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Section 235.1 - Drain in Public Highway; Release of Right-of-Way, Damages. - Sec. 1. Drains may be laid along and within the...
Section 235.2 - Drain in Public Highways; Bridges and Culverts; Construction Strength, Apportionment and Payment of Cost, Maintenance by Property Owner. - Sec. 2. When any drain crosses a highway, the necessary...
Section 235.3 - Open Drain in Highways; Consent of Commissioner, Location, Disposition of Earth. - Sec. 3. Before an open drain shall be laid along...
Section 235.4 - Open Drain in Highway; Drain Commissioner to Apportion Costs. - Sec. 4. The county drain commissioner shall apportion the per...
Section 235.5 - Drain Across Adjacent Land; Acquisition of Right-of-Way, Approval of Board, Deed. - Sec. 5. Whenever it is necessary or more convenient for...
Section 235.6 - Report to Township Electors; Contents; Highway Drain Fund, Use of Surplus. - Sec. 6. The highway commissioner shall report to the electors...
Section 235.7 - Report on Construction; Contents, Filing; Powers Limited to Highway Drainage. - Sec. 7. On the completion by the highway commissioner of...
Section 235.8 - Failure to Secure Right-of-Way; Application to Drain Commissioner, Procedure; Jurisdiction. - Sec. 8. In case the highway commissioner cannot secure the...
Section 235.8a - Detour Roads; Expense. - Sec. 8a. In case it shall be deemed necessary by...