Michigan Compiled Laws
451-1976-1-7 - Part 7 Intermediate School Districts (380.601... 380.705b)
Section 380.683 - Area Vocational-Technical Education Budget; Form; Delivery; Allocation of Tax Rates; Limitation; Certification of Taxes to Be Levied; Spread of Tax on Roll; Payment of Taxes Collected; Accounts and Records.

Sec. 683.
(1) An intermediate school board operating under sections 681 to 691 shall prepare annually an area vocational-technical education budget which shall be in the same form as that required in local school districts, and shall be delivered to the county clerks of the counties in which the intermediate school district is located, except in counties which have established separate tax limitation millage rates pursuant to sections 5a to 5m of the property tax limitation act, Act No. 62 of the Public Acts of 1933, as amended, being sections 211.205a to 211.205m of the Michigan Compiled Laws. The county clerk shall deliver the budget to the tax allocation board in the same manner as local school district budgets are handled.
(2) County tax allocation boards shall receive area vocational-technical education budgets from their respective county clerks; shall treat them as local school district budgets are treated; and shall allocate tax rates to intermediate school districts for the purposes of sections 681 to 691. The allocations shall be handled in the same manner as other allocations for local school districts. The allocations shall not be made within the 15 mill limitation and shall not exceed the limit authorized by an election at which these sections became effective.
(3) When the intermediate school board receives an allocation on the basis of its area vocational-technical education budget, the board shall certify for collection to the officials of the local property tax collecting unit a statement of the amount of taxes to be levied. The certification shall be made in the same manner as local school districts, but the rate certified for levy shall not exceed the amount allocated.
(4) On receipt of the statement from the intermediate school board, the officials responsible for the levying and collection of these taxes shall spread on the tax roll an area vocational-technical education tax equal to the amount ordered spread, and shall collect the taxes in the same manner as other taxes are collected.
(5) Taxes collected by a city or township treasurer under subsection (4) shall be paid to the treasurer of the intermediate school board pursuant to section 43 of the general property tax act, Act No. 206 of the Public Acts of 1893, being section 211.43 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, or to the county treasurers in the same manner as other county taxes are paid and similar accounts and records shall be kept. The county treasurers shall pay all funds received under subsection (4) to the treasurer of the intermediate school board.
History: 1976, Act 451, Imd. Eff. Jan. 13, 1977 ;-- Am. 1984, Act 78, Imd. Eff. Apr. 18, 1984 Popular Name: Act 451

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 380 - The Revised School Code

Act 451 of 1976 - The Revised School Code (380.1 - 380.1853)

Article 1 - (380.1...380.761)

451-1976-1-7 - Part 7 Intermediate School Districts (380.601... 380.705b)

Section 380.601 - Provisions Governing Intermediate School District.

Section 380.601a - Intermediate School District; Powers.

Section 380.602 - Repealed. 2017, Act 38, Eff. Aug. 21, 2017.

Section 380.604 - District as Body Corporate; Suits; Name.

Section 380.605 - Reorganized School District as Constituent to Intermediate School District; Transfer of Constituent District; Resolution; Approval; Inaction or Denial of Transfer; Appeal; Voting as to Acceptance of Special Education Programs, Area...

Section 380.611 - Supervision and Control of Intermediate School District.

Section 380.612 - Board; Eligibility for Membership; Participation in Proceedings to Detach or Attach Territory.

Section 380.613 - Board; Annual Meeting; Election and Duties of Officers; Treasurer's Bonds.

Section 380.614 - Board; Election of Members; Resolution; Notice of Meeting; Acting Chairperson and Secretary; Open Meeting; Term; Vacancy; Nominating Petition; Signatures; Filing Petition and Affidavit; Ballots; Filing Fee.

Section 380.614a - Board Members Subject to Recall; Manner; Removal From Office.

Section 380.615 - Board; Popular Election of Members.

Section 380.616 - Adoption of MCL 380.615 to 380.617; Submission of Question to School Electors; Form; Resolutions; Election; Termination of Popular Election.

Section 380.617 - Candidate for Office of Board Member; Nomination; Election.

Section 380.619 - Removal of Board Member; Procedures; Eligibility for Election or Appointment; Restriction.

Section 380.620 - Report to Be Posted on Intermediate School District Website.

Section 380.621 - Compensation and Expenses of Board Members.

Section 380.621a - Travel by Board Member; Policy; Approval.

Section 380.622 - Financial Institutions for Deposit of School Funds; Selection; Coded Accounts; Audit; Separation of Funds; Investments; Commingling Prohibited; Exception; Earnings; Accounting for Money Combined for Investment Pool; Limitation on De...

Section 380.622a - Additional Audits.

Section 380.623 - Board; Duties Generally; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Actions of Board; Public Notice of Meeting.

Section 380.623a - Procurement of Supplies, Materials, and Equipment; Written Policies; Competitive Bids; Approval of Purchase; Adjustment of Maximum Amount; Local Policy Giving Preference to Michigan-Based Business; Items Purchased Through Cooperati...

Section 380.623b - Inspecting, Monitoring, Removing, or Treating Asbestos or Material Containing Asbestos; Contractual Agreement to Provide Legal Representation Against Civil Liability.

Section 380.624 - Annual General Fund Operating Budget.

Section 380.624a - Intermediate School Board Exempt From MCL 380.624(2).

Section 380.625 - Taxes.

Section 380.625a - Property Taxes Levied by Intermediate School District for Operating Purposes.

Section 380.625b - Authorization for Tax Cut; Duration.

Section 380.626 - Map; Boundaries of Each Constituent District; Report of Boundary Change.

Section 380.627 - Board; Additional Duties; Cooperative Programs for Information Technology Systems; Comprehensive School Improvement Support Services; Cost-Effective Business Services.

Section 380.627a - Homebound or Hospitalized Pupils; Coordination of Required Educational Services.

Section 380.628 - Schools for Children in Homes Operated by Juvenile Division of Probate Court; Powers of Board as to Real or Personal Property.

Section 380.629 - Borrowing by Intermediate School Board; Purposes; Limitations on Borrowing Money or Issuing Bonds; Resolution by Constituent School District Not to Participate in Cooperative Program or Conduct Election.

Section 380.630 - Oaths.

Section 380.632 - Intermediate School District Employees; Economic Benefits for Employees; Sabbatical Leave.

Section 380.633 - Intermediate School District Employees; Compliance With Public Employees Health Benefit Act.

Section 380.634 - Conflict of Interest Policy.

Section 380.641 - Early Intervening Model Program for Grades K to 3.

Section 380.651 - Repealed. 1994, Act 413, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1994.

Section 380.652 - Superintendent; Surety Bond.

Section 380.653 - Superintendent as Executive Officer of Board; Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 380.654 - Intermediate Superintendent; Duties.

Section 380.661 - Submission of Question to School Electors at Regular or Special School Election.

Section 380.662 - Repealed. 2003, Act 299, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.

Section 380.671 - Criteria for Approval of Regional Educational Media Centers; Operation of Educational Media Centers; “Educational Media Center” Defined; Purchase, Sale, Lease, or Loan of Equipment; Disposition of Used or Surplus Equipment.

Section 380.673 - Operation of Educational Recreation Program.

Section 380.681 - Career and Technical Education Program; Approval by Vote of Electors; Election; Submission of Question; Form of Ballot; Limitation on Number of Mills to Be Levied; Use of Tax Proceeds; Repayment of Misspent Funds; Number of Election...

Section 380.681a - Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Eff. Jan. 1, 1995.

Section 380.682 - Area Vocational-Technical Education; Submitting Question of Increasing Millage Limit; Election; Form of Ballot.

Section 380.683 - Area Vocational-Technical Education Budget; Form; Delivery; Allocation of Tax Rates; Limitation; Certification of Taxes to Be Levied; Spread of Tax on Roll; Payment of Taxes Collected; Accounts and Records.

Section 380.684 - Operation of Career and Technical Education Program; Submission for Review; Expenditure of Funds; State Approval to Use State or Federal Funds; Compliance With Certain Conditions; Basis for Monitoring Programs; Expediting Program Ap...

Section 380.685 - Payments From Area Vocational-Technical Education Funds; Computation; Reimbursement; Payment of Percent of Difference.

Section 380.686 - Grants for Career and Technical Education Centers, Buildings, Sites, and Equipment; Contracts to Accept Nonpublic School Pupils and Nonresident Pupils; Change or Disposal of Facility Purpose.

Section 380.687 - Borrowing Money and Issuing Bonds; Purposes; Limitation; Submission to School Electors; Form of Ballot; Use of Proceeds From Bonds Issued or Refunded.

Section 380.688 - Vocational-Technical Education Center; Contract to Accept Nonresident Pupils.

Section 380.689 - Repealed. 1981, Act 87, Eff. July 2, 1981.

Section 380.690 - Nonparticipation or Participation by Certain School Districts in Area Vocational-Technical Education Program; Resolution; Election; Funding; Expenditures; Buildings, Sites, and Equipment.

Section 380.692 - Charter Building Authority; Section Inapplicable After December 31, 1988.

Section 380.701 - Combining Adjoining Intermediate School Districts to Form Single Intermediate School District; Resolution; Submission of Question to Electors; Petitions; Form of Ballot; Effective Date of Reorganization; Interim Board; Superintenden...

Section 380.702 - Annexation of Intermediate School District; Resolution; Election; Adoption of Special Education Program and Annual Tax Rate; Ballot; Approval of Proposed Annexation; Filing Result of Election; Funds and Property; Release From Liabil...

Section 380.703 - Plan for Disorganization of Intermediate School District; Request; Resolution; Notice of Meeting; Approval of State Board; Finality; Effective Date of Disorganization; Joint Meetings of Boards; Distribution of Assets; Taxes; Appoint...

Section 380.705 - Regional Enhancement Property Tax; Levy by Intermediate School District, School District, or Public School Academy; Resolution Submitting Question to Voters; Election; Calculation and Payment of Revenue; Pupils Counted in Membership...

Section 380.705a, 380.705b - Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Imd. Eff. July 5, 1994.