Michigan Compiled Laws
218-1956-70 - Chapter 70 Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (500.7001...500.7090)
Section 500.7080 - Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement Security Fund; Creation; Administration; Use; Appointment, Qualifications, Terms, and Compensation of Board of Trustees; Powers of Board of Trustees; Payment of and Accounting for Expenses.

Sec. 7080.
(1) A multiple employer welfare arrangement security fund is created within the state treasury. The fund shall be administered by a board of trustees and shall be used solely to pay and discharge covered claims against insolvent MEWAs authorized to do business in this state.
(2) The board of trustees of the fund shall consist of 3 members. The commissioner shall be an ex officio member and the remaining 2 members shall be representatives of authorized MEWAs, who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The 2 appointive members shall serve terms of 4 years and shall serve without compensation, except for actual and necessary expenses.
(3) The board may:
(a) If a MEWA becomes insolvent, appoint a person to act as a fund administrator. The fund administrator shall:
(i) Supervise disbursements for covered claims of the insolvent MEWA.
(ii) Request payments from the fund for covered claims.
(iii) Perform such other duties as are designated by the board.
(b) Authorize payments from the fund for covered claims upon request to the fund administrator by a covered employee or dependent who is a Michigan resident and who is receiving or is entitled to receive benefits from an insolvent MEWA that is unable to continue paying benefits. All payments from the fund shall be determined by the board and made upon an order signed by a trustee.
(c) Promulgate rules as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of the fund pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being sections 24.201 to 24.328 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(d) Maintain records, institute systems and procedures, and take any other administrative action as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of the fund.
(e) Secure legal advice and be represented by the attorney general or any assistant designated by him or her in any matter involving the affairs of the fund.
(4) All expenses authorized by the board for the proper administration of the fund, including, but not limited to, the salary and expenses of the fund administrator and the investigation, determination, and defense of claims against the fund shall be borne by and paid from the assets of the fund. All expenses incurred and charged to the fund shall be accounted for on a fiscal year basis.
History: Add. 1986, Act 121, Eff. July 1, 1986 Compiler's Notes: For transfer of position of commissioner of office of financial and insurance regulation as member or chairperson of board or commission to director of department of insurance and financial services, see E.R.O. No. 2013-1, compiled at MCL 550.991.Popular Name: Act 218

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 500 - Insurance Code of 1956

Act 218 of 1956 - The Insurance Code of 1956 (500.100 - 500.8302)

218-1956-70 - Chapter 70 Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (500.7001...500.7090)

Section 500.7001 - Definitions.

Section 500.7004 - Employee Welfare Benefit Plan as Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement; Certificate of Authority Required; Applicability of Chapter.

Section 500.7006 - Benefits to Which Authorized Mewa Limited.

Section 500.7010 - Application for Certificate of Authority; Form; Submission of Application and Other Documents to Commissioner; Examination of Application and Documents; Investigation; Examination Under Oath of Certain Persons.

Section 500.7011 - Conditions to Issuance of Certificate of Authority.

Section 500.7012 - Fees; Payment and Collection; Service of Process; Designation and Purpose of Fees.

Section 500.7014 - Issuance of Certificate of Authority; Refusal to Grant Certificate; Notice of Refusal; Request for and Conduct of Hearing.

Section 500.7018 - Temporary Certificate; Organization of Proposed Mewa; Opening Books to Commissioner; Condition to Issuance of Final Certificate.

Section 500.7020 - Issuance of Policies by Mewa; Premium or Premium Deposit; Contingent Premium; Restoration of Cash Reserves.

Section 500.7022 - Name of Mewa; Proof of Existence of Mewa.

Section 500.7024 - Powers of Mewa.

Section 500.7026 - Articles, Bylaws, and Trust Agreement of Mewa and Amendments Thereto; Filing; Approval; Form for Trust Agreement; Notice of Meeting; Voting Rights; Powers to Be Exercised by Board of Trustees; Restrictions on Trustees.

Section 500.7028 - Duties of Trustees; Limitation on Liability of Trustee.

Section 500.7030 - Officers and Agents; Selection and Appointment; Authority and Duties; Removal; Bond.

Section 500.7032 - Compensation of Trustee, Officer, or Employee.

Section 500.7034 - Trustee or Officer; Prohibited Conduct; Violation as Felony; Penalty.

Section 500.7040 - Financial Statements and Reports Required to Be Filed; Commingling of Cash Reserves Prohibited.

Section 500.7040.amended - Financial Statements and Reports Required to Be Filed; Commingling of Cash Reserves Prohibited.

Section 500.7044 - Notice to Individual Covered by Plan.

Section 500.7050 - Examination of Affairs of Mewa; Access to Books, Records, and Documents; Examination of Trustees, Officers, Agents, and Employees; Payment and Disposition of Assessment.

Section 500.7060 - Additional Provisions to Which Mewa Subject.

Section 500.7070 - Certificate of Authority; Grounds for Suspension, Revocation, or Limitation.

Section 500.7074 - Written Findings of Violation; Issuance and Service of Findings and Cease and Desist Order; Additional Orders.

Section 500.7076 - Violation of Cease and Desist Order; Notice; Hearing; Civil Fine; Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Authority.

Section 500.7078 - Conduct of Proceedings for Payment of Fines or for Suspension, Revocation, or Limitation of Certificate of Authority; Appeal of Disputed Claim; Hearing.

Section 500.7080 - Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement Security Fund; Creation; Administration; Use; Appointment, Qualifications, Terms, and Compensation of Board of Trustees; Powers of Board of Trustees; Payment of and Accounting for Expenses.

Section 500.7084 - Assessments; Purpose; Limitation; Notice; Payment; Assessments as Elements of Loss for Purpose of Establishing Rates; Liability of Employer Ceasing to Participate in Mewa; Certification of Collection and Receipt of Money From Asses...

Section 500.7086 - Security Fund as Creditor of Insolvent Mewa; Reimbursement From Insolvent Mewa.

Section 500.7090 - Effective Date of Chapter.