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Section 444.101 - Warehouse Receipts for Certain Merchandise; Issuance, Terms. - Sec. 1. All persons, firms or corporations owning or dealing...
Section 444.102 - Warehouse Receipts for Certain Merchandise; Declaration, Elevator, Warehouse Owners; Contents, Filing. - Sec. 2. Before any such person, firm or corporation, except...
Section 444.103 - Warehouse Receipts for Certain Merchandise; Filing Declaration, Statement; Issuance, Transfer. - Sec. 3. Each certificate or receipt issued by any such...
Section 444.104 - Warehouse Receipts for Certain Merchandise; Register; Inspection. - Sec. 4. All certificates or receipts given under the provisions...
Section 444.105 - Warehouse Receipts for Certain Merchandise; Unlawful Issuance; Endorsement, Necessity. - Sec. 5. No person, firm or corporation, shall issue any...
Section 444.106 - Violation of Act; Civil Recovery. - Sec. 6. Any one injured by the violation of any...
Section 444.107 - Violations of Act; Penalty. - Sec. 7. Any person who shall wilfully alter or destroy...
Section 444.108 - Construction of Act as to Mingling of Fungible Goods. - Sec. 8. Nothing in this act shall be construed as...
Section 444.109 - Saving Clause. - Sec. 9. Nothing in this act shall be construed to...