Sec. 5.
(1) If any municipality within a county has not established a public library but is contracting for public library service with the governing body of a legally established public library, it is entitled to receive its per capita share of the penal fine moneys the same as if it had a legally established public library. The moneys shall be used for the provision of public library service for all residents of the municipality.
(2) If any municipality within a county is supporting more than 1 public library, the penal fines shall be allocated to each public library in ratio to the tax support provided by the municipality to the respective public libraries.
History: 1964, Act 59, Imd. Eff. May 12, 1964
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 59 of 1964 - Distribution of Penal Fines to Public Libraries (397.31 - 397.40)
Section 397.31 - Public Libraries; Definitions.
Section 397.32 - Penal Fines; Apportionment to County Library Boards.
Section 397.34 - County Library Board; Powers as to New Library.
Section 397.36 - Use of Penal Fine Moneys; Report.
Section 397.37 - Construction of Act as to County Law Libraries.
Section 397.38 - Statement of Eligible Libraries.