Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 300 of 1974 - Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act (257.1301 - 257.1340)
Section 257.1307c - Prohibited Conduct.

Sec. 7c.
A motor vehicle repair facility that is subject to this act, or a person that is an owner or operator of a motor vehicle repair facility that is subject to this act, shall not, directly or through an agent or employee, advertise or represent, either directly or indirectly, any of the following:
(a) Reduced prices for products or services and not sell them at the advertised price during the period of the offering.
(b) Products or services at a particular price during a particular period and fail to extend the offer beyond that period to any person that seeks but does not obtain the products or services during the advertised period because the facility has failed to prepare for the reasonably expected public demand.
(c) That a customer will receive products or services "free" or "without charge", or using words of similar import, if there are undisclosed conditions, terms, or limitations attached to the offer of those products or services.
(d) Products or services while failing to reveal a material fact that a customer could not reasonably know, if the omission of that fact tends to mislead or deceive the customer.
(e) That a customer will receive a rebate, discount, or other benefit as an inducement for entering into a contract, if the benefit is contingent on the occurrence of an event after the transaction is completed.
(f) That a facility has the ability to perform repair services using personnel who are qualified in specific repair specialties, including those specialties enumerated in sections 10 and 10b of this act, if in fact the facility does not employ mechanics who are legally certified in those specialties.
(g) Products or services, if there is a material contingency, condition, or limitation on the offer of those products or services, unless the contingency, condition, or limitation is stated contemporaneously with the offer in a manner clearly and easily understood by the customer.
(h) Products or services in a language other than English, unless the advertisement or representation includes any required disclosures or limitations on the offer in the language principally used in the advertisement or representation.
(i) That mechanics employed by a facility are "certified", "licensed", or otherwise qualified if that representation tends to give the impression that all mechanics employed by the facility are certified or licensed if in fact they are not.
(j) That a customer's failure to act quickly or within a certain period of time to procure products or services will result in the loss of opportunity to procure them at a particular price, if in fact it is untrue.
(k) Credit availability, in a manner that creates a likelihood of confusion or misunderstanding of the terms or conditions of credit, or that credit availability or the terms of credit are "easy", or using words of similar import to describe credit availability or terms, if in fact that is untrue.
(l) That products or services are sold under the terms of "satisfaction guaranteed or money back", or using words of similar import, if in fact the customer's declaration of dissatisfaction is not a sufficient basis for obtaining a refund of the purchase price for those products or services.
(m) The necessity, desirability, or advantage to a prospective customer of dealing with a facility by misrepresenting the facility's alleged advantages of size.
(n) That a document that a customer signs is something other than what it is.
(o) An aspect of a repair transaction in a manner that causes a likelihood of confusion, or of misunderstanding, with respect to the authority of a mechanic, salesperson, representative, or agent to negotiate the final terms of the transaction.
(p) An aspect of a repair transaction in a manner that causes a likelihood of confusion, or of misunderstanding, of the legal rights, obligations, or remedies of a party to the transaction.
(q) That service on an offered product is available under a warranty if in fact it is not available or there are undisclosed limitations or conditions on the availability of that service.
(r) A free or low-cost inspection or diagnosis that requires the removal or dismantling, or both, of a part or assembly and failing to disclose before the transaction a charge for replacement or reassembly if the customer declines to authorize a recommended repair.
(s) A product or service at a reduced rate and, if the facility fails to provide it at the offered price during the period of the offering to a customer seeking it, failing to offer and provide the customer the opportunity to obtain the product or service at the same reduced rate within a reasonable period of time after the expiration of the original offer.
(t) Products or services, or the availability of products or services, in a manner that involves the solicitation of waivers by the facility.
(u) Products or services that fail to meet the reasonably expected public demand for the duration of the advertised offering, unless the advertisement has clearly expressed a specific limitation on the quantity of the advertised products or services.
(v) The words "certification", "licensing", or "registration", or the use of words of similar import, of a motor vehicle repair facility or mechanic, by an organization, association, governmental entity, or other program or authority other than the administrator, without clearly and conspicuously disclosing the source of the certification, licensing, or registration, and without adding the disclaimer "not the Michigan department of state".
(w) The desirability or advantages of certification or licensing by a federal, state, or local governmental agency, or that a motor vehicle repair facility or mechanic is approved or sanctioned by the administrator.
History: Add. 2016, Act 430, Eff. Apr. 4, 2017

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 257 - Motor Vehicles

Act 300 of 1974 - Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act (257.1301 - 257.1340)

Section 257.1301 - Short Title.

Section 257.1302 - Definitions; a to L.

Section 257.1302a - Definitions; M to W.

Section 257.1303 - Act Inapplicable to Gasoline Service Stations Exclusively Engaged in Selling Motor Fuel and Lubricants; Minor Repair Services Subject to Act; Exception.

Section 257.1304 - Act Inapplicable to Certain Persons.

Section 257.1305 - Motor Vehicle Repair Facility; Certified Specialty or Master Mechanic Required; Inspection and Approval of Work Performed by Noncertified Mechanic; Waiver.

Section 257.1306 - Motor Vehicle Repair Facility; Registration Required.

Section 257.1306a - Motor Vehicle Repair Facility Providing Baiid Service; Approval of Department; Requirements; Term; Inspection.

Section 257.1307 - Prohibited Conduct.

Section 257.1307a - Prohibited Conduct.

Section 257.1307b - Prohibited Conduct.

Section 257.1307c - Prohibited Conduct.

Section 257.1307d - Prohibited Conduct.

Section 257.1307e - Prohibited Conduct.

Section 257.1307f - Prohibited Conduct.

Section 257.1308 - Administration of Act; Nonaffiliation With Facility.

Section 257.1309 - Powers and Duties of Administrator; Rules.

Section 257.1310 - Certification as Specialty Mechanic; Certification Fee; Initial Specialty Mechanic's Certificate in Baiid Service; Examination; Qualification Certificate as Master Mechanic for Automobiles, Light Trucks, or Heavy-Duty Trucks.

Section 257.1310a - Performance of Baiid Service; Certificate Required; Requirements; Written Installation Verification.

Section 257.1310b - Certification as Specialty or Master Mechanic for Automobiles and Light Trucks or Heavy-Duty Trucks; Certification as Master Motorcycle Mechanic; Certification as Recreational Trailer Mechanic; Eligibility.

Section 257.1311 - Application for Specialty or Master Mechanic's Certificate; Form; Contents; Terms; Renewal.

Section 257.1312 - Examination.

Section 257.1313 - Mechanic Trainee Permit; Duration; Supervision; Educational Institution.

Section 257.1313a - Training to Mechanics or Mechanic Trainees; Approval of School, Academy, or Similar Establishment; Contract.

Section 257.1313b - Display of Current and Valid Certificate; Name and Certification Number to Be Affixed to Statement of Repairs; Compliance With Accepted Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Standards; Violation of Subsection (3).

Section 257.1314 - Registration Form; Contents.

Section 257.1315 - Registration; Expiration; Renewal; Operation Pending Renewal Approval; Fee; Single Registration Form for More Than 1 Facility.

Section 257.1316 - Change in Ownership or Name and Address of Facility; Notice; Owner as Corporation; "Change of Ownership" Defined.

Section 257.1317 - Inspection; "Reasonable Business Records" Defined.

Section 257.1318 - Records; Inspection; "Reasonable Business Records" Defined; Retention; Time Periods; Records to Be Maintained by Facility Engaging in Body Work; Contents; Police Book; Dealer's License Required.

Section 257.1318a - Records of Air Bag Sales, Purchases, or Acquisitions; Period of Time Records Required to Be Maintained.

Section 257.1319 - Loss, Destruction, or Mutilation of Registration, Certificate, or Trainee Permit; Replacement.

Section 257.1320 - Specialty or Master Mechanic Certificate; Date of Approval; Expiration; Renewal; Conduct Pending Renewal.

Section 257.1321 - Cease and Desist Order.

Section 257.1321a - Summary Suspension of Registration, Certificate, or Mechanic Trainee Permit; Affidavit; Hearing; Setting Aside, Continuing, or Modifying Order of Summary Suspension.

Section 257.1322 - Administrative Action Against Certain Conduct; Violation of Subsection (1); Powers of Administrator; Probation; Conditions; Other Lawful Remedies and Sanctions.

Section 257.1323 - Action by Attorney General or County Prosecutor.

Section 257.1324 - Notice of Alleged Violation.

Section 257.1325 - Action by Administrator Not Restricted by Expiration or Absence of Registration, Certificate, or Permit.

Section 257.1326 - Public or Private Investigation by Administrator; Additional Powers of Administrator.

Section 257.1327 - Voluntary Assurance of Discontinuance of Alleged Violation.

Section 257.1328 - Oaths or Affirmations; Subpoena; Order Compelling Compliance; Contempt.

Section 257.1329 - Service of Process.

Section 257.1330 - Fees.

Section 257.1331 - Acts or Practices Barring Action on Contract, Action for Collection of Compensation, or Assertion of Lien; Recovery of Amount Paid Unregistered Facility.

Section 257.1332 - Written Estimate Required; Consent to Excess Charge; Payment of Actual Cost if Cost Less Than Estimate; Cost of Returning Vehicle to Original Condition; Cost of Diagnosis; Waiver of Rights; Display of Certificate of Repair Facility...

Section 257.1332a - Consumer Information Sign.

Section 257.1333 - Right to Receive or Inspect Replaced Parts; Notice; Exchange Agreement; Disposition of Replaced Parts; Display of Sign at Entrance of Facility.

Section 257.1334 - Written Statement Required Upon Return of Repaired Vehicle.

Section 257.1334a - Written Estimate Not Required if Total Cost Less Than $50.00; Statement Including Actual Cost of Repairs.

Section 257.1335 - False Statement, Misrepresentation, or Failure to Comply With Cease and Desist Order.

Section 257.1336 - Liability for Damage or Injury.

Section 257.1337 - Mechanic or Mechanic Trainee as Agent; Joint and Several Liability; Right to Contribution.

Section 257.1338 - Violation; Penalty.

Section 257.1339 - Rescission of R 257.101 to R 257.173.

Section 257.1340 - Disposition of Fees.