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Section 460.821 - Joint Venture Agreement; Undivided Interest in Project; Determination of Future Power Requirements. - Sec. 21. (1) A governmental unit may join in a...
Section 460.822 - Joint Venture Agreement; Proportion of Undivided Interest in Project to Be Owned; Percentage Share of Output and Capacity; Liability; Restrictions as to Money, Property, or Undivided Share; Acquisition of Project; Sources of Money;... - Sec. 22. Pursuant to a joint venture agreement, each governmental...
Section 460.823 - Joint Venture Agreement; Terms, Conditions, and Provisions; Ratification of Contracts by Resolution; Provisions of Contract. - Sec. 23. A joint venture agreement entered into by governmental...
Section 460.824 - Sale or Exchange of Capacity or Output; Licenses, Permits, Certificates, or Approvals; Contracts for Electric Power and Energy; Authority, Rights, Privileges, and Immunities of Personnel; Annual Report; Operating and Financial State... - Sec. 24. (1) Capacity or output derived by a governmental...