Michigan Compiled Laws
116-1954-XXVI - Chapter XXVI Delegates—referendum (168.621...168.626)
Section 168.624g - Cost of Conducting Presidential Primary Election; Reimbursement; Payment Upon Presentation and Approval of Verified Account; Excluded Costs; Appropriation; Qualification for Reimbursement; Payment or Disapproval of Verified Account...

Sec. 624g.
(1) The state shall reimburse each county, city, and township for the cost of conducting a presidential primary election. The reimbursement must not exceed the verified account of actual costs of the election.
(2) Payment must be made upon presentation and approval of a verified account of actual costs to the department of treasury, local government audit division, after the department of treasury and the secretary of state agree as to what constitutes valid costs of conducting an election. Reimbursable costs do not include salaries of permanent local officials, the cost of reusable supplies and equipment, or costs attributable to local special elections held in conjunction with the presidential primary. The state shall disapprove costs not in compliance with this section.
(3) The legislature shall appropriate from the general fund of this state an amount necessary to implement this section.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, to qualify for reimbursement, a county, city, or township must submit its verified account of actual costs no later than 90 days after the date of the presidential primary. To qualify for reimbursement for the March 10, 2020 presidential primary, a county, city, or township must submit its verified account of actual costs no later than September 30, 2020.
(5) Not later than 90 days after the state receives a verified account of actual costs, the state shall pay or disapprove the verified account.
History: Add. 1988, Act 275, Eff. Sept. 1, 1988 ;-- Am. 1990, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 12, 1990 ;-- Am. 2020, Act 167, Imd. Eff. Sept. 30, 2020 Compiler's Notes: See Green Party of Michigan, et al v Terri Lynn Land, case no. 08-10149, March 26, 2008.Popular Name: Election Code

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 168 - Michigan Election Law

Act 116 of 1954 - Michigan Election Law (168.1 - 168.992)

116-1954-XXVI - Chapter XXVI Delegates—referendum (168.621...168.626)

Section 168.621 - Party Convention Delegates; Nomination.

Section 168.622 - County Conventions; Time and Place; Election and Duties of Chairperson; Vacancies; Rules and Regulations.

Section 168.623 - Repealed. 1972, Act 60, Imd. Eff. Feb. 22, 1972.

Section 168.623a - Mailing or Delivering Certificate Showing Number of Delegates to County Convention; Time; Notice; Failure to Forward Certificate; Allotment and Apportionment of Delegates; Election of Delegates by Direct Vote.

Section 168.624 - Delegate to County or District Conventions; Qualifications; Affidavit of Identity; Seating of Delegates; Violation as Misdemeanor; Complaint; Procedure.

Section 168.624a - Precinct Delegate; Resignation; Notice; Withdrawal of Name From Ballot; Qualification of Delegate to Participate in Convention; Complaint Regarding Qualification of Delegate; Report; Certification That Delegate Not Qualified to Hol...

Section 168.624b, 168.624c - Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983.

Section 168.624d - Filling Vacancies in Precincts.

Section 168.624e - Expired. 1972, Act 185, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973.

Section 168.624f - Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983.

Section 168.624g - Cost of Conducting Presidential Primary Election; Reimbursement; Payment Upon Presentation and Approval of Verified Account; Excluded Costs; Appropriation; Qualification for Reimbursement; Payment or Disapproval of Verified Account...

Section 168.625 - Voting Delegate Ballot; Returns; Notice; Furnishing Names and Addresses of Delegates to County Convention; Tie Vote; Determination of Successful Candidate; Determining if Candidate Is Registered Elector.

Section 168.626 - Ballots; Preparation; Consecutive Numbering; Contents; Paper; Printing; Rotation of Names Prohibited; Delivery; Distribution; Time; Voting Machines.