Naic Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual; Mortality Table; Separate Rates for Smokers and Nonsmokers; Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities, Minimum Cash Surrender Values, and Amounts of Paid-Up Nonforfe...

Section 500.838a - Definitions; 2001 Cso Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table.

Section 500.839 - Capital Notes.

Section 500.840 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970.

Section 500.841 - Valuation of Certain Bonds or Other Evidences of Debt.

Section 500.842 - Valuation of Certain Securities, Stocks, or Shares.