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Section 460.801 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act may be cited as the "Michigan...
Section 460.802 - Meanings of Words and Phrases. - Sec. 2. For purposes of this act, the words and...
Section 460.803 - Definitions; E to J. - Sec. 3. (1) "Electric utility facility" means a facility which...
Section 460.804 - Definitions; M. - Sec. 4. (1) "Municipal bond" means a bond or note...
Section 460.805 - Definitions; P. - Sec. 5. (1) "Project" means a system or facility, inside...
Section 460.806 - Definitions; P to R. - Sec. 6. (1) "Person" means an individual, corporation, association, partnership,...
Section 460.807 - Sources of Electrical Energy for Distribution and Sale; Facilities for Control, Abatement, or Prevention of Pollution or Damages to Environment; Facilities for Safe Disposal of Waste or By-Products. - Sec. 7. The governing body of a municipal electric utility...
Section 460.808 - Fuel Sources and Reserves; Facilities for Transportation and Storage. - Sec. 8. The governing body of a municipal electric utility...
Section 460.809 - Facilities for Transmission of Energy; Contracts With Other Power Utilities. - Sec. 9. The governing body of a municipal electric utility...
Section 460.810 - Electric Utility Facilities; Exercise of Authority by Governing Body. - Sec. 10. The governing body of a municipal electric utility...
Section 460.811 - Joint Venture, Joint Agency Agreement, or Other Joint Endeavor; Percentage of Common Facility to Be Owned; Exception; Defraying Interest and Other Payments; Operation and Maintenance Expenses. - Sec. 11. A municipality engaging in a joint venture, joint...
Section 460.812 - Financing Cost of Electric Utility Facility; Bonds. - Sec. 12. A municipality may finance the cost of an...
Section 460.813 - Exemption From Taxation. - Sec. 13. To the extent of ownership by governmental units...
Section 460.814 - License Agreements. - Sec. 14. In connection with the ownership and operation of...
Section 460.815 - Grants in Aid and Loans. - Sec. 15. The governing body of a municipality or the...
Section 460.816 - Eminent Domain. - Sec. 16. A municipality may take private property under Act...