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Section 168.621 - Party Convention Delegates; Nomination. - Sec. 621. In all counties the provisions of this chapter...
Section 168.622 - County Conventions; Time and Place; Election and Duties of Chairperson; Vacancies; Rules and Regulations. - Sec. 622. The county conventions of each political party shall...
Section 168.623 - Repealed. 1972, Act 60, Imd. Eff. Feb. 22, 1972. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to the election of...
Section 168.623a - Mailing or Delivering Certificate Showing Number of Delegates to County Convention; Time; Notice; Failure to Forward Certificate; Allotment and Apportionment of Delegates; Election of Delegates by Direct Vote. - Sec. 623a. (1) On or before April 1 in even...
Section 168.624 - Delegate to County or District Conventions; Qualifications; Affidavit of Identity; Seating of Delegates; Violation as Misdemeanor; Complaint; Procedure. - Sec. 624. (1) A person holding a public office in...
Section 168.624a - Precinct Delegate; Resignation; Notice; Withdrawal of Name From Ballot; Qualification of Delegate to Participate in Convention; Complaint Regarding Qualification of Delegate; Report; Certification That Delegate Not Qualified to Hol... - Sec. 624a. (1) A precinct delegate may resign his or...
Section 168.624b, 168.624c - Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to including name of...
Section 168.624d - Filling Vacancies in Precincts. - Sec. 624d. Vacancies in precincts resulting from the death of...
Section 168.624e - Expired. 1972, Act 185, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973. - Compiler's Notes: The expired section pertained to reimbursement of costs...
Section 168.624f - Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to reimbursement of costs...
Section 168.624g - Cost of Conducting Presidential Primary Election; Reimbursement; Payment Upon Presentation and Approval of Verified Account; Excluded Costs; Appropriation; Qualification for Reimbursement; Payment or Disapproval of Verified Account... - Sec. 624g. (1) The state shall reimburse each county, city,...
Section 168.625 - Voting Delegate Ballot; Returns; Notice; Furnishing Names and Addresses of Delegates to County Convention; Tie Vote; Determination of Successful Candidate; Determining if Candidate Is Registered Elector. - Sec. 625. A delegate ballot must be voted in the...
Section 168.626 - Ballots; Preparation; Consecutive Numbering; Contents; Paper; Printing; Rotation of Names Prohibited; Delivery; Distribution; Time; Voting Machines. - Sec. 626. The board of county election commissioners shall prepare...