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Section 460.831 - Joint Agency; Formation; Creation; Purpose; Determination of Best Interest. - Sec. 31. A joint agency is formed when the governing...
Section 460.832 - Board of Commissioners; Appointment and Term of Commissioners. - Sec. 32. The joint agency shall be governed by a...
Section 460.833 - Board of Commissioners; Officers; Record of Proceedings; Custody of Records, Documents, Minutes, and Seal; Copies; Certificate. - Sec. 33. The board of commissioners of a joint agency...
Section 460.833a - Records, Books, Documents, and Papers; Exclusion From Public Disclosure; Exception. - Sec. 33a. (1) Records, books, documents, and papers of a...
Section 460.834 - Joint Agency as Public Body Politic and Corporate; Essential Public Function; Articles of Incorporation; Amendments. - Sec. 34. (1) A joint agency formed for the purposes...
Section 460.835 - Board of Commissioners; Quorum; Effect of Vacancy; Action Authorized by Resolution; Expenses. - Sec. 35. A majority of the commissioners of a joint...
Section 460.836 - Other Municipality as Member of Joint Agency; Application; Resolution; Withdrawal. - Sec. 36. After the creation of a joint agency, another...
Section 460.836a - Municipal Unit or Other Political Subdivision of Another State or Canadian Province as Member of Joint Agency; Rights, Privileges, and Obligations. - Sec. 36a. (1) A municipal unit or other political subdivision...
Section 460.837 - Joint Agency; Rights and Powers Generally. - Sec. 37. A joint agency shall have the rights and...
Section 460.838 - Board of Commissioners; Retention of General Manager of Joint Agency; Policies; Retention of Independent Certified Public Accounting Firm; Rules. - Sec. 38. Not more than 90 days after the initial...
Section 460.839 - General Manager as Chief Executive and Operating Officer of Joint Agency; Powers and Duties Generally. - Sec. 39. (1) The general manager shall be the chief...
Section 460.840 - Determining Future Power Requirements; Considerations. - Sec. 40. Before undertaking a project for the construction or...
Section 460.841 - Tax Levy Prohibited; Pledging Credit or Taxing Power; Financing Projects of Joint Agencies. - Sec. 41. A joint agency may not levy taxes nor...
Section 460.842 - Bonds; Contractual Obligations; Resolution; Bonds Subject to Revised Municipal Finance Act; Contracts or Notes as to Moneys Advanced or Property Delivered; Contracts Pledging Full Faith and Credit of Municipality. - Sec. 42. (1) A joint agency may issue bonds to...
Section 460.842a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 42a. A petition under section 42, including the circulation...
Section 460.843 - Contract for Purchase of Capacity and Output; Payments; Default; Furnishing Money, Personnel, Equipment, and Property; Advances or Contributions; Repayment. - Sec. 43. (1) A municipality which is a member of...
Section 460.844 - Sale or Exchange of Excess Capacity or Output. - Sec. 44. (1) A joint agency may sell or exchange...
Section 460.845 - Eminent Domain. - Sec. 45. A joint agency may take private property under...
Section 460.846 - Dissolution of Joint Agency; Resolution; Vesting of Title to Funds and Other Properties. - Sec. 46. When the board of commissioners of a joint...
Section 460.847 - Annual Report. - Sec. 47. A joint agency shall, following the close of...
Section 460.848 - Annual Audit. - Sec. 48. The joint agency shall annually cause an audit...