Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 176 - Fraternal Benefit Societies
Section 9 - Admission to Membership

Section 9. A society may admit to benefit membership any person not less than fifteen years of age, nearest birthday, who has furnished evidence of insurability acceptable to the society. Any such member who shall apply for additional benefits more than six months after becoming a benefit member shall pass an additional medical examination, or make an additional declaration of insurability, as required by the society.
Any person admitted prior to attaining the age of majority shall be bound by the terms of the application and certificate and by all the by-laws and rules of the society, and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership therein to the same extent as though said applicant had attained said full age at the time of application.
No society authorized to issue certificates under this chapter may refuse to admit to benefit membership any person, otherwise qualified, for the sole reason of blindness.
A society shall specify in its laws or rules eligibility standards for each and every class of membership, the process for admission to membership, the process for admission to membership for each membership class, and the rights and privileges of each membership class, but only the benefit members shall have the right to vote on the management of insurance affairs of the society.
Membership rights of a society are personal to the member and are not assignable.
A society may provide in its laws or rules for grievance or complaint procedures for members.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 176 - Fraternal Benefit Societies

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Applicability of Chapter 176v to Fraternal Benefit Societies

Section 1b - Applicability of Chapter 176w to Fraternal Benefit Societies

Section 2 - Lodge System

Section 3 - Representative Form of Government

Section 4 - Articles of Incorporation; Preliminary Certificate; Certificate; Powers

Section 5 - Principal Office

Section 6 - Change in Location of Place of Business or Purposes of Incorporation; Rights, Powers and Privileges

Section 7 - Consolidation or Merger

Section 8 - Conversion to Mutual Life Insurance Company

Section 9 - Admission to Membership

Section 10 - Amendment of Articles of Incorporation

Section 11 - Fraudulent Alteration, etc., of Records

Section 12 - Funds

Section 13 - Disbursements; Vouchers

Section 14 - Creation and Operation of Charitable, Benevolent or Educational Institutions

Section 15 - Benefits Other Than Insurance Benefits

Section 16 - Liability of Officers and Members; Indemnification

Section 17 - Benefits

Section 18 - Children

Section 19 - Deferred Payments or Instalments

Section 20 - Paid-Up Nonforfeiture Benefits, Cash Surrender Values, and Other Options

Section 21 - Change of Beneficiary; Interest of Beneficiary; Funeral Benefits; Payment of Benefits to Personal Representative

Section 22 - Attachment or Other Process

Section 22a - Burial Benefits; Restrictions; Payment

Section 23 - Certificate; Agreement Between Society and Member; Statements by Member as Representations; Reserves

Section 24 - Filing Copies of Forms With Commissioner; Standard Provisions of Certificates

Section 25 - Surplus of Assets; Waiver of Contributions

Section 27 - Waiver of By-Laws or Constitutional Provisions by Subordinate Bodies, Officers or Members

Section 28 - Reinsurance

Section 29 - Termination and Renewal of Licenses; Fees; License as Evidence

Section 30 - Licensing of Foreign or Alien Societies

Section 31 - Action by Beneficiary

Section 32 - Foreign Societies; Deposits

Section 33 - Injunction Against Transaction of Business; Grounds; Procedure

Section 34 - Foreign or Alien Societies; Suspension or Denial of License

Section 35 - Agents of Societies; Licensing

Section 36 - Commissioner as Attorney for Service of Process

Section 37 - Injunction; Attorney General

Section 38 - Review of Commissioner's Decisions and Findings

Section 39 - Assets; Special Funds; Expenses

Section 40 - Investment of Funds

Section 41 - Reports; Annual Statements

Section 42 - Valuation of Bonds or Other Evidences of Debt

Section 43 - Additional, Increased or Extra Rates of Contributions

Section 44 - Domestic Societies; Visitation and Examination; Confidentiality and Privilege; Report and Recommendations

Section 45 - Foreign or Alien Societies; Examination; Confidentiality and Privilege

Section 46 - Financial Statement, Report or Finding; Service Upon Society

Section 47 - Misrepresentations, Etc. Concerning Society or Contract

Section 48 - Unfair Discrimination; Inducements Not Specified in Certificate or Contract

Section 49 - Tax Exemption

Section 50 - Law Governing

Section 51 - Application of Chapter

Section 52 - Penalties

Section 53 - Jurisdiction to Restrain Violations, Etc.

Section 54 - Validity of Contracts Issued in Violation of Chapter, Charter, Articles, Constitution or By-Laws

Section 55 - Solicitation of Membership in Society Not Authorized to Transact Business, Etc.

Section 56 - Payment of Pensions to Employees of Society