Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 161 - Street Railways
Section 94 - Obstruction of Tracks

Section 94. Whoever wilfully obstructs a company or the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority in the legal use of a railway track, or delays the passing of its cars thereon, or wilfully obstructs a company or the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority in the legal use of a public way by a trackless trolley vehicle, or delays the passing of its trackless trolley vehicles thereon, or aids or abets in such obstruction or delay, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than three months. Whoever commits any of said acts in such a manner as to endanger the life or safety of persons conveyed in or upon said cars, or trackless trolley vehicles, or aids or abets therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than ten years.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 161 - Street Railways

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Application

Section 3 - Persons Forming Company

Section 4 - Contents of Agreement of Association; Duties of Associates

Section 5 - Clerk and Treasurer of Association; Term; Vacancies

Section 6 - Publication of Agreement of Association

Section 7 - Location

Section 8 - Certification of Facts Relating to Formation; Presentation to Department

Section 9 - Certificate of Incorporation

Section 10 - First Meeting of Incorporators; Notice; Waiver of Notice

Section 11 - Adoption of By-Laws; Election of Directors

Section 12 - Management of Business

Section 13 - Election of Officers; Term; Qualifications; Treasurer's Bond; Appointment of Other Officers

Section 14 - Stockholders' Meetings

Section 15 - Special Meetings

Section 16 - Voting by Corporation of Own Shares

Section 17 - Voting by Shareholders; Proxies

Section 18 - Directors' Meetings

Section 19 - Stock Certificates

Section 20 - Issuance of Certificate

Section 20a - Change of Par Value of Capital Stock

Section 21 - Assessments; Default of Shareholder

Section 22 - Collection of Assessments

Section 23 - Subscription for Stock; Payment for Stock; Conditions to Building Railway

Section 24 - Liability Prior to Payment for Capital Stock

Section 25 - Purposes Authorizing Increase in Capital Stock or Bond Issue; Action of Department

Section 26 - Supplying Working Capital; Stock Increase or Bond Issue

Section 27 - Reduction of Capital Stock; Approval of Department; Liability of Directors

Section 28 - Issue of Stock and Bonds; Authorization; Certificate of Department; Filing

Section 29 - Limit of Issue of Bonds, Coupon Notes and Other Evidences of Indebtedness

Section 30 - Enforcement of Provisions Relating to Issue of Stocks and Bonds

Section 31 - Penalty for Improper Issue of Stocks and Bonds

Section 32 - Preferred Stock

Section 33 - Exchange of Common for Preferred; Limitations

Section 34 - Designation of Each Class of Preferred; Record of Proceeding Creating Class; Content of Certificate

Section 35 - Preferred Stock; Voting Powers; Issue, Etc.

Section 36 - Prohibition

Section 37 - Effect of Issue; Liability of Directors

Section 38 - Time to Begin Operation; Extension

Section 39 - Extension of Railway Into Other Cities and Towns

Section 40 - Connecting Locations

Section 41 - Real and Personal Estate; Stock or Bonds of Other Street Railways

Section 42 - Recreation and Pleasure Resorts; Sale of Alcoholic Beverages

Section 43 - Motive Power

Section 44 - Use of Motor Vehicles Not Running on Rails

Section 45 - Manufacture, Use and Transmission of Electricity

Section 46 - Use of Tracks by Another Railway

Section 47 - Interchange of Traffic and Cars Between Companies

Section 48 - Use of Railroad Tracks

Section 49 - Street Sprinkling Cars Upon Railway Tracks

Section 50 - Municipal Street Maintenance Cars Upon Railway Tracks

Section 51 - Coal and Other Supplies

Section 52 - Carriers of Mail

Section 53 - Common Carriers of Newspapers, Baggage, Express Matter and Freight

Section 54 - Operation Outside Limits of Public Way or Bridge

Section 55 - Authorization to Operate on Private Land

Section 56 - Certification Permitting Operation on Private Land; Regulation of Operation and Construction

Section 57 - Laws Applicable to Railways Located on Private Land

Section 58 - Eminent Domain

Section 60 - Eminent Domain; Crossing of Public Way

Section 61 - Eminent Domain; Construction of Secs. 58 to 60

Section 62 - Limitations

Section 63 - Sale or Consolidation With Intersecting or Continuing Line

Section 64 - Financing Sale or Consolidation

Section 65 - Powers and Duties of Combined Companies

Section 66 - Use of Facilities of One Railway by Another

Section 67 - Powers of Railway Contracting for Operation of Railway or Taking Lease of Railway

Section 68 - Sale of Portion of Railway; Payment of Dividends From Money Received

Section 69 - Purchase of Connecting or Intersecting Line of Company Organized in Another State

Section 69a - Merger of Association or Trust Owning Capital of Company Into Company

Section 70 - Extension of Location; Proceedings

Section 71 - Alteration of Location; Proceedings

Section 72 - Authorization to Grant in Public Way or Upon Private Land

Section 73 - Authorization to Grant While Bridge Closed

Section 74 - Application to Department

Section 75 - Termination of Location

Section 76 - Cost of Temporary Tracks Constructed Due to Alteration of Grade Crossing

Section 77 - Proceedings

Section 78 - Expense of Widening; Way Not Presently Containing Track

Section 79 - Expense of Altering or Changing Grade; Way Containing Track

Section 80 - Method as Assessing

Section 81 - Application to Have Way Designated as Highway; Determination; Payment for Damages

Section 82 - Power of Department of Highways

Section 83 - Certificate of Compliance

Section 84 - Rate of Speed; Use of Tracks; Number and Routes of Cars

Section 85 - Clearance of Snow From Tracks; Regulations of Department of Highways

Section 86 - Voluntary Discontinuance of Use of Tracks; Removal of Track

Section 87 - Temporary Discontinuance of Use of Tracks

Section 88 - Liability of Municipality for Alteration or Discontinuance of Public Way

Section 89 - Opening Way or Bridge to Make Repairs; Liability for Loss or Injury

Section 90 - Liability of Municipality; Recovery From Railway

Section 91 - Guards and Railings on Bridges

Section 92 - Stopping at Railroad Crossings

Section 93 - Warning of Approach of Street Car

Section 94 - Obstruction of Tracks

Section 94a - Littering Public Transportation Facilities; Penalty

Section 95 - Loitering

Section 96 - Obstruction of Ways and Bridges by Railway; Penalty

Section 97 - Children Selling Newspapers on Railway Cars; Penalty

Section 98 - Safety Devices for Cars and Station Platforms

Section 99 - Emergency Tools and Lifting Jack

Section 100 - Heating Railway Cars

Section 101 - Enclosure of Platforms During Winter Months

Section 102 - Failure to Enclose Platforms During Winter Months; Penalty

Section 103 - Hours of Employment per Day; Penalty

Section 104 - Reasonable Accommodations for Passengers

Section 105 - Additional Passenger Accommodations

Section 106 - Assumption of Risk

Section 107 - Special Service Railway Cars and Rates; Working Men's Rates; Children's Rates; Veterans' Rates; Free Passes to Public Officials

Section 108 - Railway Fares; Students' Rates

Section 109 - Regulation of Fares; Railroads and Street Railways

Section 110 - Free Checks or Transfers From One Railway Car to Another; Regulation

Section 111 - Notice of Change of Service

Section 112 - Notice of Change of Tariff or Rates to Municipalities

Section 113 - Misuse of Transfer Ticket; Penalty

Section 113a - Fraudulent Use of Passes; Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Stations or Vehicles; Penalty

Section 114 - Transportation of Milk and Cream

Section 115 - Railway Service Provided at Cost; Acceptance of Secs. 115 to 128

Section 116 - Cost of Service; Definitions

Section 117 - Reserve Fund

Section 118 - Service at Cost; Application to Determine Status of Unfunded Debt

Section 119 - Use of Reserve Fund

Section 120 - Schedules of Grades of Railway Fare and Transfer Privileges; Public Hearing; Approval or Modification

Section 121 - Change in Grades of Railway Fare

Section 122 - Improvement Fund

Section 123 - Sale of Railway Property and Franchise to State or Municipality

Section 124 - Directors Appointed by Governor; Qualifications; Powers and Privileges

Section 125 - Monthly Condition Statements; Supervision and Investigation by Department

Section 126 - Acceptance of Secs. 115 to 128; Commencement of Operations

Section 127 - Disposal of Property No Longer of Service

Section 128 - Return on Stock Investment; State Directors of Railway Company; Petition for Reversal of Orders of Department

Section 129 - Avoiding or Abolishing Grade Crossings; Eminent Domain

Section 130 - Construction of Overpasses and Underpasses

Section 131 - Structures or Alterations Within Public Way or State Highway

Section 132 - Change of Railway Company's Name; Authorization

Section 133 - Filing of Certificate of Name Change

Section 134 - Rights and Liabilities of Railway Company Under New Name

Section 135 - Authorization of Sale by Receiver of Railway Property; Powers and Duties of Purchaser

Section 136 - Content of Agreement of Association of Purchasers; Execution of Agreement

Section 137 - Certificate of Incorporation; Organization of Railway Company

Section 138 - Annual Return Transmitted to Department by Street Railway Company Directors

Section 139 - Tables and Abstracts Prepared by Department

Section 140 - Street Railway Lessee's Annual Return

Section 141 - Retention of Records by State Departments and Commissions

Section 142 - Equity Jurisdiction

Section 143 - Establishment of Area

Section 144 - Preliminary Agreements

Section 145 - Acceptance of Preliminary Agreements

Section 146 - Management of Transportation Area; Appointment and Compensation of Trustees

Section 147 - Powers of Trustees; Status of Employees of Acquired Private Companies

Section 148 - Officers of Board of Trustees; Election; Treasurer's Bond; Voting; Quorum; Annual Report

Section 149 - Taking of Railway by Eminent Domain

Section 150 - Discharge of Liabilities and Obligations; Basis of Contribution by Municipalities Within Area

Section 151 - Finances of Transportation Areas

Section 152 - Municipal Borrowing; Limitations

Section 152a - Contract Between Commonwealth and Trustees for Reimbursement for Deficit From Operation of Transportation Area

Section 153 - Extension of Lines by Transportation Area; Purchase of Equipment; Consent of Department

Section 154 - Exclusion of Municipality From Transportation Area

Section 155 - Leases of Street Railway Property; Amount of Rental; Term; Renewals; Termination

Section 156 - Establishment of Fare Zones and Rates of Fare

Section 157 - Care of Leased Railway Property

Section 158 - Taxation

Section 159 - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; Application of Secs. 143 to 158

Section 160 - Transportation Areas; Application of Secs. 143 to 158

Section 161 - Avoiding Reduction or Discontinuance of Railway Service; Contributions of Municipalities