Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 390 of 1976 - Emergency Management Act (30.401 - 30.421)
Section 30.411 - Powers and Duties of Personnel of Disaster Relief Forces; Liability for Personal Injury or Property Damage; Right to Benefits or Compensation; Disaster Relief Workers; Immunity; Liability and Legal Obligation of Persons Owning or Con...

Sec. 11.
(1) Personnel of disaster relief forces while on duty are subject to all of the following provisions:
(a) If they are employees of this state, they have the powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities of and receive the compensation incidental to their employment.
(b) If they are employees of a political subdivision of this state, regardless of where serving, they have the powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities and receive the compensation incidental to their employment.
(c) If they are not employees of this state or a political subdivision of this state, they are entitled to the same rights and immunities as provided by law for the employees of this state. All personnel of disaster relief forces shall, while on duty, be subject to the operational control of the authority in charge of disaster relief activities in the area in which they are serving, and shall be reimbursed for all actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses.
(2) This state, any political subdivision of this state, or the employees, agents, or representatives of this state or any political subdivision of this state are not liable for personal injury or property damage sustained by any person appointed or acting as a member of disaster relief forces. This act does not affect the right of a person to receive benefits or compensation to which he or she may otherwise be entitled to under the worker's disability compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.101 to 418.941, any pension law, or any act of congress.
(3) This state or a political subdivision of this state engaged in disaster relief activity is not liable for the death of or injury to a person or persons, or for damage to property, as a result of that activity. The employees, agents, or representatives of this state or a political subdivision of this state and nongovernmental disaster relief force workers or private or volunteer personnel engaged in disaster relief activity are immune from tort liability to the extent provided under section 7 of 1964 PA 170, MCL 691.1407. As used in this section, "disaster relief activity" includes training for or responding to an actual, impending, mock, or practice disaster or emergency.
(4) A person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine and surgery or a licensed hospital, whether licensed in this or another state or by the federal government or a branch of the armed forces of the United States, or an individual listed in subsection (6), who renders services during a state of disaster declared by the governor and at the express or implied request of a state official or agency or county or local coordinator or executive body, is considered an authorized disaster relief worker or facility and is not liable for an injury sustained by a person by reason of those services, regardless of how or under what circumstances or by what cause those injuries are sustained. The immunity granted by this subsection does not apply in the event of an act or omission that is willful or gross negligence. If a civil action for malpractice is filed alleging an act or omission that is willful or gross negligence resulting in injuries, the services rendered that resulted in those injuries shall be judged according to the standards required of persons licensed in this state to perform those services.
(5) An individual listed in subsection (6), during a state of disaster declared by the governor, may practice, in addition to the authority granted by other statutes of this state, the administration of anesthetics; minor surgery; intravenous, subcutaneous, or intramuscular procedure; or oral and topical medication; or a combination of these under the supervision of a member of the medical staff of a licensed hospital of this state, and may assist the staff member in other medical and surgical proceedings.
(6) Subsections (4) and (5) apply to all of the following individuals:
(a) Any of the following, if licensed in this or another state or by the federal government or a branch of the armed forces of the United States:
(i) A registered nurse.
(ii) A practical nurse.
(iii) A nursing student acting under the supervision of a licensed nurse.
(iv) A dentist.
(v) A veterinarian.
(vi) A pharmacist.
(vii) A pharmacist intern acting under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist.
(viii) A paramedic.
(b) A medical resident undergoing training in a licensed hospital in this or another state.
(7) A person owning or controlling real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without compensation grants to this state or a political subdivision of this state a license or privilege, or otherwise permits this state or a political subdivision of this state to inspect, designate, and use the whole or any part or parts of the real estate or other premises for the purpose of sheltering persons during an actual, impending, mock, or practice disaster, together with his or her successors in interest, if any, is not civilly liable for negligently causing the death of or injury to any person on or about the real estate or premises under the license, privilege, or permission or for loss or damage to the property of the person.
(8) A person owning or controlling real estate or other premises who has gratuitously granted the use of the real estate or other premises for the purposes stated in this section is legally obligated to make known to the licensee any hidden dangers or safety hazards that are known to the owner or occupant of the real estate or premises that might possibly result in the death or injury or loss of property to a person using the real estate or premises.
(9) As used in this section, "gross negligence" means conduct so reckless as to demonstrate a substantial lack of concern for whether an injury results.
History: 1976, Act 390, Imd. Eff. Dec. 30, 1976 ;-- Am. 1990, Act 50, Imd. Eff. Apr. 6, 1990 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 132, Eff. May 1, 2002 ;-- Am. 2005, Act 321, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 2005 Admin Rule: R 30.1 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 30 - Civilian Defense

Act 390 of 1976 - Emergency Management Act (30.401 - 30.421)

Section 30.401 - Short Title.

Section 30.402 - Definitions.

Section 30.403 - Responsibility of Governor; Executive Orders, Proclamations, and Directives; Declaration, Duration, and Termination of State of Disaster or State of Emergency; Contents and Dissemination of Executive Order or Proclamation.

Section 30.404 - Effect of Executive Order or Proclamation of State of Disaster or State of Emergency; Federal Assistance; Reciprocal Aid Agreement or Compact; Appropriation.

Section 30.405 - Additional Powers of Governor; Prohibition; Disobeying or Interfering With Rule, Order, or Directive as Misdemeanor.

Section 30.406 - Obligation of Person Within State; Compensation for Services or Property; Record; Claims; Exceptions.

Section 30.407 - Powers and Duties of Director.

Section 30.407a - Emergency Management Division; Establishment; Purpose; Employees; Emergency Management Plan; Grants; Powers of Division; Definition.

Section 30.407b - Stockpiling of Medical Supplies by Department of Health and Human Services; Coordination and Distribution During State of Disaster or State of Emergency; Inventory List; Use of Appropriations; Definitions.

Section 30.408 - Emergency Management Coordinator; Employment or Appointment; Duties; Annexes to Emergency Management Plan; Cooperation of State Agencies.

Section 30.409 - Emergency Management Coordinator; Appointment; Duties; Eligibility.

Section 30.410 - Powers of County and Municipality; Mutual Aid or Reciprocal Aid Agreements or Compacts; Assistance of Emergency Management Coordinator.

Section 30.411 - Powers and Duties of Personnel of Disaster Relief Forces; Liability for Personal Injury or Property Damage; Right to Benefits or Compensation; Disaster Relief Workers; Immunity; Liability and Legal Obligation of Persons Owning or Con...

Section 30.411a - Disaster or Emergency Relief Assistance Provided by State Employee; Unpaid Leave of Absence; Leave of Absence With Pay; Conditions; Limitation.

Section 30.412 - Disaster or Emergency Occurring in County or Municipality; Procedure; Ordinances or Rules.

Section 30.413 - Repealed. 1990, Act 50, Imd. Eff. Apr. 6, 1990.

Section 30.414 - Assessment of Disaster or Emergency; Findings and Recommendations; Notice; Temporary Assistance; Action by Governor.

Section 30.415 - Repealed. 2002, Act 132, Eff. May 1, 2002.

Section 30.416 - Declaration of Emergency or Major Disaster by President; Federal Grants; Agreement Pledging State's Share.

Section 30.417 - Construction of Act.

Section 30.418 - Disaster and Emergency Contingency Fund; Creation; Administration; Accounting; Appropriation; Carrying Forward Unexpended and Unencumbered Funds; Expenditures; Reimbursement; Declaration; Investment.

Section 30.419 - Disaster and Emergency Contingency Fund; Expenditures When Federal Assistance Unavailable; Application for Grant; Resolution; Rules.

Section 30.420 - Repeal of MCL 30.221 to 30.233.

Section 30.421 - Heightened State of Alert; Cause; Powers of Governor; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Civil Action; Definitions.