Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 234 of 1966 - Licensing and Regulation of Emigrant Agents (286.651 - 286.657)
Section 286.653 - License; Necessity; Application; Form; Fee; Bond; Cancellation, Hearing, Grounds.

Sec. 3.
No person other than those exempt shall engage in the business of emigrant agent without first having obtained a license therefor from the director. Application for a license may be made in person or by mail on an approved form and shall be accompanied by the annual fee of $75.00 and a valid noncancelable surety bond in the amount of $2,000.00 in favor of the director and conditioned for the faithful observance of all laws and regulations covering the licensee's actions as an emigrant agent. The license shall cover the calendar year for which it is issued. The license is subject to cancellation by the director, after a hearing, when he finds that the agent used fraud or deception in obtaining the license or in soliciting farm laborers, or is convicted of a felony or an offense involving moral turpitude or has violated any provision of this act.
History: 1966, Act 234, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1966