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Section 397.31 - Public Libraries; Definitions. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) "Public library"...
Section 397.32 - Penal Fines; Apportionment to County Library Boards. - Sec. 2. The proceeds of all fines for any breach...
Section 397.33 - County Library Board; Duties; Membership, Appointment, Terms; Contracts for Service. - Sec. 3. In any county where there is no public...
Section 397.34 - County Library Board; Powers as to New Library. - Sec. 4. If, after the appointment of the county library...
Section 397.35 - County Contracting for Service; Apportionment of Funds; Allocation to More Than 1 Public Library. - Sec. 5. (1) If any municipality within a county has...
Section 397.36 - Use of Penal Fine Moneys; Report. - Sec. 6. The penal fine moneys when received by the...
Section 397.37 - Construction of Act as to County Law Libraries. - Sec. 7. This act shall not be construed as affecting...
Section 397.38 - Statement of Eligible Libraries. - Sec. 8. The state board for libraries, prior to July...
Section 397.39 - Rules and Regulations. - Sec. 9. The state board for libraries may adopt such...
Section 397.40 - Repeal. - Sec. 10. Sections 906, 910, 911, 912, 913 and 915...