Sec. 83.
(1) The driver education provider and instructor fund is created as a separate fund in the department of treasury. The fund shall be expended only as provided in this section. The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall annually present to the secretary of state an accounting of the amount of money in the fund. Any unexpended and unencumbered money in the fund at the close of a fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse or be transferred to the general fund.
(2) A nonrefundable application processing fee, a multiple vehicle driving facility review and approval fee, and an administrative fine collected under this act shall be transferred by the secretary of state to the state treasurer, who shall credit the money to the fund created under this section.
(3) The secretary of state shall expend money in the fund to administer this act. The secretary of state may deduct money from the fund to develop a driver education provider and instructor program. The secretary of state may deduct from the fund the actual administrative costs to administer this act, including any administrative costs to perform inspections, conduct investigations, or hold administrative hearings.
History: 2006, Act 384, Eff. Oct. 1, 2006
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 384 of 2006 - Driver Education Provider and Instructor Act (256.621 - 256.705)
Section 256.621 - Short Title.
Section 256.623 - Definitions; a to D.
Section 256.625 - Definitions; D to M.
Section 256.627 - Definitions; P to T.
Section 256.643 - Driver Education Instructor Preparation Program.
Section 256.645 - Conditional Driver Education Instructor Certificate; Issuance; Requirements.
Section 256.647 - Professional Development Requirements; Establishment; Publication; Provisions.
Section 256.649 - Criminal History Record Information Check.
Section 256.651 - Use of Motor Vehicle; Requirements.
Section 256.653 - Teen Driver Training; Duties of Driver Education Provider.
Section 256.655 - Teen Driver Training; Model Curriculum.
Section 256.659 - Segment 2 Curriculum Course.
Section 256.661 - Classroom Instruction; Number of Students; Limitation.
Section 256.663 - Driver Education Course Certificate of Completion; Issuance to Student.
Section 256.665 - Course Schedule Report, Course Completion Report; Requirements.
Section 256.667 - Written Agreement Between Provider and Student; Terms.
Section 256.671 - Reports; Maintenance; Format; Manner; Availability; Failure to Comply; Duration.
Section 256.673 - Verification of Instructor's Certificate Status.
Section 256.677 - Conviction of Violation; Notification to Secretary of State.
Section 256.681 - Automatic Denial or Revocation of Application or Certificate; Duration.
Section 256.685 - Investigation; Complaint; Mediation; Conditions for Probation and Cancellation.
Section 256.687 - Deceptive or Unconscionable Methods, Acts, or Practices.
Section 256.691 - Cease and Desist Order; Temporary Cease and Desist Order.
Section 256.695 - Summary Suspension; Hearing; Resolution.
Section 256.699 - Certificate Required; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Administrative Fine.
Section 256.701 - Reimbursement; Disposition.
Section 256.704 - Deposit of Revenue Balance Into Traffic Law Enforcement and Safety Fund.