Michigan Compiled Laws
451-1976-1-7 - Part 7 Intermediate School Districts (380.601... 380.705b)
Section 380.681a - Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Eff. Jan. 1, 1995.

Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to levy of taxes for vocational-technical education program.Popular Name: Act 451

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 380 - The Revised School Code

Act 451 of 1976 - The Revised School Code (380.1 - 380.1853)

Article 1 - (380.1...380.761)

451-1976-1-7 - Part 7 Intermediate School Districts (380.601... 380.705b)

Section 380.601 - Provisions Governing Intermediate School District.

Section 380.601a - Intermediate School District; Powers.

Section 380.602 - Repealed. 2017, Act 38, Eff. Aug. 21, 2017.

Section 380.604 - District as Body Corporate; Suits; Name.

Section 380.605 - Reorganized School District as Constituent to Intermediate School District; Transfer of Constituent District; Resolution; Approval; Inaction or Denial of Transfer; Appeal; Voting as to Acceptance of Special Education Programs, Area...

Section 380.611 - Supervision and Control of Intermediate School District.

Section 380.612 - Board; Eligibility for Membership; Participation in Proceedings to Detach or Attach Territory.

Section 380.613 - Board; Annual Meeting; Election and Duties of Officers; Treasurer's Bonds.

Section 380.614 - Board; Election of Members; Resolution; Notice of Meeting; Acting Chairperson and Secretary; Open Meeting; Term; Vacancy; Nominating Petition; Signatures; Filing Petition and Affidavit; Ballots; Filing Fee.

Section 380.614a - Board Members Subject to Recall; Manner; Removal From Office.

Section 380.615 - Board; Popular Election of Members.

Section 380.616 - Adoption of MCL 380.615 to 380.617; Submission of Question to School Electors; Form; Resolutions; Election; Termination of Popular Election.

Section 380.617 - Candidate for Office of Board Member; Nomination; Election.

Section 380.619 - Removal of Board Member; Procedures; Eligibility for Election or Appointment; Restriction.

Section 380.620 - Report to Be Posted on Intermediate School District Website.

Section 380.621 - Compensation and Expenses of Board Members.

Section 380.621a - Travel by Board Member; Policy; Approval.

Section 380.622 - Financial Institutions for Deposit of School Funds; Selection; Coded Accounts; Audit; Separation of Funds; Investments; Commingling Prohibited; Exception; Earnings; Accounting for Money Combined for Investment Pool; Limitation on De...

Section 380.622a - Additional Audits.

Section 380.623 - Board; Duties Generally; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Actions of Board; Public Notice of Meeting.

Section 380.623a - Procurement of Supplies, Materials, and Equipment; Written Policies; Competitive Bids; Approval of Purchase; Adjustment of Maximum Amount; Local Policy Giving Preference to Michigan-Based Business; Items Purchased Through Cooperati...

Section 380.623b - Inspecting, Monitoring, Removing, or Treating Asbestos or Material Containing Asbestos; Contractual Agreement to Provide Legal Representation Against Civil Liability.

Section 380.624 - Annual General Fund Operating Budget.

Section 380.624a - Intermediate School Board Exempt From MCL 380.624(2).

Section 380.625 - Taxes.

Section 380.625a - Property Taxes Levied by Intermediate School District for Operating Purposes.

Section 380.625b - Authorization for Tax Cut; Duration.

Section 380.626 - Map; Boundaries of Each Constituent District; Report of Boundary Change.

Section 380.627 - Board; Additional Duties; Cooperative Programs for Information Technology Systems; Comprehensive School Improvement Support Services; Cost-Effective Business Services.

Section 380.627a - Homebound or Hospitalized Pupils; Coordination of Required Educational Services.

Section 380.628 - Schools for Children in Homes Operated by Juvenile Division of Probate Court; Powers of Board as to Real or Personal Property.

Section 380.629 - Borrowing by Intermediate School Board; Purposes; Limitations on Borrowing Money or Issuing Bonds; Resolution by Constituent School District Not to Participate in Cooperative Program or Conduct Election.

Section 380.630 - Oaths.

Section 380.632 - Intermediate School District Employees; Economic Benefits for Employees; Sabbatical Leave.

Section 380.633 - Intermediate School District Employees; Compliance With Public Employees Health Benefit Act.

Section 380.634 - Conflict of Interest Policy.

Section 380.641 - Early Intervening Model Program for Grades K to 3.

Section 380.651 - Repealed. 1994, Act 413, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1994.

Section 380.652 - Superintendent; Surety Bond.

Section 380.653 - Superintendent as Executive Officer of Board; Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 380.654 - Intermediate Superintendent; Duties.

Section 380.661 - Submission of Question to School Electors at Regular or Special School Election.

Section 380.662 - Repealed. 2003, Act 299, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.

Section 380.671 - Criteria for Approval of Regional Educational Media Centers; Operation of Educational Media Centers; “Educational Media Center” Defined; Purchase, Sale, Lease, or Loan of Equipment; Disposition of Used or Surplus Equipment.

Section 380.673 - Operation of Educational Recreation Program.

Section 380.681 - Career and Technical Education Program; Approval by Vote of Electors; Election; Submission of Question; Form of Ballot; Limitation on Number of Mills to Be Levied; Use of Tax Proceeds; Repayment of Misspent Funds; Number of Election...

Section 380.681a - Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Eff. Jan. 1, 1995.

Section 380.682 - Area Vocational-Technical Education; Submitting Question of Increasing Millage Limit; Election; Form of Ballot.

Section 380.683 - Area Vocational-Technical Education Budget; Form; Delivery; Allocation of Tax Rates; Limitation; Certification of Taxes to Be Levied; Spread of Tax on Roll; Payment of Taxes Collected; Accounts and Records.

Section 380.684 - Operation of Career and Technical Education Program; Submission for Review; Expenditure of Funds; State Approval to Use State or Federal Funds; Compliance With Certain Conditions; Basis for Monitoring Programs; Expediting Program Ap...

Section 380.685 - Payments From Area Vocational-Technical Education Funds; Computation; Reimbursement; Payment of Percent of Difference.

Section 380.686 - Grants for Career and Technical Education Centers, Buildings, Sites, and Equipment; Contracts to Accept Nonpublic School Pupils and Nonresident Pupils; Change or Disposal of Facility Purpose.

Section 380.687 - Borrowing Money and Issuing Bonds; Purposes; Limitation; Submission to School Electors; Form of Ballot; Use of Proceeds From Bonds Issued or Refunded.

Section 380.688 - Vocational-Technical Education Center; Contract to Accept Nonresident Pupils.

Section 380.689 - Repealed. 1981, Act 87, Eff. July 2, 1981.

Section 380.690 - Nonparticipation or Participation by Certain School Districts in Area Vocational-Technical Education Program; Resolution; Election; Funding; Expenditures; Buildings, Sites, and Equipment.

Section 380.692 - Charter Building Authority; Section Inapplicable After December 31, 1988.

Section 380.701 - Combining Adjoining Intermediate School Districts to Form Single Intermediate School District; Resolution; Submission of Question to Electors; Petitions; Form of Ballot; Effective Date of Reorganization; Interim Board; Superintenden...

Section 380.702 - Annexation of Intermediate School District; Resolution; Election; Adoption of Special Education Program and Annual Tax Rate; Ballot; Approval of Proposed Annexation; Filing Result of Election; Funds and Property; Release From Liabil...

Section 380.703 - Plan for Disorganization of Intermediate School District; Request; Resolution; Notice of Meeting; Approval of State Board; Finality; Effective Date of Disorganization; Joint Meetings of Boards; Distribution of Assets; Taxes; Appoint...

Section 380.705 - Regional Enhancement Property Tax; Levy by Intermediate School District, School District, or Public School Academy; Resolution Submitting Question to Voters; Election; Calculation and Payment of Revenue; Pupils Counted in Membership...

Section 380.705a, 380.705b - Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Imd. Eff. July 5, 1994.