Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 176 - Fraternal Benefit Societies
Section 31 - Action by Beneficiary

Section 31. The beneficiary under a certificate issued by any society may maintain an action thereon in his own name.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 176 - Fraternal Benefit Societies

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Applicability of Chapter 176v to Fraternal Benefit Societies

Section 1b - Applicability of Chapter 176w to Fraternal Benefit Societies

Section 2 - Lodge System

Section 3 - Representative Form of Government

Section 4 - Articles of Incorporation; Preliminary Certificate; Certificate; Powers

Section 5 - Principal Office

Section 6 - Change in Location of Place of Business or Purposes of Incorporation; Rights, Powers and Privileges

Section 7 - Consolidation or Merger

Section 8 - Conversion to Mutual Life Insurance Company

Section 9 - Admission to Membership

Section 10 - Amendment of Articles of Incorporation

Section 11 - Fraudulent Alteration, etc., of Records

Section 12 - Funds

Section 13 - Disbursements; Vouchers

Section 14 - Creation and Operation of Charitable, Benevolent or Educational Institutions

Section 15 - Benefits Other Than Insurance Benefits

Section 16 - Liability of Officers and Members; Indemnification

Section 17 - Benefits

Section 18 - Children

Section 19 - Deferred Payments or Instalments

Section 20 - Paid-Up Nonforfeiture Benefits, Cash Surrender Values, and Other Options

Section 21 - Change of Beneficiary; Interest of Beneficiary; Funeral Benefits; Payment of Benefits to Personal Representative

Section 22 - Attachment or Other Process

Section 22a - Burial Benefits; Restrictions; Payment

Section 23 - Certificate; Agreement Between Society and Member; Statements by Member as Representations; Reserves

Section 24 - Filing Copies of Forms With Commissioner; Standard Provisions of Certificates

Section 25 - Surplus of Assets; Waiver of Contributions

Section 27 - Waiver of By-Laws or Constitutional Provisions by Subordinate Bodies, Officers or Members

Section 28 - Reinsurance

Section 29 - Termination and Renewal of Licenses; Fees; License as Evidence

Section 30 - Licensing of Foreign or Alien Societies

Section 31 - Action by Beneficiary

Section 32 - Foreign Societies; Deposits

Section 33 - Injunction Against Transaction of Business; Grounds; Procedure

Section 34 - Foreign or Alien Societies; Suspension or Denial of License

Section 35 - Agents of Societies; Licensing

Section 36 - Commissioner as Attorney for Service of Process

Section 37 - Injunction; Attorney General

Section 38 - Review of Commissioner's Decisions and Findings

Section 39 - Assets; Special Funds; Expenses

Section 40 - Investment of Funds

Section 41 - Reports; Annual Statements

Section 42 - Valuation of Bonds or Other Evidences of Debt

Section 43 - Additional, Increased or Extra Rates of Contributions

Section 44 - Domestic Societies; Visitation and Examination; Confidentiality and Privilege; Report and Recommendations

Section 45 - Foreign or Alien Societies; Examination; Confidentiality and Privilege

Section 46 - Financial Statement, Report or Finding; Service Upon Society

Section 47 - Misrepresentations, Etc. Concerning Society or Contract

Section 48 - Unfair Discrimination; Inducements Not Specified in Certificate or Contract

Section 49 - Tax Exemption

Section 50 - Law Governing

Section 51 - Application of Chapter

Section 52 - Penalties

Section 53 - Jurisdiction to Restrain Violations, Etc.

Section 54 - Validity of Contracts Issued in Violation of Chapter, Charter, Articles, Constitution or By-Laws

Section 55 - Solicitation of Membership in Society Not Authorized to Transact Business, Etc.

Section 56 - Payment of Pensions to Employees of Society