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Section 500.7001 - Definitions. - Sec. 7001. As used in this chapter: (a) "Board" means...
Section 500.7004 - Employee Welfare Benefit Plan as Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement; Certificate of Authority Required; Applicability of Chapter. - Sec. 7004. A person shall not establish or maintain an...
Section 500.7006 - Benefits to Which Authorized Mewa Limited. - Sec. 7006. A MEWA authorized under this chapter shall be...
Section 500.7010 - Application for Certificate of Authority; Form; Submission of Application and Other Documents to Commissioner; Examination of Application and Documents; Investigation; Examination Under Oath of Certain Persons. - Sec. 7010. (1) A person wishing to establish an employee...
Section 500.7011 - Conditions to Issuance of Certificate of Authority. - Sec. 7011. The commissioner shall not issue a certificate of...
Section 500.7012 - Fees; Payment and Collection; Service of Process; Designation and Purpose of Fees. - Sec. 7012. (1) The commissioner shall collect, and the persons...
Section 500.7014 - Issuance of Certificate of Authority; Refusal to Grant Certificate; Notice of Refusal; Request for and Conduct of Hearing. - Sec. 7014. After examination and investigation, the commissioner shall issue...
Section 500.7018 - Temporary Certificate; Organization of Proposed Mewa; Opening Books to Commissioner; Condition to Issuance of Final Certificate. - Sec. 7018. (1) The MEWA, upon receipt of its initial...
Section 500.7020 - Issuance of Policies by Mewa; Premium or Premium Deposit; Contingent Premium; Restoration of Cash Reserves. - Sec. 7020. (1) The policies issued by the MEWA shall...
Section 500.7022 - Name of Mewa; Proof of Existence of Mewa. - Sec. 7022. No MEWA authorized under this chapter shall take...
Section 500.7024 - Powers of Mewa. - Sec. 7024. Every MEWA, unless otherwise provided, or inconsistent with...
Section 500.7026 - Articles, Bylaws, and Trust Agreement of Mewa and Amendments Thereto; Filing; Approval; Form for Trust Agreement; Notice of Meeting; Voting Rights; Powers to Be Exercised by Board of Trustees; Restrictions on Trustees. - Sec. 7026. (1) The articles, bylaws, and trust agreement of...
Section 500.7028 - Duties of Trustees; Limitation on Liability of Trustee. - Sec. 7028. The trustees of a MEWA shall give the...
Section 500.7030 - Officers and Agents; Selection and Appointment; Authority and Duties; Removal; Bond. - Sec. 7030. The board of trustees shall select such officers...
Section 500.7032 - Compensation of Trustee, Officer, or Employee. - Sec. 7032. (1) A MEWA shall not pay any salary,...
Section 500.7034 - Trustee or Officer; Prohibited Conduct; Violation as Felony; Penalty. - Sec. 7034. (1) A trustee or officer of a MEWA...
Section 500.7040 - Financial Statements and Reports Required to Be Filed; Commingling of Cash Reserves Prohibited. - ***** 500.7040 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 500.7040.amended - Financial Statements and Reports Required to Be Filed; Commingling of Cash Reserves Prohibited. - ***** 500.7040.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.7044 - Notice to Individual Covered by Plan. - Sec. 7044. A MEWA, in connection with an employee welfare...
Section 500.7050 - Examination of Affairs of Mewa; Access to Books, Records, and Documents; Examination of Trustees, Officers, Agents, and Employees; Payment and Disposition of Assessment. - Sec. 7050. The commissioner, or any person appointed by the...
Section 500.7060 - Additional Provisions to Which Mewa Subject. - Sec. 7060. A MEWA transacting business in this state is...
Section 500.7070 - Certificate of Authority; Grounds for Suspension, Revocation, or Limitation. - Sec. 7070. The commissioner may suspend, revoke, or limit the...
Section 500.7074 - Written Findings of Violation; Issuance and Service of Findings and Cease and Desist Order; Additional Orders. - Sec. 7074. If, after a hearing, the commissioner determines that...
Section 500.7076 - Violation of Cease and Desist Order; Notice; Hearing; Civil Fine; Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Authority. - Sec. 7076. If a MEWA violates a cease and desist...
Section 500.7078 - Conduct of Proceedings for Payment of Fines or for Suspension, Revocation, or Limitation of Certificate of Authority; Appeal of Disputed Claim; Hearing. - Sec. 7078. (1) Proceedings for the payment of fines or...
Section 500.7080 - Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement Security Fund; Creation; Administration; Use; Appointment, Qualifications, Terms, and Compensation of Board of Trustees; Powers of Board of Trustees; Payment of and Accounting for Expenses. - Sec. 7080. (1) A multiple employer welfare arrangement security fund...
Section 500.7084 - Assessments; Purpose; Limitation; Notice; Payment; Assessments as Elements of Loss for Purpose of Establishing Rates; Liability of Employer Ceasing to Participate in Mewa; Certification of Collection and Receipt of Money From Asses... - Sec. 7084. (1) To the extent necessary for payment of...
Section 500.7086 - Security Fund as Creditor of Insolvent Mewa; Reimbursement From Insolvent Mewa. - Sec. 7086. The security fund after paying a covered claim...
Section 500.7090 - Effective Date of Chapter. - Sec. 7090. This chapter shall take effect July 1, 1986....