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Section 490.401 - Domestic Credit Union; Powers. - Sec. 401. (1) A domestic credit union has the powers...
Section 490.402 - Corporate Credit Union; Additional Powers. - Sec. 402. (1) A corporate credit union organized under this...
Section 490.403 - Domestic Credit Union; Incidental Powers. - Sec. 403. A domestic credit union may exercise any incidental...
Section 490.404 - Business Outside of State. - Sec. 404. A domestic credit union may do business outside...
Section 490.405 - Pledging Domestic Credit Union Assets as Collateral Security; Limitations. - Sec. 405. (1) A domestic credit union shall not give...
Section 490.406 - Domestic Credit Union; Powers Authorized by Credit Union Board; Acquisition of Interest in Real Property; Definitions. - Sec. 406. (1) If authorized by the credit union board,...
Section 490.407 - Credit Union Service Organizations; Organizing, Investing, or Loaning Money; Limitations; Requirements; Definitions. - Sec. 407. (1) Subject to subsection (3), a domestic credit...
Section 490.408 - Automated Information Processing Services. - Sec. 408. (1) A domestic credit union that utilizes automated...
Section 490.409 - Insurance Programs to Members. - Sec. 409. (1) A credit union board may offer insurance...
Section 490.410 - Safe Deposit Department. - Sec. 410. (1) If authorized by the credit union board,...
Section 490.411 - Savings Promotion Raffle; Loan Promotion Raffle; Definitions. - Sec. 411. (1) If authorized by the credit union board,...
Section 490.412 - Check Cashing Fees. - Sec. 412. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a...
Section 490.413 - Automatic Teller Machine Located on Premises of Casino, Casino Enterprise, Liquor Store, or Adult Entertainment Establishment; Preventing Access to Cash Benefits From Michigan Bridge Card; Definitions. - Sec. 413. (1) A domestic credit union that owns, operates,...