Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 283 of 1909 - Public Highways and Private Roads (220.1 - 244.10)
283-1909-XIV - Chapter XIV Highway Taxes and the Assessment Thereof (234.1...234.18)

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapters 220 - 244 - General Highway Law

Act 283 of 1909 - Public Highways and Private Roads (220.1 - 244.10)

Section 220.1 - Highways and Private Roads; Establishment and Maintenance; Authority of Municipalities; Highway Officials, Duties.

283-1909-I - Chapter I Laying Out, Altering and Discontinuing Highways (221.1...221.30)

283-1909-II - Chapter II Taxes for Highway Purposes (222.1...222.19)

283-1909-IV - Chapter IV County Road Law (224.1...224.32)

283-1909-V - Chapter V State Reward for Roads (225.1...225.17)

283-1909-VI - Chapter VI for the Security of Persons and Property on the Highways (226.1...226.6)

283-1909-IX - Chapter IX Opening of Private Roads and Temporary Highways (229.1...229.11)

283-1909-X - Chapter X Penalties and Forfeitures (230.1...230.9)

283-1909-XI - Chapter XI Shade Trees in Highways (231.1...231.4)

283-1909-XII - Chapter XII General Duties of Commissioners and Overseers (232.1...232.6)

283-1909-XIII - Chapter XIII Miscellaneous Provisions (233.1...233.15)

283-1909-XIV - Chapter XIV Highway Taxes and the Assessment Thereof (234.1...234.18)

283-1909-XV - Chapter XV Drains (235.1...235.8a)

283-1909-XVI - Chapter XVI Powers and Duties of Boards of Supervisors (236.1...236.11)

283-1909-XVIII - Chapter XVIII Highway Orders (238.1...238.4)

283-1909-XIX - Chapter XIX Culverts, or Cattle-Passes and Hedges (239.1...239.6)

283-1909-XX - Chapter XX State Roads (240.1...240.5)

283-1909-XXI - Chapter XXI Sidewalks (241.1...241.13)

283-1909-XXII - Chapter XXII Recovery of Damages (242.1...242.8)

283-1909-XXIII - Chapter XXIII Law of the Road (243.1...243.9)

283-1909-XXIV - Chapter XXIV Noxious Weeds (244.1...244.10)