Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 164 of 1877 - City, Village, and Township Libraries (397.201 - 397.217)
Section 397.201 - Public Library and Reading Room; Establishment and Maintenance by City Council; Tax Levy; Library Fund; Tax Additional to Tax Limitation.

Sec. 1.
(1) The city council of each incorporated city may establish and maintain a public library and reading room for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the city. The city council may levy a tax of not to exceed 1 mill on the dollar annually on all the taxable property in the city. If approved by a majority of the voters voting on the proposal at the regular annual election, the city council may increase the tax levied by not to exceed 1 additional mill on the dollar annually on all the taxable property in the city. The tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other general taxes of the city, and shall be deposited in a fund to be known as the "library fund."
(2) The tax levied under this section shall be in addition to any tax limitation imposed by a city charter.
History: 1877, Act 164, Eff. Aug. 21, 1877 ;-- How. 5175 ;-- CL 1897, 3449 ;-- CL 1915, 3431 ;-- CL 1929, 8059 ;-- CL 1948, 397.201 ;-- Am. 1986, Act 133, Imd. Eff. June 16, 1986

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 397 - Libraries

Act 164 of 1877 - City, Village, and Township Libraries (397.201 - 397.217)

Section 397.201 - Public Library and Reading Room; Establishment and Maintenance by City Council; Tax Levy; Library Fund; Tax Additional to Tax Limitation.

Section 397.202 - Governing Board; Number; Qualifications; Terms.

Section 397.203 - Boards of Directors; Appointment; Terms; Removal.

Section 397.204 - Governing Board; Vacancy; Compensation.

Section 397.205 - Governing Board; President; Officers; Powers and Duties; Library Fund; Expenditures; Establishment and Maintenance of Public Library and Reading Room.

Section 397.206 - City Library; Free Use; Regulations.

Section 397.207 - Governing Board; Annual Report; Contents; Affidavit.

Section 397.208 - City Library; Injury to Property, Ordinances, Penalties.

Section 397.209 - Donation of Money, Personal Property, or Real Estate; Governing Board as Trustee.

Section 397.210 - Free Public Library in Village or Township; Petition to Levy Tax for Establishment; Notice of Election; Library Fund; Governing Board; Estimate of Money Necessary for Support and Maintenance of Library; Report; Assessment and Collec...

Section 397.210a - Free Public Library in City; Establishment; Petition for Tax; Notice; Library Fund; Preparing and Reporting Estimate of Money Necessary for Support and Maintenance; Tax Additional to Tax Limitation.

Section 397.210b - Free Public Library Established in Township or Village Incorporated as City; Continuation of Library Board, Library, and Tax.

Section 397.210c - Increasing or Renewing Library Millage; Ballot; Election; Validation of Millage Renewal.

Section 397.211 - Vote of City, Village, or Township to Establish Free Public Library; Governing Board; Establishment; Provisional or Permanent; Membership; Powers.

Section 397.211a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties.

Section 397.212 - Applicability of MCL 397.210a and 397.211; Exception; Organization of Existing Public Library Under MCL 397.210a.

Section 397.213 - Use of Library Services by Adjacent Township, Village, or City; Contract; Payment.

Section 397.214 - Contract With Township, City, or Village for Use of Library and Reading Room; Procedure; Tax Levy; Library Fund.

Section 397.215 - Contract for Use of Library Services by County; Joint Governing Board; Membership; Provisions of Contract; Powers and Duties of Joint Governing Board.

Section 397.216 - Rights in Use and Benefits of Library; Uniform Rules and Regulations.

Section 397.217 - Joint Municipal Libraries; Villages and Cities.