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Section 286.651 - Emigrant Agents; Definition. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) "Person" means...
Section 286.652 - Exemption From Act of Certain Employment Agencies. - Sec. 2. This act does not apply to an employment...
Section 286.653 - License; Necessity; Application; Form; Fee; Bond; Cancellation, Hearing, Grounds. - Sec. 3. No person other than those exempt shall engage...
Section 286.654 - Weekly Report; Filing; Failure to File; Contents. - Sec. 4. A licensed emigrant agent shall make weekly reports...
Section 286.655 - Agent to Carry License; Inspection. - Sec. 5. An emigrant agent shall carry the original license...
Section 286.656 - Violation of Act; Penalty. - Sec. 6. Any person who acts as an emigrant agent...
Section 286.657 - Effective Date. - Sec. 7. This act shall become effective July 1, 1966....