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Section 500.701 - Definitions. - Sec. 701. As used in this chapter: (a) "Annual claim...
Section 500.702 - Health Insurance Reserves; Determination of Adequacy; Basis. - Sec. 702. The adequacy of an insurer's health insurance reserves...
Section 500.703 - Claim Reserves and Claim Expense Reserves Required; Conditions; Testing for Adequacy and Reasonableness. - Sec. 703. (1) Claim reserves are required for all incurred...
Section 500.705 - Disability Income Claim Reserves; Maximum Interest Rate; Morbidity Standards Specified in Rules; Exception; Group Disability Income Claim Reserves; Duration From Date of Disablement 2 Years or More but Less Than 5 Years; Basis; Requ... - Sec. 705. (1) The maximum interest rate for claim reserves...
Section 500.707 - Health Insurance Benefits Other Than Disability Income; Claim Reserves Maximum Interest Rate; Basis of Claim Reserve. - Sec. 707. (1) The maximum interest rate for claim reserves...
Section 500.709 - Estimation of Claim Liabilities; Methods. - Sec. 709. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any...
Section 500.711 - Unearned Premium Reserves; Treatment of Premiums Due and Unpaid; Discount of Certain Gross Premiums Paid in Advance. - Sec. 711. (1) Unearned premium reserves are required for all...
Section 500.713 - Minimum Unearned Premium Reserve; Basis; Sum of Unearned Premium and Contract Reserves; Limitation. - Sec. 713. (1) The minimum unearned premium reserve with respect...
Section 500.715 - Premium Reserves; Computation. - Sec. 715. The insurer may employ suitable approximations and estimates...
Section 500.717 - Contract Reserves; Required for Certain Policies and Certificates; Exception; Addition to Claim and Premium Reserves; Methods and Procedures; Date of Incurral Defined. - Sec. 717. (1) Except as otherwise provided for in subsection...
Section 500.719 - Morbidity Standards; Rules; Structure of Valuation Net Premiums; Valuation of Health Insurance Policies and Certificates for Which Tabular Morbidity Standards Not Specified; Maximum Interest Rate for Contract Reserves; Termination R... - Sec. 719. (1) Minimum standards with respect to morbidity are...
Section 500.721 - Application of Alternative Method or Basis to Contract Reserve; Assumptions; Methods to Determine Sound Value of Liabilities. - Sec. 721. (1) If the contract reserve on all health...
Section 500.723 - Tabular Reserves; Annual Review; Increments; Restriction of Future Gross Premiums; Establishment of Contract Reserves for Insufficiency in Aggregate. - Sec. 723. (1) A review shall be made annually of...
Section 500.725 - Reinsurance; Determination of Increases To, or Credit Against, Reserves. - Sec. 725. Increases to, or credits against, reserves carried arising...
Section 500.729 - Individual Insurance Policies; Minimum Morbidity Standards for Disability Income Benefits; Basis of Contract Reserve Standards for Certain Hospital, Surgical, and Maternity Benefits; Basis of Contract Reserve Standards for Certain C... - Sec. 729. (1) The following minimum morbidity standards for disability...
Section 500.731 - Disability Benefits for Group Health Insurance Certificates; Minimum Morbidity Standards. - Sec. 731. The following minimum morbidity standards for disability benefits...
Section 500.733 - Maximum Interest Rates. - Sec. 733. (1) The maximum interest rate for contract reserves...
Section 500.735 - Mortality Basis; Use of Other Mortality Tables; Request for Approval. - Sec. 735. (1) The mortality basis used shall be that...
Section 500.737 - Rules. - Sec. 737. The commissioner may promulgate rules pursuant to the...