Michigan Compiled Laws
300-1949-VI-SIZE-WEIGHT-AND-LOAD - Size, Weight and Load (257.716...257.750)
Section 257.732b - Driver Responsibility Fee; Workforce Training; Participation as Alternative to Paying Fee.

Sec. 732b.
(1) If an individual was assessed a driver responsibility fee under section 732a(2)(b)(iii) or (iv), (c), or (d), the individual may engage in 10 hours of participation in a workforce training payment program created under section 732c as an alternative to paying that fee or any unpaid portion of that fee.
(2) An individual may engage in workforce training under subsection (1) by obtaining a workforce training form from the secretary of state or the department of treasury. The department of treasury shall mail to each individual who is required to pay a driver responsibility fee under section 732a(2)(b)(iii) or (iv), (c), or (d) a 1-time-only written notice of the option of completing workforce training as an alternative to paying that driver responsibility fee. The notice shall include a statement that workforce training forms for that purpose can be obtained from the department of state or from the department of treasury. The notice shall be sent to the last known address of the individual as shown in the records of the department of treasury. The secretary of state shall make workforce training forms available to the public at all branch offices and on the department's website for purposes of this section and shall provide workforce training forms to the department of treasury for purposes of this section.
(3) If an individual chooses to engage in workforce training under this section, the individual shall complete the workforce training form obtained under subsection (2) and return the form to the department of treasury in the manner prescribed by the department of treasury. Upon receiving a properly completed workforce training form under this subsection, the department of treasury shall inform the department of state that the individual intends to complete workforce training under this section as an alternative to paying a driver responsibility fee or any portion of a driver responsibility fee. If the secretary of state is notified by the department of treasury that the individual has elected to complete workforce training under this section as an alternative to paying the fee, that fee shall be held in abeyance for a period of 45 days. If the individual's license is suspended for failing to pay the driver responsibility fee or portion of the driver responsibility fee, the department of state shall, upon payment of the reinstatement fee, reinstate the individual's driver license.
(4) An individual who engages in workforce training under this section shall be allowed only 1 opportunity to complete the workforce training alternative for each driver responsibility fee owed. However, the department of treasury may allow an individual to withdraw from that workforce training before the expiration of the 45-day period for completing that workforce training for good cause shown. If the individual is allowed to withdraw from workforce training for good cause shown, that opportunity for completing workforce training shall not be considered in the number of opportunities to perform workforce training under this subsection, but the individual is subject to the suspension of his or her driving privileges under section 732a(5).
(5) Upon completing workforce training under this section, the individual may request the person with whom he or she engaged in workforce training under this section to verify on the workforce training form in the manner designated by the secretary of state that he or she successfully completed that workforce training. Upon verification, the individual may return the workforce training form to the department of treasury for purposes of this section. Any person who falsely verifies workforce training under this subsection and any individual who falsely requests the verification of workforce training under this section or who returns a community service form to the department of treasury under this subsection knowing that his or her workforce training is falsely verified is responsible for a state civil infraction and may be fined not more than $200.00.
(6) The department of treasury shall waive the driver responsibility fee or any portion of the driver responsibility fee otherwise required to be paid under section 732a(2)(b)(iii) or (iv), (c), or (d) upon receiving verification that the individual successfully completed the workforce training requirements of this section. The department of treasury shall notify the department of state when it has waived the fee under this section or, if the fee is not waived under this section, that the 45-day period has expired and the fee has not been waived. If the secretary of state is notified by the department of treasury that the fee has not been waived, the department of state shall enter that information into the records of the department and shall suspend the individual's driver license and proceed as provided by law for the individual's failure to pay the driver responsibility fee or to complete workforce training under this section.
History: Add. 2014, Act 283, Eff. Dec. 31, 2014 ;-- Am. 2018, Act 50, Eff. Mar. 31, 2018

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 257 - Motor Vehicles

Act 300 of 1949 - Michigan Vehicle Code (257.1 - 257.923)

300-1949-VI - Chapter VI Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws (257.601...257.750)

300-1949-VI-SIZE-WEIGHT-AND-LOAD - Size, Weight and Load (257.716...257.750)

Section 257.716 - Exceeding Size and Weight Limitations as Misdemeanor; Exceptions; Rules; Operation of Wrecker, Disabled Vehicle, and Trailer; Noncompliance as Civil Infraction; Fine.

Section 257.717 - Maximum Permissible Width of Vehicle or Load; Extension Beyond Center Line of Highway; Permit; Designation of Highway for Operation of Vehicle or Vehicle Combination; Special Permit; Boat Lift or Trailer; Snowplow Blade; Violation a...

Section 257.718 - Width of Load Carried on Passenger Type Vehicle; Violation as Civil Infraction.

Section 257.719 - Height of Vehicle; Liability for Damage to Bridge or Viaduct or Resulting Injury; Normal Length Maximum; Prohibitions; Length of Certain Vehicles Prohibited From Operation on State Highways; Combination of Truck and Semitrailer Tran...

Section 257.719a - Operation of Towing Vehicle to Which Mobile Home or Park Model Trailer Attached.

Section 257.719b - Certain Mobile Homes Transported in Lower Peninsula; Additional Requirements.

Section 257.719c - Truck and Semitrailers Used for Transporting Passengers for Sightseeing Purposes.

Section 257.720 - Construction or Loading of Vehicles to Prevent Contents From Escaping; Exception; Closing Tailgates, Faucets, and Taps; Exemption; Proof of Violation; Loading of Vehicles Not Completely Enclosed; Prima Facie Liability; Exceptions; F...

Section 257.721 - Passenger Vehicle or Pickup Truck Towing Vehicle or Trailer; Drawbar or Other Connection; Coupling Devices and Safety Chains; Pickup Truck With Fifth Wheel Assembly; Conditions for Towing Additional Trailer or Semitrailer; Speed Lim...

Section 257.722 - Maximum Axle Load; Normal Loading Maximum; Designating Highways as Adequate for Heavier Loading; Restrictions as to Tandem Axle Assemblies; Exceptions; Public Utility Vehicles; Normal Size of Tires; Maximum Wheel Load; Reduction of...

Section 257.722a - Transporting Flammable Liquid; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Enforcement; “In Bulk” Defined; Vehicles Transporting Hazardous Materials.

Section 257.723 - Towing or Platform Bed Wreckers or Road Service Vehicles; Compliance With Federal Identification Requirements; Violation as Civil Infraction.

Section 257.724 - Stopping Vehicle for Weighing; Shifting or Removing Load; Civil Fine and Costs; Moving Vehicle to Place of Safekeeping; Impoundment; Lien; Foreclosure Sale; Powers of Authorized Agent; Unlawful Weight as Civil Infraction; Fine; Driv...

Section 257.724a - Axle Weight Requirements; Exception; Weight After Lift Axles Lowered; "Lift Axle" Defined.

Section 257.725 - Special Permit for Certain Vehicles and Loads Required; Fees; Violation as Civil Infraction; Annual Permit for Movement of Construction Equipment; "Jurisdictional Authority" Defined.

Section 257.725a - Transportation of Farm Machinery or Implements by Dealer; Annual Permit; Condition.

Section 257.726 - Prohibitions, Limitations, or Truck Route Designations by Local Authorities and County Road Commissions; Signs; Written Objection by Adjoining Township; Violation as Civil Infraction; Exception for Agricultural Equipment.

Section 257.726a - Enforcement of Act on Boundary Streets or Highways.

Section 257.726b - Violation as to Load, Weight, or Height of Vehicle or Load; Powers of Police Officer.

Section 257.726c - Duly Authorized Agent of County Road Commission; Shoulder Patch Required; Firearm.

Section 257.727 - Arrest Without Warrant; Arraignment by Magistrate or Family Division of Circuit Court.

Section 257.727a - Repealed. 1979, Act 66, Eff. Aug. 1, 1979.

Section 257.727b - Citation Books; Issuance; Receipt.

Section 257.727c - “Citation” Defined; Numbering, Form, and Parts of Citation; Modification and Optional Use of Citation; Complaint Signed by Police Officer as Made Under Oath; Conditions.

Section 257.728 - Arrest Without Warrant; Preparation and Contents of Citation; Informing Offender of Violation; Arraignment Before Magistrate or Probate Court; Appearance; Guaranteed Appearance Certificate or Deposit; Fees; Violation by Officer or M...

Section 257.728a - Citation; Delivery of Copies to Police Chief or Duly Authorized Person; Deposit of Original With Court; Mailing Original to Court; Spoiled, Mutilated, or Voided Citation; Criminal Complaint.

Section 257.728b - Establishment of Procedures to Insure Accountability; Maintenance of Citation Records.

Section 257.728c - Audit of Citation Records.

Section 257.728d - Falsification of Citation or Record of Issuance; Penalty.

Section 257.728e - Accepting Plea; Signing of Complaint; Filing Sworn Complaint; Warrant for Arrest.

Section 257.729 - Fine and Costs.

Section 257.730 - Provisions Governing Arrests Without Warrant and Issuance of Citations; Execution of Warrant.

Section 257.731 - Evidence of Conviction or Civil Infraction Determination Inadmissible in Civil Action.

Section 257.732 - Record of Cases; Forwarding Abstract of Record or Report to Secretary of State; Settlement; Abstracts Forwarded; "Felony in Which a Motor Vehicle Was Used" Defined; Statement; "Felony in Which a Commercial Motor Vehicle Was Used" De...

Section 257.732a - Driver Responsibility Fee; Assessment; Notice; Payment by Installment; Failure to Pay Fee; Suspension of Driving Privileges; Fire Protection Fund; Creation; Disposition of Funds; Transmission of Fees to State Treasurer; Collection...

Section 257.732b - Driver Responsibility Fee; Workforce Training; Participation as Alternative to Paying Fee.

Section 257.732c - Workforce Training Payment Program; Creation; Development; Administrator; Definitions.

Section 257.732d - Driver Responsibility Fee Obligations Affected by Changes to State Law; Education of Affected Individuals.

Section 257.733 - Release of Accident Information to Nongovernmental Agency; Exception.

Section 257.741 - Civil Infraction Action as Civil Action; Commencement; Plaintiff; Jurisdiction; Time and Place for Appearance; Venue.

Section 257.742 - Stopping, Detaining, and Issuing Citation for Civil Infraction; Pursuing, Stopping, and Detaining Person Outside Village, City, Township, or County; Purpose; Violation as to Load, Weight, Height, Length, or Width of Vehicle or Load;...

Section 257.743 - Contents of Citation Issued Pursuant to MCL 257.742; Timely Appearance.

Section 257.744 - Admissions or Denials; Sworn Complaint; Warrant for Arrest.

Section 257.744a - Police Officer Knowingly Making Materially False Statement in Citation as Perjury; Felony; Penalty; Contempt of Court.

Section 257.745 - Responding to Allegations in Citation; Appearance in Person, by Representation, or by Mail; Admission of Responsibility; Acceptance of Admission; Denial of Responsibility; Scheduling of Informal or Formal Hearing.

Section 257.746 - Informal Hearing; Procedure.

Section 257.747 - Formal Hearing; Procedure.

Section 257.748 - Default Judgment; Suspension of License.

Section 257.749 - Stopping Nonresident for Civil Infraction; Release Personal Recognizance; Immediate Hearing Before Magistrate; Failure to Appear; Default Judgment.

Section 257.750 - Issuance of Citations; Number as Factor in Evaluation of Police Officer's Performance Prohibited; Applicability of MCL 257.901; Fees Prohibited; Violation of MCL 257.749 as Misconduct in Office; Removal.