Sec. 31.
(1) A motor vehicle used by a driver education provider shall:
(a) Comply with the motor vehicle safety standards required under both federal law and the laws of this state when used as a driver educationvehicle.
(b) Display an identity, in a size and design prescribed by the secretary of state, that the vehicle is used in a driver education course.
(c) Display a driver education provider's identity, in a size and design prescribed by the secretary of state, that uses the vehicle in a driver education course.
(2) A driver education provider shall not allow a driver education instructor to use a motor vehicle in a driver education course with more occupants than the number of safety belts installed in the vehicle.
(3) A passenger motor vehicle used by a driver education provider in a driver education course shall be a dual-controlled vehicle. For the purpose of this subsection, a "dual-controlled vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is equipped with a duplicate brake or, if applicable, a duplicate brake and clutch pedal that is positioned on the right front floorboard of the vehicle.
History: 2006, Act 384, Eff. Oct. 1, 2006
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 384 of 2006 - Driver Education Provider and Instructor Act (256.621 - 256.705)
Section 256.621 - Short Title.
Section 256.623 - Definitions; a to D.
Section 256.625 - Definitions; D to M.
Section 256.627 - Definitions; P to T.
Section 256.643 - Driver Education Instructor Preparation Program.
Section 256.645 - Conditional Driver Education Instructor Certificate; Issuance; Requirements.
Section 256.647 - Professional Development Requirements; Establishment; Publication; Provisions.
Section 256.649 - Criminal History Record Information Check.
Section 256.651 - Use of Motor Vehicle; Requirements.
Section 256.653 - Teen Driver Training; Duties of Driver Education Provider.
Section 256.655 - Teen Driver Training; Model Curriculum.
Section 256.659 - Segment 2 Curriculum Course.
Section 256.661 - Classroom Instruction; Number of Students; Limitation.
Section 256.663 - Driver Education Course Certificate of Completion; Issuance to Student.
Section 256.665 - Course Schedule Report, Course Completion Report; Requirements.
Section 256.667 - Written Agreement Between Provider and Student; Terms.
Section 256.671 - Reports; Maintenance; Format; Manner; Availability; Failure to Comply; Duration.
Section 256.673 - Verification of Instructor's Certificate Status.
Section 256.677 - Conviction of Violation; Notification to Secretary of State.
Section 256.681 - Automatic Denial or Revocation of Application or Certificate; Duration.
Section 256.685 - Investigation; Complaint; Mediation; Conditions for Probation and Cancellation.
Section 256.687 - Deceptive or Unconscionable Methods, Acts, or Practices.
Section 256.691 - Cease and Desist Order; Temporary Cease and Desist Order.
Section 256.695 - Summary Suspension; Hearing; Resolution.
Section 256.699 - Certificate Required; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Administrative Fine.
Section 256.701 - Reimbursement; Disposition.
Section 256.704 - Deposit of Revenue Balance Into Traffic Law Enforcement and Safety Fund.