Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 89 - Law of the Road
Section 7a - Restrictions on Use of Ways Upon Approach of Emergency Vehicles

Section 7A. Upon the approach of any fire apparatus, police vehicle, ambulance or disaster vehicle which is going to a fire or responding to call, alarm or emergency situation, every person driving a vehicle on a way shall immediately drive said vehicle as far as possible toward the right-hand curb or side of said way and shall keep the same at a standstill until such fire apparatus, police vehicle, ambulance or disaster vehicle has passed. No person shall drive a vehicle over a hose of a fire department without the consent of a member of such department. No person shall drive a vehicle within three hundred feet of any fire apparatus going to a fire or responding to an alarm, nor drive said vehicle, or park or leave the same unattended, within eight hundred feet of a fire or within the fire lanes established by the fire department, or upon or beside any traveled way, whether public or private, leading to the scene of a fire, in such a manner as to obstruct the approach to the fire of any fire apparatus or any ambulance, safety or police vehicle, or of any vehicle bearing an official fire or police department designation. Authorized police or fire department personnel may tow a vehicle found to be in violation of the provisions of this section or which is illegally parked or standing in a fire lane as established by the fire department, whether or not a fire is in progress, and such personnel shall not be subject to the provisions of section one hundred and twenty D of chapter two hundred and sixty-six. No person shall operate a motor vehicle behind any such fire apparatus, ambulance, safety or police vehicle, or any vehicle bearing an official fire or police department designation which is operating with emergency systems on, for a distance of three hundred feet. Violation of any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIV - Public Ways and Works

Chapter 89 - Law of the Road

Section 1 - Meeting Vehicles

Section 2 - Passing Vehicle Traveling in Same Direction

Section 3 - Sleigh or Sled; Bells

Section 4 - Keeping to Right While View Obstructed

Section 4a - Driving Vehicles in a Single Lane; Motorcycles, Riding and Passing

Section 4b - Driving in Lane Nearest Right Side of Way

Section 4c - Heavy Trucks; Driving in Right-Hand Lane on Multi-Lane Highways

Section 4d - Standing or Parking of Motor Vehicle in a Designated Bike Lane

Section 5 - Penalty; Exceptions

Section 6 - Applicability of Rules of Road to Street Railway Cars

Section 6a - Stopping of Street Railway Cars for Passage of Fire Apparatus

Section 7 - Right of Way of Fire Engines, Patrol Vehicles and Ambulances; Obstruction; Penalties

Section 7a - Restrictions on Use of Ways Upon Approach of Emergency Vehicles

Section 7b - Operation of Emergency Vehicles

Section 7c - Lane Change Upon Approaching a Stationary Emergency Response Vehicle, Highway Maintenance Vehicle or Recovery Vehicle; Penalty

Section 7d - Moving of Vehicle Involved in a Crash From a Travel Lane

Section 8 - Right-of-Way at Intersecting Ways; Turning on Red Signals

Section 9 - Designation of Highways as Through Ways; Traffic Control Signs and Devices

Section 10 - Violation of One-Way Traffic; Civil Liability

Section 11 - Marked Crosswalks; Yielding Right of Way to Pedestrians; Penalty

Section 12 - Surcharge on Fines for Motor Vehicle Violation