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Section 397.201 - Public Library and Reading Room; Establishment and Maintenance by City Council; Tax Levy; Library Fund; Tax Additional to Tax Limitation. - Sec. 1. (1) The city council of each incorporated city...
Section 397.202 - Governing Board; Number; Qualifications; Terms. - Sec. 2. (1) If a city council decides to establish...
Section 397.203 - Boards of Directors; Appointment; Terms; Removal. - Sec. 3. The offices of boards of directors appointed before...
Section 397.204 - Governing Board; Vacancy; Compensation. - Sec. 4. A vacancy in the governing board of a...
Section 397.205 - Governing Board; President; Officers; Powers and Duties; Library Fund; Expenditures; Establishment and Maintenance of Public Library and Reading Room. - Sec. 5. The governing board of a library shall, immediately...
Section 397.206 - City Library; Free Use; Regulations. - Sec. 6. Every library and reading room established under this...
Section 397.207 - Governing Board; Annual Report; Contents; Affidavit. - Sec. 7. The governing board appointed under section 2 shall...
Section 397.208 - City Library; Injury to Property, Ordinances, Penalties. - Sec. 8. The city council of said city shall have...
Section 397.209 - Donation of Money, Personal Property, or Real Estate; Governing Board as Trustee. - Sec. 9. Any person desiring to donate money, personal property,...
Section 397.210 - Free Public Library in Village or Township; Petition to Levy Tax for Establishment; Notice of Election; Library Fund; Governing Board; Estimate of Money Necessary for Support and Maintenance of Library; Report; Assessment and Collec... - Sec. 10. (1) Fifty voters of an incorporated village or...
Section 397.210a - Free Public Library in City; Establishment; Petition for Tax; Notice; Library Fund; Preparing and Reporting Estimate of Money Necessary for Support and Maintenance; Tax Additional to Tax Limitation. - Sec. 10a. (1) Fifty voters of a city may present...
Section 397.210b - Free Public Library Established in Township or Village Incorporated as City; Continuation of Library Board, Library, and Tax. - Sec. 10b. If a township or village in which a...
Section 397.210c - Increasing or Renewing Library Millage; Ballot; Election; Validation of Millage Renewal. - Sec. 10c. (1) If a city, village, or township has...
Section 397.211 - Vote of City, Village, or Township to Establish Free Public Library; Governing Board; Establishment; Provisional or Permanent; Membership; Powers. - Sec. 11. (1) Immediately after a city, a village, or...
Section 397.211a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 11a. A petition under section 10, 10a, or 11,...
Section 397.212 - Applicability of MCL 397.210a and 397.211; Exception; Organization of Existing Public Library Under MCL 397.210a. - Sec. 12. Except as otherwise provided in section 10b, sections...
Section 397.213 - Use of Library Services by Adjacent Township, Village, or City; Contract; Payment. - Sec. 13. (1) Notwithstanding a contrary city, village, or township...
Section 397.214 - Contract With Township, City, or Village for Use of Library and Reading Room; Procedure; Tax Levy; Library Fund. - Sec. 14. (1) Upon receipt of a petition signed by...
Section 397.215 - Contract for Use of Library Services by County; Joint Governing Board; Membership; Provisions of Contract; Powers and Duties of Joint Governing Board. - Sec. 15. (1) In a county that does not have...
Section 397.216 - Rights in Use and Benefits of Library; Uniform Rules and Regulations. - Sec. 16. After fulfilling the contractual requirements, the people of...
Section 397.217 - Joint Municipal Libraries; Villages and Cities. - Sec. 17. The people of villages may join with townships,...