Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 3 - The General Court
Section 68 - Commission on Status of Citizens of Asian Descent; Members; Terms; Powers and Duties

[ Text of section effective until July 1, 2021. For text effective July 1, 2021, see below.]
  Section 68. (a) There shall be a permanent commission on the status of citizens of Asian descent to consist of 23 persons as follows: 3 persons to be appointed by the governor; 3 persons to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; 3 persons to be appointed by the president of the senate; 1 person to be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives; 1 person to be appointed by the minority leader of the senate; 3 persons to be appointed by the state treasurer; 3 persons to be appointed by the state secretary; 3 persons to be appointed by the attorney general; and 3 persons appointed by the state auditor. Members of the commission shall be citizens of the commonwealth who have demonstrated a commitment to the Asian-American community. Members shall be subject to chapter 268A as they apply to special state employees.
  (b) Members shall serve for terms of 3 years and until their successors are appointed. Vacancies in the membership of the commission shall be filled by the original appointing authority for the balance of the unexpired term. All appointments shall be made in consultation with Asian-American organizations. Nominations for members shall be solicited by the appointing authorities between August 1 and September 16 of each year through an open application process using a uniform application that is widely distributed throughout the state.
  (c) The commission shall elect from among its members a chair, a vice chair, a treasurer and any other officers it considers necessary. The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed for any usual and customary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
  (d) The commission shall be a resource to the commonwealth on issues affecting Asian-American communities. In furtherance of that responsibility, the commission shall:
  (1) promote research and be a clearinghouse and source of information on issues pertaining to Asian Americans in the commonwealth;
  (2) inform the public and leaders of business, education, human services, health care, state and local governments and the communications media of the unique cultural, social, ethnic, economic and educational issues affecting Asian Americans in the commonwealth;
  (3) foster unity among Asian-American communities and organizations in the commonwealth by promoting cooperation and sharing of information and encouraging collaboration and joint activities;
  (4) serve as a liaison between government and private interest groups with regard to matters of unique interest and concern to Asian Americans in the commonwealth;
  (5) identify opportunities to expand and improve commercial and cultural ties with Asian nations;
  (6) identify and recommend qualified Asian Americans for appointive positions at all levels of government, including boards and commissions, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate;
  (7) assess programs and practices in all state agencies as they affect Asian Americans, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate;
  (8) advise executive and legislative bodies on the potential effect on Asian Americans of proposed legislation, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate; and
  (9) generally undertake activities designed to enable the commonwealth to realize the full benefit of the skills, talents and cultural heritage of Asian Americans in the commonwealth.
  (e) The commission shall annually, on or before June 2, report the results of its findings and activities of the preceding year and its recommendations to the governor and to the clerks of the senate and house of representatives.
  (f) The powers of the commission shall include, but not be limited, to:
  (1) to use the voluntary and uncompensated services of private individuals, agencies and organizations that may from time to time be offered and needed, including provision of meeting places and refreshments;
  (2) to hold regular, public meetings and to hold fact-finding hearings and other public forums as it considers necessary;
  (3) to direct a staff to perform its duties;
  (4) to establish and maintain offices that it considers necessary, subject to appropriation;
  (5) to enact by-laws for its own governance that are not inconsistent with any general or special law; and
  (6) to recommend policies and make recommendations to agencies and officers of the state and local subdivisions of government to effectuate the purposes of subsection (d).
  (g) The commission may request from all state agencies whatever information and assistance the commission requires.
  (h) The commission may accept and solicit funds, including any gifts, donations, grants, or bequests, or any federal funds for any of the purposes of this section. These funds shall be deposited in a separate account with the state treasurer, be received by the treasurer on behalf of the commonwealth, and be expended by the commission in accordance with law.
  (i) The commission staff shall consist of an executive director, employees, and volunteers who assist the commission in effecting its statutory duties. The commission shall appoint the executive director for a term of 3 years.
Chapter 3: Section 68. Commission on status of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; members; terms; powers and duties; purpose; reports
[ Text of section as amended by 2021, 24, Sec. 4 effective July 1, 2021. For text effective until July 1, 2021, see above.]
  Section 68. (a) There shall be a permanent commission on the status of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders which shall consist of 21 persons as follows: 3 persons to be appointed by the governor; 3 persons to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; 3 persons to be appointed by the president of the senate; 3 persons to be appointed by the state treasurer; 3 persons to be appointed by the state secretary; 3 persons to be appointed by the attorney general; and 3 persons to be appointed by the state auditor. Members of the commission shall be residents of the commonwealth who have demonstrated a commitment to the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community. Members shall be subject to chapter 268A as it applies to special state employees.
  (b) Members shall serve for terms of 3 years and until their successors are appointed. Vacancies in the membership of the commission shall be filled by the original appointing authority for the balance of the unexpired term. All appointments shall be made in consultation with Asian-American and Pacific Islander organizations. Nominations for members shall be solicited by the appointing authorities between August 1 and September 16 of each year through an open application process using a uniform application that is widely distributed throughout the commonwealth.
  (c) The commission shall elect from among its members a chair, a vice chair, a treasurer and any other officers it considers necessary. The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed for any usual and customary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
  (d) The commission shall be a resource to the commonwealth on issues affecting Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities. In furtherance of that responsibility, the commission shall:
  (1) promote research and be a clearinghouse and source of information on issues pertaining to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the commonwealth;
  (2) inform the public and leaders of business, education, human services, health care, state and local governments and the communications media of the unique cultural, social, ethnic, economic and educational issues affecting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the commonwealth;
  (3) foster unity among Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities and organizations in the commonwealth by promoting cooperation and sharing of information and encouraging collaboration and joint activities;
  (4) serve as a liaison between government and private interest groups with regard to matters of unique interest and concern to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the commonwealth;
  (5) identify opportunities to expand and improve commercial and cultural ties with Asian and Pacific Island nations;
  (6) identify and recommend qualified Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for appointive positions at all levels of government, including boards and commissions, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate;
  (7) assess the effect on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders of programs and practices in all state agencies, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate;
  (8) advise executive and legislative bodies on the potential effect on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders of proposed legislation, as the commission considers necessary and appropriate; and
  (9) generally undertake activities designed to enable the commonwealth to realize the full benefit of the skills, talents and cultural heritage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the commonwealth.
  (e) The commission shall annually, not later than June 2, report the results of its findings and activities of the preceding year and its recommendations to the governor and to the clerks of the senate and house of representatives.
  (f) The powers of the commission shall include, but not be limited, to:
  (1) using voluntary and uncompensated services of private individuals, agencies and organizations that may from time to time be offered and needed, including provision of meeting places and refreshments;
  (2) holding regular, public meetings and fact-finding hearings and other public forums as it considers necessary;
  (3) directing a staff to perform its duties;
  (4) establishing and maintaining offices that it considers necessary, subject to appropriation;
  (5) enacting by-laws for its own governance that are not inconsistent with any general or special law; and
  (6) making policy recommendations to agencies and officers of the state and local subdivisions of government to effectuate the purposes of subsection (d).
  (g) The commission may request from all state agencies such information and assistance as the commission requires.
  (h) The commission may accept and solicit funds, including any gifts, donations, grants, or bequests, or any federal funds for any of the purposes of this section. These funds shall be deposited in a separate account with the state treasurer, be received by the treasurer on behalf of the commonwealth and be expended by the commission in accordance with law.
  (i) The commission staff shall consist of an executive director, employees and volunteers who assist the commission in effecting its statutory duties. The commission shall appoint the executive director for a term of 3 years.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title I - Jurisdiction and Emblems of the Commonwealth, the General Court, Statutes and Public Documents

Chapter 3 - The General Court

Section 1 - Records of Votes Cast for Representatives; Certificates of Examination; Duties of State Secretary

Section 2 - Admission of Persons Listed to Take Seats as Representatives

Section 3 - Calling House to Order; Presiding Officer

Section 4 - Unlisted Person May Present Certificate or Evidence of Election

Section 5 - Presentation of Certain Petitions; Notice by Publication; Deposit and Filing of Petition and Bill; Fee

Section 7 - Petitions for Legislation Respecting Corporations

Section 8 - Report on Financial Condition of Town Petitioning to Borrow Outside Statutory Debt Limit

Section 8a - Petition by City or Town Pursuant to Home Rule Amendment; Number of Votes

Section 9b - Additional Regular Compensation for Certain Members

Section 9c - Annual Expenses for Members of General Court

Section 9d - Earned Income Not to Be Received by President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives; Enforcement

Section 10 - Prorating of Additional Compensation and Expenses for Members Filling a Vacancy or Who Resign During a Regular Session

Section 10a - Reimbursement for Special Elections to Fill General Court Vacancies

Section 12 - Clerks, Salary and Tenure

Section 12a - Facsimile Signatures of Clerks

Section 12b - Manual

Section 13 - Assistant Clerks and Clerical Assistance; Appointment, Salary and Tenure

Section 14 - Chaplain of House of Representatives; Salary

Section 15 - Sergeant-at-Arms; Appointment, Tenure and Salary

Section 16 - Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms; Appointment, Duties, Compensation and Removal

Section 17 - Sergeant-at-Arms and Other Legislative Officers and Employees; Duties and Police Powers

Section 18 - Other Legislative Employees; Compensation

Section 19 - Authorized Number of Certain Legislative Employees

Section 20a - Uniforms for Sergeant-at-Arms and Other Employees

Section 21 - Appointment of Employees by Sergeant-at-Arms; Removal

Section 22 - Journals and Papers; Custody; Copies as Evidence

Section 22a - Journals of Senate and House of Representatives; Copies

Section 23 - Bills and Resolves; Form of Engrossment; Printing and Publication; Copies; Distribution

Section 24 - Proposed Constitutional Amendments; Engrossment, Deposit

Section 26 - Ordering of Books or Publications for Members

Section 27 - Oaths Administered by Committee Members

Section 28 - Self-Incriminating Testimony or Evidence Before General Court or Committee; Prosecution

Section 28a - Refusal of Summoned Witness to Appear or Testify; Penalty

Section 29 - Stenographic Reports of Hearings

Section 30 - Expenses Incurred Under General Court Order; Approval

Section 31 - Committee Expenses; Authorization by General Court

Section 32 - Expenses of Committees Acting During Recess

Section 32a - Committees, Sub-Committees and Special Commissions; Travel

Section 33 - Publication of Bulletins of Committee Hearings

Section 35 - Advertisement of Legislative Committee Hearings; Publication

Section 38a - Bills Reported Favorably by Joint or Ways and Means Committees; Fiscal Notes; Cost Limitation

Section 38b - Requests and Recommendations for Appropriations and Capital Outlay Programs or Projects; Public Hearings; Notice

Section 38c - Health Insurance Coverage; Mandated Health Benefit Bills; Review and Evaluation; Report

Section 39 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 39 to 50

Section 41 - Docket of Executive and Legislative Agents and Lobbyists; Educational Seminars for Legislative and Executive Agents;annual Registration Statements; Annual Filing Fee; Identification Cards; Advisory Opinions

Section 42 - Agreements to Pay Compensation Contingent Upon a Decision of an Executive Officer or Upon Passage or Defeat of Legislation Prohibited

Section 43 - Executive and Legislative Agents; Itemized Statement of Expenditures; Notification of Legislators; Public Inspection; Family Gifts Restricted

Section 44 - Registration of Organizations Attempting to Influence Legislation; Statement of Expenditures; Public Inspection; Penalty

Section 45 - Inquiry and Adjudicatory Proceedings Relating to Alleged Violations of Secs. 39 to 50

Section 46 - Docket of Executive and Legislative Agents; Maintenance; Legislative Year

Section 47 - Employers of Executive or Legislative Agents; Statement of Expenditures; Filing; Penalty; Public Inspection

Section 48 - Violation of Secs. 41 to 44 or 47 Respecting Executive or Legislative Agents; Penalties; Prosecutions; Enforcement Procedures

Section 49 - Proceedings to Compel Filing of Proper Statement Required by Secs. 43, 44 or 47;equitable or Mandamus Relief to Enforce Secs. 41 to 43; Speedy Trial

Section 50 - Sections Inapplicable to Public Employees or Agents or Other Persons Requested to Appear Before Committee or Commission

Section 51 - Continuous Consolidation of the General Statutes; Counsel to Senate and House; Appointment; Duties as to Statute Revision, Etc.

Section 52 - Continuous Consolidation of the General Statutes; Counsel's Assistance in Drafting Bills, Etc.

Section 53 - Continuous Consolidation of the General Statutes; Counsel; Proposal of Changes and Corrections; Preparation of Revisions

Section 54 - Continuous Consolidation of the General Statutes; Counsel; Assistance and Expenses

Section 55 - Continuous Consolidation of the General Statutes; Counsel; Exempt From Civil Service

Section 55a - Continuous Consolidation of the General Statutes; General Laws; Correction, Revision, Etc.

Section 62 - Advisory Commission on Local Government

Section 63 - Definitions; Post Audit and Oversight Committees; Powers and Duties; Meetings; Reports; Expenses

Section 64 - Bureaus of Post Audit and Oversight; Legislative Auditors; Quarters; Powers and Duties

Section 65 - Senate Art Committee

Section 66 - Commission on the Status of Women; Membership; Powers; Funding

Section 67 - Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth; Membership; Terms; Powers and Duties

Section 68 - Commission on Status of Citizens of Asian Descent; Members; Terms; Powers and Duties

Section 69 - Commission on Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren; Membership; Powers and Duties; Report

Section 70 - Commission on the Future of the Metropolitan Beaches; Membership; Terms; Powers and Duties; Report

Section 71 - Commission on Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Adults and Their Caregivers

Section 72 - Commission on the Status of African Americans

Section 73 - Commission on the Status of Latinos and Latinas

Section 74 - Commission on the Status of Persons With Disabilities

Section 75 - Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys to Examine Issues Causing a Disproportionally Negative Impact