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Section 500.808 - Stock or Mutual Insurers; Unearned Premium Reserves, Pro Rata Basis, Computation. - Sec. 808. Every insurer doing business in this state shall...
Section 500.810 - Reserves; Computation; Additional Reserves; Plan to Restore Compliance; Effect of Noncompliance; Examination of Reserve Practices and Investment Incomes. - Sec. 810. (1) Each insurer transacting business in this state,...
Section 500.811 - Repealed. 1994, Act 148, Imd. Eff. June 7, 1994. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to outstanding disability policies...
Section 500.812 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to liability or workmen's...
Section 500.813 - Repealed. 1992, Act 182, Imd. Eff. Oct. 1, 1992. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to the annual report...
Section 500.814 - Certification of Loss Reserves. - Sec. 814. The commissioner may require an insurer writing liability...
Section 500.814a - Statement of Actuarial Opinion; Filing Requirements; Confidentiality; Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility Not Property and Casualty Insurer. - Sec. 814a. (1) Every property and casualty insurer doing business...
Section 500.815 - Computation of Unearned Premium Reserve on Mortgage Guaranty Insurance. - Sec. 815. The unearned premium reserve on mortgage guaranty insurance...
Section 500.815a - Establishment of Contingency Reserve by Mortgage Guaranty Insurer. - Sec. 815a. In addition to the capital, surplus and reserves...
Section 500.816 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to liability or workmen's...
Section 500.817 - Repealed. 1966, Act 221, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1966. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to unearned premium reserve...
Section 500.818, 500.822 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to unearned premium reserve...
Section 500.830 - Life Insurance Policies and Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts; Life Insurance Contracts, Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts, Accident and Health Contracts, and Deposit-Type Contracts; Annual Valuation of Reserves; Limitation; V... - Sec. 830. (1) The director shall annually value the reserve...
Section 500.830a - Life Insurance; Actuarial Opinion; Form; Submission to Director; Liability of Actuary; “Qualified Actuary” Defined; Limitation; Public Hearing; Company With Outstanding Life Insurance Contracts, Accident and Health Insurance Contra... - Sec. 830a. (1) A life insurance company doing business in...
Section 500.831 - Domestic Insurer's Business in Foreign Country; Variance of Mortality Standard. - Sec. 831. In case of insurance issued by a domestic...
Section 500.832 - Valuation of Life Insurance Policies and Contracts Issued Before Operative Date of Standard Nonforfeiture Law. - Sec. 832. (1) This section shall apply to only life...
Section 500.834 - Valuation of Life Insurance Policies and Contracts Issued on and After Operative Date of Standard Nonforfeiture Law; Minimum Standard; Reserves; Definitions. - Sec. 834. (1) Except as otherwise provided in sections 835,...
Section 500.835 - Valuation of Individual Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts; Minimum Standard; Notice of Election to Invoke Section; Failure to Make Election; Definitions. - Sec. 835. (1) Except as provided in sections 835a and...
Section 500.835a - Individual Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts Purchased After December 31, 2014; Annuities and Pure Endowments Purchased After December 31, 2014 Under Group Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts; Valuation; Tables and Interest Rat... - Sec. 835a. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 836,...
Section 500.836 - Calendar Year Statutory Valuation Interest Rates; Use; Determination; Weighting Factors; “Reference Interest Rate” Defined; Alternative Method for Determination of Reference Interest Rate; Changes to Policy or Contract Forms; Comput... - Sec. 836. (1) The calendar year statutory valuation interest rates...
Section 500.836a - Valuation of Disability Plans and Contracts Issued Before Date of Valuation Manual; Regulations; Accidental and Health Insurance Contracts; Definitions. - Sec. 836a. (1) The director shall promulgate regulations containing the...
Section 500.836b - Valuation Manual; Establishment of Reserves Using Principle-Based Valuation; Duties of Company; Confidential Information; Definitions. - Sec. 836b. (1) All of the following apply to the...
Section 500.837 - Definitions; Valuation Requirements for Universal Life Insurance Policies. - Sec. 837. (1) As used in this section: (a) "A"...
Section 500.838 - Definitions; Use of Naic Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual; Mortality Table; Separate Rates for Smokers and Nonsmokers; Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities, Minimum Cash Surrender Values, and Amounts of Paid-Up Nonforfe... - Sec. 838. (1) As used in this section: (a) "2001...
Section 500.838a - Definitions; 2001 Cso Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table. - Sec. 838a. (1) As used in this section: (a) "2001...
Section 500.839 - Capital Notes. - Sec. 839. (1) A domestic insurer may issue capital notes...
Section 500.840 - Repealed. 1969, Act 318, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to stock in federal...
Section 500.841 - Valuation of Certain Bonds or Other Evidences of Debt. - Sec. 841. (1) Subject to subsection (2), all bonds or...
Section 500.842 - Valuation of Certain Securities, Stocks, or Shares. - Sec. 842. (1) Securities, other than those referred to in...