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Section 444.1 - Warehouseman; Definition. - Sec. 1. That every person, firm, company, association, warehouse company...
Section 444.2-444.6 - Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to warehousemen and warehouse...
Section 444.7 - Warehouseman; Records and Receipts, Contents. - Sec. 7. Every warehouseman shall keep a record book, in...
Section 444.8 - Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to negotiability, warehouse receipts.
Section 444.9 - Warehouse Receipts; Issuance for Property Not Stored. - Sec. 9. No warehouseman shall issue any receipt or voucher...
Section 444.10 - Warehouse Receipts; Issuance as Security for Loans or Debts. - Sec. 10. No warehouseman shall issue any receipt or voucher...
Section 444.13 - Violation of Act; Misdemeanor, Penalty; Civil Liability. - Sec. 13. Any warehouseman who shall wilfully violate any of...
Section 444.14-444.22 - Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to sale of goods...
Section 444.23 - Warehouseman; Rights as to Mistaken or Fraudulent Delivery. - Sec. 23. Any warehouseman who has parted with his possession...
Section 444.24 - Warehouseman; Notice to Owner of Property Subject to Legal Process, Delivery, Effect. - Sec. 24. Whenever any goods, wares, merchandise or other personal...
Section 444.25 - Warehouseman; Fire Loss, Liability. - Sec. 25. No warehouseman shall be held responsible for any...
Section 444.26 - Examination of Property; Rights of Interested Persons, Time, Facilities. - Sec. 26. All persons owning property or who may be...
Section 444.27 - Examination of Property; Warehouseman, Refusal to Allow, Penalty. - Sec. 27. Any warehouseman who shall refuse any person the...