Michigan Compiled Laws
215-2003-4-1 - Part 1 General Provisions (490.401...490.413)
Section 490.401 - Domestic Credit Union; Powers.

Sec. 401.
(1) A domestic credit union has the powers described in this section, specified or implied by this act, and specified in any other law of this state.
(2) A domestic credit union has all of the following powers:
(a) To enter into contracts.
(b) To sue and be sued.
(c) To adopt and alter a seal.
(d) To individually or jointly with other credit unions, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire and hold tangible personal property necessary or incidental to its operations. A domestic credit union shall depreciate or appreciate personal property in the manner and at the rates the director prescribes by rule, order, or declaratory ruling.
(e) To sell, convey, lease, or otherwise dispose of, or assign, pledge, or create a security interest in, all or part of its tangible personal property, including property obtained as a result of a default of an obligation owed to the domestic credit union. A domestic credit union may finance the sale of its personal property to a person at a rate of interest that does not exceed the rate of interest permitted under the credit reform act, 1995 PA 162, MCL 445.1851 to 445.1864, for loans to its members for the purchase of equivalent property.
(f) To incur and pay necessary and incidental operating expenses.
(g) To receive the funds of its members either as payment on shares or as deposits. Subject to the limitation on payment of dividends in section 362, a domestic credit union may have 1 or more classes of share or deposit accounts in the classifications and form, under the terms and conditions and with liquidation priorities authorized by the credit union board, unless otherwise prescribed by law. A domestic credit union shall provide for the transfer and withdrawal of funds from accounts by the means and through the payment systems that the credit union board determines best serve the convenience and needs of its members.
(h) To charge fees in connection with shares, savings, extensions of credit, and other services by contract or agreement.
(i) To make secured or unsecured loans to any member, at fixed or variable interest rates, and take and hold any real or personal property as security. In establishing an interest rate, the domestic credit union shall consider the collateral provided, the creditworthiness of the borrower, the duration of the loan, and any other factor reasonably determined by the domestic credit union to affect the risks related to the loan.
(j) To borrow funds from any source. Funds borrowed under this subdivision are not deposits. The domestic credit union may secure a loan described in this subdivision with a pledge of some or all of the domestic credit union's assets.
(k) To make loans to a trade association of which it is a member.
(l) To provide debt counseling and other financial counseling services to its members. If the counseling includes debt management for a member and the member is delinquent in any indebtedness owed to the domestic credit union, the domestic credit union shall not charge that member, directly or indirectly, a fee for providing the counseling services.
(m) To disburse loan proceeds as the borrower directs.
(n) To act as trustee or custodian of and administer, for individuals or as part of an employer group plan, retirement accounts, or other accounts that permit tax deferrals or provide other tax benefits under federal or state law.
(o) To act as agent for its members and depositors in the purchase, sale, or other disposition of securities, interests in mutual funds, and interests or participations in any other type of investment, if the purchase, sale, or other disposition is done solely for the accounts of its members and depositors and is done on a nonrecourse basis.
(p) To discount, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of, or assign, pledge, or create a security interest in, all or part of its intangible personal property.
(q) To purchase any of the assets of another depository institution, or with the approval of the director assume any of the liabilities of another depository institution.
(r) To make deposits in or loans to banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, trust companies, and other credit unions, or purchase shares of mutual savings banks, mutual savings and loan associations, and other credit unions. A domestic credit union may also make deposits in, loans to, or purchase shares of a corporate credit union and invest funds as provided in section 431.
(s) To join, make deposits in or loans to, or purchase shares of any federal reserve bank, federal home loan bank, or central liquidity facility established under federal or state law.
(t) To hold membership in associations and organizations controlled by or fostering the interests of credit unions or in a central liquidity facility organized under federal or state law.
(u) To, if approved by the credit union board and not inconsistent with this act, engage in activities and programs of the federal government, a state, a territory of the United States, or an agency or political subdivision of the federal government or a state or territory of the United States.
(v) To receive funds as shares or deposits from a credit union, bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, or any other type of depository institution.
(w) To receive funds as shares or deposits from a retirement plan that serves all or any of the domestic credit union's members or potential members.
(x) To receive funds as shares or deposits from a public employee retirement system or plan.
(y) To lease tangible personal property to its members.
(z) To purchase, sell, pledge, discount, or otherwise acquire, or dispose of all or part of the obligations of its members in accordance with section 432. This subdivision does not apply to participation loans originated pursuant to section 423(6).
(aa) At the domestic credit union's expense, to purchase insurance for its members in connection with share, deposit, loan, or other accounts.
(bb) To establish, operate, participate in, or hold membership in systems that allow the transfer of credit union funds and funds of its members or other account holders by electronic or other means, including clearinghouse associations, data processing and other electronic networks, the federal reserve system, or any other payment or liquidity program and contract with outside vendors to process member payments, send or receive funds for member investments, or initiate and execute electronic funds transfers on behalf of its members.
(cc) To service loans sold by the domestic credit union, in whole or in part, to a third party.
(dd) To receive payments on shares or deposits from or make loans to the United States or an agency or instrumentality of the United States.
(ee) To act as a fiscal agent and maintain treasury tax and loan accounts of the United States.
(ff) To receive payments on shares or deposits from a state, a territory of the United States, or from an agency, political subdivision, or instrumentality of a state or territory of the United States. A domestic credit union may act as fiscal agent for, maintain tax and loan accounts of, and make loans to, an entity that the domestic credit union has authority to receive payments from under this subdivision.
(gg) To organize, invest in, and make loans to credit union service organizations. In addition to the activities described in section 407(1) or (2) for credit union service organizations, the director shall determine the activities and services that fall within the meaning of this subdivision. Investments and loans described in this subdivision shall not in the aggregate exceed 12% of the assets of the domestic credit union, and without the prior approval of the director shall not in the aggregate exceed 6% of the assets of the domestic credit union. A domestic credit union may invest in or make loans to a credit union service organization under this subdivision if the credit union service organization allows the director to conduct an examination of the credit union service organization to the same extent that the director is authorized to examine credit unions and agrees to make any reports to the director that he or she requires.
(hh) To individually or jointly with other credit unions or other financial organizations, purchase, lease, construct, or otherwise acquire and hold land and buildings for the purpose of providing adequate facilities for the transaction of present and potential business. A domestic credit union may use land and buildings for its principal place of business functions, a branch, a service center, or another facility used to conduct an activity in which it engages. A domestic credit union may rent excess space as a source of income. A domestic credit union shall depreciate or appreciate buildings owned by it in the manner and at the rates the commissioner may prescribe by rule, order, or declaratory ruling. An agreement to acquire and hold buildings or land jointly with other credit unions or other financial organizations requires the prior approval of the director. The director shall act on a completed application within 30 days after the application is filed. A domestic credit union's investment or contractual obligations, direct, indirect, or contingent, in land and buildings under this subdivision may not exceed 5% of its assets without the prior approval of the director, unless all of the following requirements are met:
(i) Pro forma projections over the next 3 years are reasonably estimated to provide positive earnings and document the ability of the credit union to meet its short- and long-term liquidity obligations.
(ii) The director has determined that the credit union is well capitalized.
(iii) The credit union has not been the subject of a cease and desist order, or placed in receivership or conservatorship, by the director within the preceding 3 years.
(iv) The director has determined that the credit union is in overall sound or fundamentally sound condition.
(ii) To own stock in a corporation that owns land or buildings used to provide a facility described in subdivision (hh), but ownership of the stock is an investment in the land and buildings for all purposes under subdivision (hh). If a domestic credit union owns less than 100% of the stock in a corporation described in this subdivision, the investment is a joint agreement that requires the director's approval under subdivision (hh).
(jj) To sell, convey, lease, or otherwise dispose of, or assign, mortgage, pledge, or create a lien in, all or part of its land and buildings, including land and buildings obtained as a result of a default of an obligation owed to it, or stock in a corporation described in subdivision (ii). A domestic credit union may finance the sale of its land and buildings to any person at a rate of interest that does not exceed the rate of interest permitted by the credit reform act, 1995 PA 162, MCL 445.1851 to 445.1864, for loans to its members for the purchase of land and buildings.
(kk) Pursuant to a written agreement, to perform services for members of other domestic or foreign credit unions. A domestic credit union may allow other credit unions to perform services for its members pursuant to a written agreement. A domestic credit union shall perform services described in this subdivision in accordance with the laws of this state.
(ll) To engage in any aspect of the insurance and surety business as an agent, broker, solicitor, or insurance counselor as provided under the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.100 to 500.8302.
(mm) To own an insurance agency in whole or in part as provided under the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.100 to 500.8302.
(nn) To make charitable contributions, if the individual contributions and the aggregate amount of the contributions are reasonable in amount, or to establish charitable donation accounts if those accounts meet the requirements of 12 CFR part 721.3. Investment yields generated in a charitable donation account must be used for charitable donations. A credit union shall notify the director before it establishes a charitable donation account under this subdivision.
(oo) To offer tax return preparation and filing services.
(pp) To contract with entities that offer funds transfer services and provide those services to any person.
(qq) To receive payments on shares or deposits or make loans to corporations that are wholly owned by 1 or more of the types of entities from which the domestic credit union may receive payments on shares under subdivision (dd) or (ff).
(rr) To enter into marketing and other support arrangements to facilitate members' purchases of goods and services from third parties that may include compensation to the domestic credit union.
(ss) To purchase insurance policies and other investment products to fund deferred compensation arrangements for its employees. If the deferred compensation arrangement does not present a risk to the safety and soundness of the domestic credit union, the purchase of those investment products is not subject to the limitations of this act.
(tt) Subject to section 352, to establish and revise its field of membership.
(uu) To guarantee the signature of a member in connection with a transaction that involves tangible or intangible property in which a member has or seeks to acquire an interest.
(vv) To perform any of the following services for a person that is not a member of the credit union if the service is performed under a contractual arrangement in which another financial organization performs the same service for the credit union's members:
(i) Cash advances.
(ii) Funds transfers.
(iii) Cashing travelers checks.
(iv) Any other service specified by the director by rule, order, or declaratory ruling.
(ww) To perform any of the following services for any person in an underserved area or that does not have an established relationship with a financial institution:
(i) Cashing and selling checks, drafts, or money orders.
(ii) Purchasing and selling foreign currencies in exchange for United States currency.
(iii) Wire transfers.
(iv) Financial counseling services.
(xx) To provide educational scholarships.
(yy) To invest in interest rate derivatives for the purpose of mitigating portfolio risk. A domestic credit union must notify the director at least 60 days before it begins a program to invest in interest rate derivatives under this subdivision. A domestic credit union must conduct an investment program described in this subdivision in a safe and sound manner, and any investments in interest rate derivatives must meet the standards for an obligation described in section 431(1)(d).
History: 2003, Act 215, Eff. June 1, 2004 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 471, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2004 ;-- Am. 2016, Act 152, Eff. Sept. 7, 2016