Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 327 of 1931 - Michigan General Corporation Statute (450.1 - 450.192)
Section 450.176 - Educational Corporations; Holders of Diplomas or Certificates; Privilege or Immunity.

Sec. 176.
A diploma, certificate of graduation, or other evidence of attendance at an educational corporation entitles the lawful recipient to all the privileges and immunities that by custom or usage are allowed to holders of similar diplomas or certificates granted by similar institutions in this country. However, if an occupation or profession is regulated by statute as to the requirements and qualifications necessary to the practice of that occupation or profession, the diploma or certificate of graduation does not entitle the recipient to any privilege or immunity if those statutory requirements or qualifications are not complied with.
History: 1931, Act 327, Eff. Sept. 18, 1931 ;-- CL 1948, 450.176 ;-- Am. 2006, Act 420, Imd. Eff. Sept. 29, 2006 Compiler's Notes: For transfer of certain powers and duties vested in the department of career development or its director, relating to powers and duties of state board of education or superintendent of public instruction to the department of labor and economic growth, see E.R.O. No. 2003-1, compiled at MCL 445.2011.Former Law: See section 7 of Ch. II of Part IV of Act 84 of 1921, being CL 1929, § 10107.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 450 - Corporations

Act 327 of 1931 - Michigan General Corporation Statute (450.1 - 450.192)

Section 450.1-450.61 - Repealed. 1951, Act 239, Eff. Sept. 28, 1951;—1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964;—1967, Act 67, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967;—1972, Act 284, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973.

Section 450.62-450.64 - Repealed. 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 450.65-450.80 - Repealed. 1972, Act 284, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973.

Section 450.81 - Repealed. 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 450.82-450.91a - Repealed. 1972, Act 284, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973.

Section 450.92 - Repealed. 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 450.93-450.97 - Repealed. 1974, Act 140, Imd. Eff. June 5, 1974.

Section 450.98 - Applicability of Act to Corporations Limiting Dividends or Voting Rights, and Conducting Not More Than 50% of Business With Nonstockholders or Nonmembers; Classification of Corporations Organized Under MCL 450.98 to 450.109 as Profit...

Section 450.99 - Cooperative Plan; Definition; Allocation of Reserved Earnings; Cooperative Corporations; Use of Term “Cooperative,”“co-Op,” or Variation Thereof.

Section 450.100 - Cooperative Corporations; Shares of Stock, Contents.

Section 450.101 - Cooperative Corporations; Shareholders' Powers; Directors, Election, Term, Number; Voting.

Section 450.102 - Cooperative Corporations; Membership, Regulations.

Section 450.103 - Cooperative Corporations; Amendments to Articles.

Section 450.104 - Cooperative Corporations; Reserve Funds, Investment; Shareholders, Vote.

Section 450.105 - Cooperative Corporations; Purchase of Business; Payment, Methods.

Section 450.106 - Cooperative Corporations; Distribution of Dividends; Reserves; Distribution of Cooperative Dividends; Determining Annual Privilege Fee.

Section 450.107 - Cooperative Corporations; Surplus Earnings, Distribution; Failure, Penalty.

Section 450.108 - Cooperative Corporations; Dealing in Commodities; Contracts, Agreements.

Section 450.109 - Cooperative Corporations; Breach of Contract; Encouragement Prohibited; Penalty.

Section 450.117-450.132a - Repealed. 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 450.133 - Incorporation of Fraternal or Secret Societies; Parent Lodge.

Section 450.134 - Parent Corporations; Articles of Incorporation.

Section 450.135 - Parent Corporations; Ritual, Rules; Subordinate Lodges, Chartering.

Section 450.136 - Parent Corporations; Supervision, Subordinate Lodge.

Section 450.137 - Parent Corporations; Management, Secretary.

Section 450.138 - Parent Corporations; Name, Regulations.

Section 450.139 - Parent Corporations; Powers as to Property.

Section 450.140 - Parent Corporations; Government, Representative Form; First Annual Meeting.

Section 450.141 - Parent Corporations; Annual Meeting, Powers.

Section 450.142 - Local Lodges; Purpose.

Section 450.143 - Local Lodges; Articles of Incorporation.

Section 450.144 - Local Lodges; Powers as to Property; Parent Corporation, Supervision.

Section 450.145 - Local Lodges; Officers, Representatives.

Section 450.146 - Parent or Local Lodges; Powers of Non-Profit Corporation.

Section 450.147 - Parent or Local Lodges; Relief Funds, Raising, Payment From Treasury.

Section 450.148 - Trustee Corporations; Definition.

Section 450.149 - Trustee Corporations; Trustees, Vesting of Property; Trust Instrument, Definition.

Section 450.150 - Trustee Corporations; Articles of Incorporation.

Section 450.151 - Trustee Corporations; Officers.

Section 450.152 - Trustee Corporations; Powers as to Property.

Section 450.153 - Trustee Corporations; Property and Funds, Use, Investments.

Section 450.154 - Trustee Corporations; Trustees, Vacancy, Filling.

Section 450.155 - Trustee Corporations; Circuit Courts, Petition; Jurisdiction of Court.

Section 450.156 - Trustee Corporations; Act Amendment of Trustee Agreement.

Section 450.157 - Trustee Corporation; Hospitals; Asylums; Trustee Instrument; Indenturing or Apprenticing Destitute or Foundling Children; Withdrawal.

Section 450.158 - Trustee Corporations; Hospital, Asylum, Charitable Institution; Gifts, Acceptance.

Section 450.159 - Church Trustee Corporations; Trustees, Election, Number; Certification of Election.

Section 450.159a - Church Trustee Corporations; Trustees, Increase, Decrease; Resolutions, Adoption; Meetings, Terms; Additional Trustee, Election.

Section 450.160 - Church Trustee Corporations; Trustees, Vacancy, Filling.

Section 450.161 - Church Trustee Corporations; Powers as to Property.

Section 450.162 - Church Trustee Corporations; Investment, Powers, Certificate.

Section 450.163-450.167 - Repealed. 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 450.167a - Henry Ford Trade School; Dissolution; Cancellation of Franchise; Assets, Disposal, Sale; Debts, Payment; Retirement Program; Payment of Dissolution Charges; Certificate, Filing, Contents.

Section 450.168 - Repealed. 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 450.169 - Corporations to Provide Student Aid.

Section 450.170 - Educational Corporations; Incorporation.

Section 450.171 - Educational Corporations; Classification; Religious College Not Included; Filing of Articles of Incorporation; Statement; Guaranteed Annual Income as Credit to Capital; Use of "College", "University", or "Junior College" as Name; Ex...

Section 450.172 - Educational Foundations; Colleges, Establishment.

Section 450.173 - Educational Foundations; Articles of Incorporation, Contents, Amendment.

Section 450.174 - Educational Foundations; Property, Acceptance; Government.

Section 450.175 - Educational Foundations; Board of Directors, Trustees; Powers.

Section 450.176 - Educational Corporations; Holders of Diplomas or Certificates; Privilege or Immunity.

Section 450.177 - Educational Foundations; Inspection by State Board of Education, Time; Annual Report, Contents.

Section 450.178 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Incorporation; Purpose.

Section 450.179 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Articles of Incorporation.

Section 450.180 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Articles, Execution, Contents; Receivership; Unclaimed Property, State.

Section 450.181 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; By-Laws.

Section 450.182 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Articles, Amendment Procedure.

Section 450.183 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Powers as to Property.

Section 450.184 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Gifts, Acceptance, Investment.

Section 450.184a - Organization and Operation of Religious College by Ecclesiastical Corporation.

Section 450.185 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Powers of Church Unrestricted.

Section 450.186 - Ecclesiastical Corporations; Sunday School, Religious Society; Incorporation.

Section 450.186a - Public Building Corporations; Incorporation; Contracts With State Administrative Board, Legislature's Approval.

Section 450.186b - Public Building Corporations; Powers as to Property; State Contracts, Leases; Bonds; By-Laws.

Section 450.186c - Public Building Corporations; Non-Profit Provisions, Applicability; Administration of Property and Accumulation; Rent to State; Fees, Purpose.

Section 450.186d - Public Building Corporations; Trustees, Number, Terms, Compensation; Members, Term, Admission.

Section 450.186e - Public Building Corporations; Winding Up Affairs by Legislature; Property, Conservation, Disposition.

Section 450.187 - Repealed. 1965, Act 161, Imd. Eff. July 15, 1965.

Section 450.187a - Repealed. 1970, Act 66, Imd. Eff. July 10, 1970.

Section 450.187b - Repealed. 1972, Act 284, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973.

Section 450.188, 450.189 - Repealed. 1982, Act 162, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 450.190 - Catchline Headings of Sections Not Part of Act.

Section 450.191 - Repeal of Acts and Parts of Acts; MCL 450.631 and 450.632 Inapplicable to Corporations Governed by This Act.

Section 450.192 - Saving Clause.